





翻译 保密协议 高手进

本协议应符合协议双方各自继承人及允许受让方包括继任人以及直接继承人和受让人的利益并对其具有约束力但前提是在未得到另一方的明确书面同意下任何一方不可转让本协议及协议双方的权利和义务。 10 双方同意另一方不行使或延迟行使本协议下的任何权利、权力或特

9 This Agreement shall inure to the enefit of and e inding upon the respective successors and permitted assigns including successive as well as immediate successors and assigns of each party hereto provided however that his Agreement and the rights and oligations of the parties hereunder may not e assigned y either party without the express written consent of the other party 10 Each party agrees that no failure or delay y the other in exercising any right power or privilege hereunder will operate as a waiver thereof or the exercise of any other right power or privilege hereunder 11 The provisions of this Agreement may e modified or waived only y a separate writing signed y the parties hereto expressly so modifying or waiving such provisions 12 This Agreement shall e governed y and construed in accordance with the internal sustantive laws of the State of Ohio without regard to conflicts of laws principles 13 This Agreement may e executed in separate counterparts all of which considered together shall constitute a single instrument IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties y their duly authorized officers have executed this Agreement as of the date first aove written


本协议期内A与B传输的任何保密信息需严格保密未经任何一方或其客户若适用同意不得泄露给任何人除A与B公司的需要了解保密信息的职员外。 other than是除了的意思。 on a “need to know”asis of是基于“需要知道”的意思。 if applicale若适用 注法律翻译无需一字一句

A and B will keep confidential any and all Confidential Information exchanged etween the Parties during the course of this Agreement and will not divulge the same to any person other than to those of their employees who require the Confidential Information on a “need to know” asis without the consent of the other Party or if applicale the Client 尤其是括号中的翻译 可追加

经过长期的和平谈判两国最终达成了协议 汉译英

The two countries finally reached an agreement after long and peaceful talks



She is engaged in trade in a Japenese susidiary firm in Beijing XX Company with an annual income of XXXX yuan




美国政府无视中方的多次严正交涉于2010年1月29日正式向美国国会通报新的对台军售计划总额近64亿美元。美方的这一错误决定 ①损害了中国国家安全利益和统一大业 ②粗暴干涉了中国内政 ③说明中美两国没有共同的利益 ④行使了主权国家的权利 A ①②B ③④C ①③D ①④


1Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations sent a letter to UN SecretaryGeneral reiterates oneChina principle 2Beijing has ecome a sleepless city



US Customs and Border ProtectionCPBDear sir47madameWe would like to make a correction of the value of the article numer 99999 Due to a computation error in the currency rate rather than 25000the value of the article should e around 20000 which is equivalent to RMB



We should well protect our personal and family information and keep them confidential 供参考