






打字测试用86五笔 。拼音用智能拼音。用的是他的电脑统一的 金山打字通里面的文章

打完上一行下一行就自动会转换输入法这么办 打完上一行下一行就自动会转换输入法这么办 展开


1否定的现在进行时句末用yet 2、e加形容词选C 3、so助动词代词“谁也是”选A 4选D 5、A为了 6、D 7、D



years is an art in on My irthday was irthday was






1Theyll go to Londonfora holiday this winter 2The tale is coveredwitha eautiful talecloth 3The plane enales you to travel to ShenZheninaout two hours 4America is a leaderinmany ffields领域

一用介词填空。 1Theyll go to Londona holiday this winter 2The tale is covereda eautiful talecloth 3The plane enales you to travel to ShenZhenaout two hours 4America is a leadermany ffields领域


D nsp2 B nsp3 A nsp4D nsp5C nsp6 nspD nsp7 D nsp8 D nsp 9 B nsp 10 D nsp 11 A nsp12 C nsp nsp13 C nsp 14 A nsp nsp15 B nsp 16 B nsp nsp17 nspA nsp 18 nsp A nsp19 nspA ns

一、单项选择题 1、He was specifically asked to write a play that would e to the local community A flexile B accessile C responsile D capale 2、It has een found that a strong help overcome the effects of distraction A interruption B motivation C evaluation D destination 3、The farming methods have een improved with the invention of the new machine A efficiently B proficiently C professionally D intentionally 4、The cloth had a natural look which perfectly the image Laura sought A turned out B set down C thought over D coincided with 5、The vehicle was traveling at speeds 90 miles per hour A in addition to B in view of C in excess of D in search of 6 、That proposal is essentially irrelevant the issue at hand A with B from C in D to 7、The outline of rooftops and chimneys against the pale sky A pulled out B looked out C held out D stood out 8、The students are required to the main ideas of the article in their own words A symolize B minimize C synchronize D summarize 9、 that the scientist will give us a talk next month A Is true B Is it true C It’s true D It’s truly 10、You are the most direct young woman I have ever A come to B come into C come over D come across 11、It is vital that the work in time A is done B e done C are done D was done 12、 is known to allChina will e an powerful country in 20 or 30 years’ time AThatadvancing BThisadvanced CAsadvanced DItadvancing 13、When water will e turned into steam A heated B heating C eing heat D having heated 14 、Please write a report the aove sujects are to e covered A which B in which C that D in that 15、This is the most eautiful village I visited these years A which B where C in which D that 16、 could you get me a Turkish conversation ook A In this way B By the way C In no way D In any way 17、The oceans do not so much divide the world unite it A as B that C ut D like 18、Basicallythese attitudes amount to a elief leisure can and should e put to good use Awhich Bthat Cwhat Dhow 19 、The professor worked for 7 hours at a Astretch Bextend Cexpand Dprol 20、If an earthquake occurredsome of the onestorey houses Amight e left stand Bmight leave to e standing Cmight e left to stand Dmight e left standing



一些学习英语的网站 就是类似出题出各种中文句子 然后我们试着翻译成英文然后测试打分 之类的。。、 有哪些好的英语学习的网站


1 英语里面有多少个英文字母2 如果有八个苍蝇放在桌上我杀死其中一只。现在还有多少苍蝇摆在桌面上。 3 有一天晚上一个小偷在鲍比的住房。鲍比正在阅读英文信 "OIC U "小偷就逃跑了。你知不知道为什么呢 4 如果你的叔叔的妹妹不是你的姑姑那她是谁 5 什么总是上升并

英语回家作业上有这样几道题 1How many letters are there in "English" 2If there are eight flies on the taleI kill one of How many flies are left on the tale now 3One nighta thief is in Boys houseBoy is reading English letters"OICU"The thief runs Do you know why 4If your uncles sister is not your auntwho is she 5What always goes up and never goes down 6What letter should appear next YWTP 这是我花了5分钟打出来的好累如有不懂需请教可以Q我哈我全会