







跨文化交际 李成明 翻译

Crosscultural Communication Li Chengming

听力原文 The meeting kicked off with WTO DirectorGeneral Pasca


听力原文 The meeting kicked off with WTO DirectorGeneral Pascal Lamy telling memers that despite wide differences going into the talks there is hope for an agreement Speaking aove the shouting of demonstrators he said it is possile for participants to walk away from these talks with something in hand "But for that some risks have to e taken "said Pascal Lamy "A popular Chinese prover says ff you don"t go in the cave with the tiger how will you get its cu In other words nothing ventured nothing gained" Negotiations are deadlocked primarily over demands y poor countries that richer ones lieralize farm trade while wealthy nations want developing economies to open markets to industrial products and services More than a dozen antigloalization activists managed to get into the opening ceremony where they shouted slogans and held written signs including some that said "WTO Go to Hell" Negotiations come to a standstill ecause Apoor countries lieralize farm trade Brich countries lieralize farm trade Cdeveloping countries want wealthy nations to open markets to industrial products and services Dwealthy nations want developing countries to open markets to industrial products and services 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢


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高考中越爆发战争实乃下策 正中美国计害自己 英语翻译

The more an exercise in the worst of the outreak of war in the middle of the US victims of their own account 谢谢采纳


1Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations sent a letter to UN SecretaryGeneral reiterates oneChina principle 2Beijing has ecome a sleepless city



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