








We39ll meet Captain Charles Alison at Portsmouth Harour eary tomorrow moring 我们将在明天早上会见查尔斯艾莉森船长He will e in his small oatTopsailHe will leave at eight o39clockWe39ll say goodye to him 他会在一艘小船上上桅帆。他会在8点的时候离开然后我

We39ll meet Captain Charles Alison at Portsmouth Harour eary tomorrow moringHe will e in his small oatTopsailHe will leave at eight o39clockWe39ll say goodye to himHe will take part in an importantrace across the Atlantic


F …And you have agreed to take on all four memers of our existing IT Department We have confirmed the appointment of Bernard Lagisquet as your onsite IT manager你们已经同意雇佣我们目前信息技术部门的四名员工。我们已经确定任命伯纳德•拉基斯克尔特为你们的现场信息技

F …And you have agree to take on all four memers of our existing IT Department We have confirmed the appointment of Bernard Lagisquet as your onsite IT managerK Wait a minute Francoise This isn’t confirmed We want to see if he’s the right personF He is the est candidateS He’s the only candidateK And he’ll e an Okus employee so we’d like to interview himF OK Yes A contingency sum will e agreed at the eginning of the year for urgent IT project and I will e responsile for authorizing any spendingK Will this e in the contractS No I guess that aout does it It’s een a very productive day – a definite resultF I’m very pleased we managed to solve my staff prolems I don’t think there’s anything more…K I think there are a couple of things a system for payment and employment contractsS You and Francoise can do that y phone How aout we order you a taxiK Could we just…A Thanks Sean If we go fairly soon we can get the earlier flightK What are you doing There’s no way we’re finished hereA Come on Karen let’s just cut our losses and go home while we’ve still got somethingS You should make that dinner Ten minutesA ExcellentF I’m afraid I have to go Andrew a pleasure to meet youA LikewiseK Francoise I really think…F Karen I will call you tomorrow I think we have made excellent progress todayS We should e going tooA Yes let’s go KarenK Yes we can’t do any more here can we

翻译神器 中译英

English as the most commonly used language has adapted many foreign vocaularies along its development in the history Forgein elements in English vocaularies will expand and progress along with the evolving of modern societies This article aims to study the sources categories and

在线等 求信得过的英语翻译英语作为世界的最常用的通用语言在发展的历史当中追根溯源会发现英语在发展中是结合了很多外来词汇。而当社会在发展的过程中英语词汇中的外来词汇会随着现实中潮流的影响而扩大词汇量。本文通过对英语词汇中外来词汇的来源以及种类、影响进行研究


Aware of honor and shame emphasize good manners and civility estalish new living atmosphere creat harmony good manners are past on among all of us civility is improved with contriution from all people civilization makes flowers more fragrant civilization makes grass greener c

知荣辱讲文明树新风创和谐 礼貌传递你我他文明行动靠大家。 花儿因文明而芬芳小草因文明而嫩绿大树因文明而挺拔。



我想找一个在聊天过程中我们打中文其可以自动翻译成英文的聊天软件请各路高人指点。 。。谢谢


Mike Kang Kang and Wang Junfeng play footall on the grass they are on their way home Mike had an accident and fell down Wang Junfeng called to ring him to the hospital Kang Kang called Mikeaposs parents Mikeaposs foot fracture his parents to take care of him Two weeks



