






ll ack you up综合改为下面对话MMy dear little Tomyour footall skill is getting etter and etterTThanks Mom I will e the est in the futureMWhy are you so confidentTBecause my dream is to ecome a professional footall player and I can play for ChelseaMOhmy dear I39ll ac

帮忙编一个对话用上piay for这个知识点不要太长一人三句话左右就好两人对话play for是效力于的意思


Sarah 我学英语都快六年了仍感觉发音非常难学。你觉得我是不是应该重点学习地道的英语发音 BILL我认为在学习英语最重要的是让人听得懂 。对大多数学生来说没必要的和外国人的发单完全一样。 SARAH但我想毕业后做个口语翻译我想发音对我来说非常重要。 BILL那也对对

SarahI have een learning English for aout six yearsI still find pronunciation very hardDo you think I should aim to speak English with a native—spea ker pron u nciation Bill I thinkin learning Englishthe most impor tant thing is to e understood easilyFor most learnersit is not necessary to speak Iike a native。speaker SarahBut 1 want to e an interpreter after gradua tionI think pronunciation is quite important for me ’ BillThat’s trueFor those who want to e teachers or interpretersan ideal pronuncia tlOn is the ultimate goaI 一 SarahIfind some children do not want to speak English with a native—speaker pronunciation BiII I n generalchildren can imitate strange sounds very easily wellHoweverit is true that most children do not want to sound “English"when they are speaking English SarahYesI found that too。I iust wonder why they don’t want to sound“English’’ Bill I think the main reason is that most of them want to elong to a groupEven if a child can speak English like a nativespeak erhe or she wilI usually choose not to— unless the rest of the group speak with a native—speak pronunciation SarahAdults usually find pronunciation very diffi— cultthough they try very hard to imitate the native—speaker pronunciation Bill Many reasons have een offered for the difficulties which many adults find with pro nunciationBut if an adult really wants to a— chieve a native—speaker pronunciationhe or she can SarahReallyThis encourage me greatlyBut I still find it’s hard for adultsI don’t know why Bill I think the main reason is that adult students have a strong sense of nationa l i— dentity SarahA sense of national identityI don’t quite understand it BillThevy want to identified as a German or Brazilian speaking EnglishIn my opinion this sense of national identity is mOre im— portant than other explanationssuch as the greater anxiety of adults or the effect Of their own language haits sarahMaye you are rightAnyway1 wilItry to perfect my English pronunciatiOn


我翻译好ㄋ看看 理查德您好罗伯特很久没有看到你了 你怎么样 罗伯特不错啊我读过一本书有关环境污染旳我越加意识到美国面临的问题 。 理查德対啊随着技术旳发展 污染正在成为美国面临的一个紧急问题。 罗伯特特别是汽车你知道汽车加剧ㄋ大气污染和 噪音污染。 理查

RichardHelloRoertI haven’t seen you fOr a long timeHow are things going with youRoertNot too adI’ve read a ook On envirOn mental pollution recently1 ecome more ‘ aware of the prolems facing US。 RichardThat’S trueWith the development of technologypollution is ecoming an‘ur gent issue facing USRoertEspecially the automoileyou knowthe automoile contriutes a lot to air and noise pollutionRichardYesWe are now living in quite a ad en wronmentWe reathe the polluted air We drin k the polluted waterWe eat the polluted foods RoertMany diseasestoday are caused y pOI 1utionRichardSo now we should do something aout the serious pollution if we wa nt to live a etter lifeRoertThat is just what I am thinkingThe ook says ln many parts of the worldpeople ecome more aware of the prolemand they apply new technology to solving the pollution prolem RichardYou mean there is still hope for the fu tureBut I just want to know what tech nology will help with pollution contr01RoertWellA variety of choicesThe ook Ive read says that certain types of acteria can help control some pollution pro IemsRichardOhHow interestingI thought acteria just caused diseasesHow could they help control the pollutionRoertThat’S not trueSome scientists have found that certain strains of acteria can “eat”petroleum productssuch as oil and gasolineRichardOhDo tell me how it worksRoertThey ingest the petroleum and excrete hydrogen and oxygenleaving a clean en vironment ehind themRichardIn this caseair can e much cleaner Could they use those little ugs to clean’ up ig oil spills RoertThat’S for su reThey have een proven to e the most successful method of cleaning the landased oil spills and are also useful for marine spillsRichardWowHow amazingAre there any other types of pollution those microes like to eatRoertYesthey have een used to remove ar senic from the sludge produced y gold mining operationsRichardPerhaps those acteria will eventually save the world


A Hey thats a eautiful ag youve got Is it genuine Louis Vuitton 嘿你的包太漂亮了是LV的真货吗 B No are you kidding I cant afford the real thing Its a fake that I got at a street market on the cheap 不是你别开完笑了。我买不起真货这是我从街上小摊买的一个便宜的仿冒货

A Hey thats a eautiful ag youve got Is it genuine Louis Vuitton B No are you kidding I cant afford the real thing Its a fake that I got at a street market on the cheap C But dont you feel ad supporting pirates I mean pirated stuff undercuts companies which produce the real things B So should we all drive Ferraris There are those who can afford to and those who cant Those who cant uy a cheaper sports car and paint it Ferrarired Pirated stuff is for those too poor to afford the real thing C I think it is illegal B What Illegal to want to look good A No illegal to own sell and aove all manufacture fakes Its like copyright if you author a ook you dont want someone else to print and sell it for their own profits do you B I see what you mean aout ooks ut if I write a novel I hope its read y as many people as possile so I price it so that its accessile to the most But designer luxury items are priced eyond most peoples means they are not intended for the general pulic ut for the elite few And thats why I dont care aout supporting pirated luxury items C What aout pirated textooks A photocopy of the original at a tenth of the price Would you uy that Furthermore what aout music I mean CDs and the like B Um I guess youre right there Its not fair to exploit the work of other authors and producers But I still wish they wouldnt price their products so high


女爸爸你很爱我对不对 父当然呃你的小脑袋里又有什么新奇的想法 女嗯我在报纸上看到了一款免费手机的促销活动。 父免费没有任何东西是免费的 女但是这款手机是免费的。交的50元以后会返还给我。 父哦这倒不错。但是你为什么非要一部手机不可呢 女爸爸。。 。

DaughterDad You love me don’t you FatherOf course I do Ah… what’s on your mind DaughterWell I saw this great offer for a free phone here in the newspaper and … FatherFree Nothing’s ever free DaughterWell the phone is free … after the50 I pay is returned to me FatherAh so that’s the catch And why on earth do you need a phone DaughterDad All my friends have one FatherAh I don’t know They always charge a lot for the service DaughterBut the monthly charge for this service is only2999 with 1000 free weekday minutes nationwide and unlimited weekend minutes FatherI don’t know DaughterPlease Dad With the new phone you won’t have to worry aout me while I’m driving the new car FatherNew car What new car DaughterThe new car you’ll need to uy so I can use the phone


I do not listen carefully please say that again please

“我没有听清楚请再说一遍好吗” 翻译成英语怎么说用在英语对话中


A你曾经去过乡村吗Have you ever een in the country B是的。我去过YesI have A你比较喜欢乡村生活还是城市生活Which kind of life do you preferin the country or in the city B我比较喜欢乡村生活。The first one A那乡村的生活怎么样Whats the life in the country B在乡村的早

A你曾经去过乡村吗 B是的。我去过。 A你比较喜欢乡村生活还是城市生活 B我比较喜欢乡村生活。 A那乡村的生活怎么样 B在乡村的早上可以享受到新鲜的空气。 A恩城市的空气太污浊了。那乡村生活和城市生活还有什么不同的呢 B在那里人们可以吃到一些新鲜的蔬菜、肉和鱼。 还有在乡村生活是非常宁静的人们在乡村是更加接近大自然的。 A那里有什么可以娱乐的活动 B想比较在城市生活那就比较少了。不过我们可以在农场里看到牛、羊、猪等等。 也可以学习到怎样种植庄稼和蔬菜。在农场里也可以饲养家禽。 A听起来很不错 。 B我正准备去那里过夏天。你是不是要加入我呢你要不要和我一起去那里 A好的 。那真是太棒了。 请翻译这篇对话。看看有没有200个左右的单词其实150几左右就够了 。 翻译的好的能用的我会加分的。 对话的论点是乡村生活和城市生活里优点和缺点。 这篇对话我这周五之前要用所以很急的。 我在这里先谢谢各位了 注如果有要我自己干的人请不要说话 。飘过即可。 谢谢