





Created In China A Creation of ChinaProduced in ChinaAn Innovation of ChinaChina-Created(Creating)

I'm a toy made in China. I am a toy made in china I am a Chinese-made toys The toy made in China is me.偶真的不知道请你把 china的C大写,不然就是瓷器,谢谢。

我们知道早在公园3000年,就在中国制造了.made in China :中国制造

Made in the World=世界制造.Made in China =中国制造.

“我方已经得到( 中国广东)木井方木制工厂" (专门为)新加坡(国家制造的)其中一个木工刨,这个木工刨的质量非常的精湛,一点也不像我们当地.达科他(美国过去一地区名,现分为南... “我方已经得到( 中国广东)木井方木制工厂" (专门为)新加坡(国家制造的)其中一个木工刨,这个木工刨的质量非常的精湛,一点也不像我们当地.达科他(美国过去一地区名,现分为南... (专门为)新加坡(国家制造的)其中一个木工刨,这个木工刨的质量非常的精湛,一点也不像我们当地.达科他(美国过去一地区名,现分为南、北达科他州)的木工刨.也不像我们...

~ make sth+形容词 表示将xxx变得xxx Cellphone makes life better手机让生活变得更美好 希望对同学有帮助~

He has a book whose cover is very nice .They often talk about the things that they are interested in .We should help those who are in need of help .Li Ming was ... He has a book whose cover is very nice .They often talk about the things that they are interested in .We should help those who are in need of help .Li Ming was ... a book whose cover is very nice .They often talk about the things that they are interested in .We should help those who are in need of help .Li Ming was...

字(梵... 现在盛行的说法是China源自“秦”的梵语译音Chin,此说源自十七世纪传教士卫匡国(Martino Martini, 1655)。但是在这之前,根本没有任何资料记载这种说法。 那外族到底... 外族到底叫中国什么? 现在盛行的说法是China源自“秦”的梵语译音Chin,此说源自十七世纪传教士卫匡国(Martino Martini, 1655)。但是在这之前,根本没有任何资料记载... 现在国内很多专家学者,都把Chin当作China的词源,但是基本上是看着这两个词很像,而且,秦的韦氏英语就是Chin,所以就把China 和Chin当成一回事了,我觉得这非常不严谨,...

Discussions on the reasons for China's loss of manufacturing advantages and its future developing direction Discussions on the reasons for China's loss of manufacturing advantages and its future developing direction

The world manufacturing transfer, China is becoming the world factory. The United States, Germany, South Korea and other countries have the industrialization de... The world manufacturing transfer, China is becoming the world factory. The United States, Germany, South Korea and other countries have the industrialization de... world manufacturing transfer, China is becoming the world factory. The United States, Germany, South Korea and other countries have the industrializatio...


你好我是农村多肉小昊很高兴为你解答。I am made in China或者 Im made in China楼主注意China中C要大写这样表示中国如果小写句子就有语法错误因为china专指瓷器China中国 china瓷器更多专业的科普知识欢迎关注我。如果喜欢我的回答也请给我赞或转发你们的鼓


中国制造的英文是made in China。例句这艘轮船是中国制造的。翻译This ship was made in China重点词汇makemade是make的过去式英 meɪk美 meɪk v 做制造使得赚钱成功达成n 性格式样制造生产量例句In the old China we cant even make a nail let alone machines


“中国制造”的英文Made in ChinaMade 读法 英 meɪd 美 meɪd 作形容词的意思是 制造的捏造的拼成的肯定会成功的词汇搭配1、made to measure定做的2、made to order定制的3、lie in the ed one has made自作自受4、made out of whole cloth纯属虚构5、espoke预定的扩


MADE IN CHINA “中国制造” 英文标识“MADE IN CHINA”是中国对外出口商品的重要标志它的使用极为广泛包括日用品、工业产品等各个方面。 据中国历代陶瓷款识大典一书记载民国时期开始出现了英文“CHINA中国”的底款。这是中国瓷器最早出现的出口商品英文标


还是有区别的。MADE IN CHINA指原产地在中国即原料是中国的整个制造过程也是在中国完成的。而MANUFACTURED IN CHINA多用于转口贸易和三来一补等加工贸易方式。一般如使用MANUFACTURED IN CHINA的话多指原材料是由国外提供只是在中国完成加工装配这一过程。