





Sport or Spectacle Muhammad Ali is proaly the most famous


Sport or Spectacle Muhammad Ali is proaly the most famous sports figure on earth he is recognized on every continent and y all generations The diagnosis of his illness 51 Parlonson’s disease after his retirement fuelled the deate aout the dangers of oxing and criticism 52 the sport That plus his outspoken opposition 53 women’s oxing made people wonder how he would react when one of his daughters decided to take 54 the sport His presence at Laila’s first professional fight 55 seemed to roadcast her father’s support Of course Muhammnad Ali wanted to watch his daughter fight The ring announcer introduced him as the "the greatest" and as he sat down at the ringside the crowd chanted Twentyoneyearold Laila’s deut fight was a huge success and there was as much pulicity for the fight 56 her father’s fights once attracted 57 Laila’s opponent was much weaker than she was and the fight lasted just 31 seconds Since then Laila has won most of her fights y knocking out her opponent "She knows 58 she’s doing all fight "said one referee aout her "She knows aout moving well You can see some of her dad’s moves" Laila Ali would rather not compare herself 59 her father She prefers to make her own 60 Her father supports her decision to enter the sport ut he has not spared her the details of what can happen Laila realizes that her father wants her to understand the 61 possile scenario to see 62 she still wants to go forward with it She knows she’s going to get hit hard at times that she may get a roken nose or a swollen face ut at least she is prepared for it Laila’s decision to start oxing 63 her father’s struggle with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease has of course sparked a mixture of deate and 64 But Laila is a feisty and determined individual and it is that as much as her famous last name that has made her a magnet for worldwide media attention Of course the 65 on the oxing scene of a woman with her family history attracts even more questions aout whether women’s oxing is sport or spectacleifmatwhatD、how


翻译的质量关键看译者字数方面一般和篇幅有关不排除意外。托尔斯泰的小说草婴翻译的不错另外上海译文出版社 、人民文学出版社 、译林出版、重庆文艺出版社翻译的质量都还不错


穆斯林 阿拉伯语 翻译

toyota 合资摩托车 出厂日期1993 这辆车符合截止出厂时颁布的所有汽车外部测量标准 区别号码 种类摩托车

ltpgt有那位人才能帮我翻译一些这张图片里面的东西呢好多好多分感谢ltpgt ltpgt 希望越快越好ltpgt ltpgtltpgt


古尔·穆罕默德 Gul Mohammed Kile Gul Mohammad 基利古尔·穆罕默德




7买买提在新疆维吾尔族语中有“穆罕默德”之意在维吾尔族中不少人的名字都有买买提这几个字。维吾尔族信奉的宗教是 A 道教B 佛教C 基督教D 伊斯兰教


dil 心tu 是个介词hai 是ka 的aitdar 相信mat 别kijie 做 do some thing 这句话有诗方面的意思就是别相信你心的话按照乌尔都语的性格一般爱情方面用这种语气。比如一个人非常爱另外一个人但她却不爱他他还是不想放弃一直想到死爱她永远支持她这样的情况下不应该听



In analogy In the same analogy from this point to the other point following this logic of deduction following this line of deduction following this process of reasoning 以此类推 解释 由这点推想到其他类似的情况。文明小史˙第二十五回先生不信拣几个岛名试试他果然记得那真

穆斯林 阿拉伯语 翻译

toyota 合资摩托车出厂日期1993这辆车符合截止出厂时颁布的所有汽车外部测量标准区别号码种类摩托车


