






Pass the parcelblindfold portray/blindfold drawingGuessing/Wordquake(Wordquake主要表示猜字谜)

分析一下句子的成分,句子中所用到语法,和句子中的一些比较常用的单词、短语.当然,最重要的是将句子翻译一下,并且讲述清楚此句可以用在葚麼情况(语境)下,便于地下同学理解.... 分析一下句子的成分,句子中所用到语法,和句子中的一些比较常用的单词、短语.当然,最重要的是将句子翻译一下,并且讲述清楚此句可以用在葚麼情况(语境)下,便于地下同学理解....

老师,同学们好.-》建议说,上午好或下午好Good morning/afternoon, my dear teacher and classmates今天我要读的短文并不是我自己写的,但它写的确很美Today I am going to r... 老师,同学们好.-》建议说,上午好或下午好Good morning/afternoon, my dear teacher and classmates今天我要读的短文并不是我自己写的,但它写的确很美Today I am going to r... morning/afternoon, my dear teacher and classmates今天我要读的短文并不是我自己写的,但它写的确很美Today I am going to read a short passage. Although it is...


你参考下: Goodevening,boys and girls! Today,we will have a debating competition about......and I am honor to stand here for the openning ceremony.........Now I ... Today,we will have a debating competition about......and I am honor to stand here for the openning ceremony.........Now I will ask you a question(一辩反方)....... Highriskareas:thereasonareasfollows:firstly,therearemanyinjuriescausedinwork;secondly,high-riskworkcanbereplacedbytherobotsothatpersonalsafetycanbeensure...

The General Prologue 总序言 总序 一本书最开始的序言

1. The earth is actually the only beautiful planet with many kinds of lives.2. So, how to decrease the speed of exploiting resources and protect our beatiful ea... 1. The earth is actually the only beautiful planet with many kinds of lives.2. So, how to decrease the speed of exploiting resources and protect our beatiful ea... earth is actually the only beautiful planet with many kinds of lives.2. So, how to decrease the speed of exploiting resources and protect our beatiful e...

Hrllo everyone.I'm in grade one.I come from china,I made in china,As a chinese boy/girl I love my motherland it breeding me I will study hard I will Reflect cre... Hrllo everyone.I'm in grade one.I come from china,I made in china,As a chinese boy/girl I love my motherland it breeding me I will study hard I will Reflect cre... everyone.I'm in grade one.I come from china,I made in china,As a chinese boy/girl I love my motherland it breeding me I will study hard I will Reflect c...

我可以回答:Robert is 175 cm high and his weight is 75 kilograms,with thick lips and white teeth.Since his skin is quite dark,you can hardly see him at nigh if h... 我可以回答:Robert is 175 cm high and his weight is 75 kilograms,with thick lips and white teeth.Since his skin is quite dark,you can hardly see him at nigh if h... is 175 cm high and his weight is 75 kilograms,with thick lips and white teeth.Since his skin is quite dark,you can hardly see him at nigh if he doesn't ...


开场白1 prologue2 prolusion其它相关解释 例句与用法1 他以“晚上好”开始了他的开场白。He egan his prologue y saying "good night"2 说几句开场白会很合适的。A few words of introduction may not come amiss3 由于紧张他的开场白说得结结巴巴。Because of his nervousne


当下舆论似乎过多地被双方开场白阶段针锋相对的报道所渲染这就把这场对话的全面性 、建设性意义抵消或掩盖了。 首先举行对话本身体现了中美双方都有见面沟通的愿望美方发出邀请就说明美方意愿甚至更强一些。从现在来看双方在第一场对话中争锋相对、坦承各自立场之后在



“你来或者不来我就在这里。”外交部发言人在谈及美国总统奥巴马亚太之行不包括中国时这样说 。下列选项与这句话所蕴含的哲理相一致的是A人在桥上走桥流水不流B结庐在人境而无车马喧C旧竹生新笋新花长旧枝D据器而道存离器而道毁

急求英美法开庭 对白 资料英语的

克莱默夫妇 似是故人来 中都有审判情节希望有用

英美法老师让我们用英语模拟开庭 可以是电影中的片段 谢谢大家提供资料 电影名称 剧本 之类 的


开场 前面几位说的都很好但尊敬的各位评委请不要急着打分因为我才是最棒的今天我有点紧张大家给我点掌声好吗谢谢大家的支持首先我先自我介绍一下我是。现在记不住没关系过了明儿晚上相信大家要想忘记我都很难调动场内气氛给评委留个好印象争点印象分 面带


I don39t rememer Oama39s original words ut he approved the friendly relationship etween U S and China to that effect



老外喜欢直接但是你要他帮忙也要先说明来意最好不要直接说可以聊聊不。 开头可以是Excuse me i want to practice my spoken english are you free now could you talk with me for a few minutes

想学习英语也没怎么和老外对话过。英语好的大咖们帮我看看我这样说合适不Can i talk with you for a momentOKwhat do you want to talkwhatevercan you speak chinesejust littlei wanna improve my poor english