





ugly 音标:['ʌgli] 读:(用汉语说哈)阿格里

hideous adj. 令人惊骇的; 极其丑陋的,可怕的; 丑恶的,讨厌的

ugly的中文意思是丑陋的,难看的。 ugly的中文意思是丑陋的,难看的。

ugly 英[ˈʌgli] 美[ˈʌɡli] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西) [例句]An ugly old hag appeared. 一位相貌丑陋的老女巫走来。 [其他] 比较... ugly 英[ˈʌgli] 美[ˈʌɡli] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西) [例句]An ugly old hag appeared. 一位相貌丑陋的老女巫走来。 [其他] 比较... adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西) [例句]An ugly old hag appeared. 一位相貌丑陋的老女巫走来。 [其他] 比较级:uglier 最高级:ugliest

丑八怪:Averyuglyperson、uglyperson相貌丑陋的人一、词语重点:ugly二、读音:英[ˈʌgli] 美[ˈʌɡli]三 、词性释义:adj.丑陋的;难看的;有敌意的;不 丑八怪[词典][口]averyuglyperson;anuncomelyuglyfellow;uglymonster;horrible-lookingperson; disfigured[dis'figəd]n.丑八怪 Uglyeightstrange

You are really a pussy in the world. You are really a pussy in the world.

正面 brave kind lovely honest; kindhearted selfless(无私的)反面 selfish(自私的) parsimonious (吝啬的) mean(吝啬的) .cruel(残忍的) shameless(无耻的... 正面 brave kind lovely honest; kindhearted selfless(无私的)反面 selfish(自私的) parsimonious (吝啬的) mean(吝啬的) .cruel(残忍的) shameless(无耻的... parsimonious (吝啬的) mean(吝啬的) .cruel(残忍的) shameless(无耻的) humble (卑贱的) ugly(丑陋的)中性 fast slow tall hard mild soft wide

beautiful美丽的--ugly丑陋的 strong强壮的--weak虚弱的 clever聪明的--foolish愚笨的 tall高的--short矮的 fat胖的--thin/ slim瘦的 long长的--short短的 sweet甜的--bitt... beautiful美丽的--ugly丑陋的 strong强壮的--weak虚弱的 clever聪明的--foolish愚笨的 tall高的--short矮的 fat胖的--thin/ slim瘦的 long长的--short短的 sweet甜的--bitt... strong强壮的--weak虚弱的 clever聪明的--foolish愚笨的 tall高的--short矮的 fat胖的--thin/ slim瘦的 long长的--short短的 sweet甜的--bitter苦的 clean干净的...

美丽comeliness fairness goodliness loveliness pulchritude 漂亮finery presentability prettiness swanky 丑陋ugly 难看malformation 头发类型short long blond curly w... 美丽comeliness fairness goodliness loveliness pulchritude 漂亮finery presentability prettiness swanky 丑陋ugly 难看malformation 头发类型short long blond curly w... fairness goodliness loveliness pulchritude 漂亮finery presentability prettiness swanky 丑陋ugly 难看malformation 头发类型short long blond curly wavy b...

That must be the most ugly thing in the world




shameful 可耻的 Examples Shameful or disgraceful action conduct or character 丑行无耻行为耻辱的不光彩的活动、行为或性格 They considered her ehaviour a shameful piece of snoery 他们认为她为人势利 行为可耻 ugly 丑陋的难看

丑陋 翻译



熊猫 他们来自中国。 现在你想去哪 让我们看看大象。 大象你为什么喜欢大象 哦他们很有趣并且他们真的很聪明。 是啊但是他们也很丑陋 。 噢托尼那么你想去哪 让我们看看熊猫他们的可爱样 。 哦耶我爱熊猫他们很美丽。 但他们也害羞他们在哪儿 他们在左边考拉的对

lets see the pandas firstPandas are my favorite animals Why is that Because theyre very cute lets see th giraffes Why Because theyre interesting Lets see the penguins nowI like penguins Why Because theyre eautiful Lets see the koalas Why do you like Koalas Because theyre very cute WellI like dolphins Why do you like dolphins Because theyre kind of interesing You Knowlions are pretty smart Dolphins are very smarttoo Giraffes and elephants are from Africa Yeahand Koalas are from Australia Where are pandas from Pandas Therre from China Where do you want to go now Lets see the elephants The elephants Why do you like elephants Ohtheyre interestingAnd theyre really clever Yesut theyre uglytoo OhTonySowhere do you want to go Lets see the pandasTheyre kind of cute Ohyeah I love pandasTheyre eautiful But theyre also kind of shyWhere are they Theyre over there on the leftjust across from the Koalas

丑陋 用英语怎么拼啊

丑陋的Ugly illlookingweedydeformedhomely


英语翻译 这是个多么丑陋的世界啊

What an ugly world How ugly the world is




The fake the wicked and the ugly 这样比较好
