






书包的英文翻译是schoolbag。 词汇分析 音标:英 ['skuːlbæɡ] 美 [ˈskulˌbæɡ] 释义:书包 短语 schoolbag magazine 笔记本 My Schoolbag 我的书包 Schoolbag Rack... 书包的英文翻译是schoolbag。 词汇分析 音标:英 ['skuːlbæɡ] 美 [ˈskulˌbæɡ] 释义:书包 短语 schoolbag magazine 笔记本 My Schoolbag 我的书包 Schoolbag Rack...

书包在桌子里面:The schoolbag is in the table.扩展资料schoolbag的例句:Every school day, we use schoolbags to carry all of our things to school.每天上学,我们都用... Can you imagine what future schoolbags will be like?你能想象未来的`书包会是什么样子吗?People consider the bamboo boxes to be the earliest schoolbags.人们认为竹... 你能想象未来的`书包会是什么样子吗?People consider the bamboo boxes to be the earliest schoolbags.人们认为竹盒子是最早的书包 。I put the paper into my sch...

书包[词典]schoolbag;satchel;[例句]那个男学生打开门,把他的书包甩了进去。Theschoolboyopenedthedoorandflunghissatchelin. 书包[词典]schoolbag;satchel;[例句]那个男学生打开门,把他的书包甩了进去。Theschoolboyopenedthedoorandflunghissatchelin.

书包英语单词是:schoolbag 读音:英 ['skuːlbæɡ] 美 [ˈskulˌbæɡ] n. 书包 相关短语: your schoolbag 你的书包 wear schoolbag 背书包 Schoolbag Lighter 书包变... 书包英语单词是:schoolbag 读音:英 ['skuːlbæɡ] 美 [ˈskulˌbæɡ] n. 书包 相关短语: your schoolbag 你的书包 wear schoolbag 背书包 Schoolbag Lighter 书包变...

书包的英文是"schoolbag",其中"school"表示学校,"bag"表示袋子,组合在一起表示书包。这个词是一个复合词,由两个单词组合而成。 而"school bag"则是"schoolbag"的另一种... 书包的英文是"schoolbag",其中"school"表示学校,"bag"表示袋子,组合在一起表示书包。这个词是一个复合词,由两个单词组合而成  。 而"school bag"则是"schoolbag"的另一种...

尺子、铅笔、橡皮、书包的英语单词分别是:Ruler、 pencil、 eraser 、schoolbag pencil 读法 英 ['pensl] 美 ['pensl] n. 铅笔;笔状物 vt. 用铅笔写 例句 1、... 尺子、铅笔、橡皮、书包的英语单词分别是:Ruler、 pencil、 eraser 、schoolbag pencil 读法 英 ['pensl] 美 ['pensl] n. 铅笔;笔状物 vt. 用铅笔写 例句 1、...

shcoolbag:abagforcarryingschoolbooksandsuppliesshcoolbag:携带课本和用品的袋子satchel:Asmallbag,oftenhavingashoulderstrap,usedforcarryingbooksorclothing一个小袋... 书包的英文:schoolbag


书包的英文单词是schoolag详细信息如下schoolag 英 skulæg 美 ˈskulˌæɡn书包例句This term I also had to get a new schoolag and pencil case这学期我还得买新书包和铅笔盒。Do you see my schoolag No Is it in chair你看见我的书包了吗没有在椅子上吗


书包用英语schoolag关于书包的英语例文如下My ag is my good friend It’s red and ig There is a Mickey Mouse on the ag How lovelyIt has got two straps for my shoulder and it has got six pocketsMy ooks my pencilox and exercise –ooks are all in my ag It helps me a lotEv


I have a ackpack It is large and it is lue It is a irthday gift from my parents I love it very much It is very quothardworkingquot ecause I keep all my school things in it It is very heavy It is with all the time during school days It is a good friend of mine



schoolag satchel school ag ook ag 书包的用法例句 1 慢条斯理地雨薇我可以成为你的双肩为你整理书包 。 S2Yuwei I want to e your shoulders and carry the ag for you 2 他买了一个新书包。 Yeni ir okul antas ald 3 沉重的书包压得那小学生歪向一边。 The heavy ag


“书包”的英语读音schoolag 英 skuːlæɡ 美 ˈskulˌæɡ例句1Mother ought a new schoolag for me yesterday 昨天妈妈给我买了一个新书包。2Yes Id like that Mickey schoolag in the shop window 是的我喜欢橱窗里的那只米奇牌的书包。3Sure Theyre in my schoola


1、schoolag英 skuːlæg 美 skuːlˌæg2、例句My schoolag has helped me a lot in my study我的书包已经帮了我很多在我的书房里。3 、其他复数schoolags