






亲爱的简和鲍勃我写信给你们是为了邀请你们于12月4号,也就是星期六来参加我十八岁的生日party,我将会在饭店同几个好朋友一起吃饭庆祝然后在我自己家举办一个party,如果你们... 亲爱的简和鲍勃我写信给你们是为了邀请你们于12月4号,也就是星期六来参加我十八岁的生日party,我将会在饭店同几个好朋友一起吃饭庆祝然后在我自己家举办一个party,如果你们... mis,是一家非常不错的意大利餐馆.聚会将在下午七点半开始.有辆火车你们可以搭载,它离开伦敦利物浦街的时间是下午五点,到达剑桥在下午六点四十五.欢迎你们的到来

If you have a budget limit, You can choose home stay for like one or two months. You can also rent one bedroom from some personal owners and the price will be m... If you have a budget limit, You can choose home stay for like one or two months. You can also rent one bedroom from some personal owners and the price will be m...

以下是一些酒店中常用的英语单词: 住宿: 房间:酒店内供客人睡觉的私人空间。 套房:更大、更豪华的房间类型,通常带有独立的起居区。 单人间:配备一张床的房间,适合一... 以下是一些酒店中常用的英语单词: 住宿: 房间:酒店内供客人睡觉的私人空间。 套房:更大、更豪华的房间类型,通常带有独立的起居区。 单人间:配备一张床的房间,适合一...

可以利用教室的多媒体来听英语听力。 在高中住宿生不能回家,只能住在学校宿舍,并且不能带手机等电子产品,所以不能自己随时随地练习听力。但是英语听力是必须每天训练的... 可以利用教室的多媒体来听英语听力。 在高中住宿生不能回家,只能住在学校宿舍,并且不能带手机等电子产品,所以不能自己随时随地练习听力。但是英语听力是必须每天训练的...


选A 意思是 我的卧室不整洁,我必须马上把东西摆放好了untidy [,ʌn'taidi] adj.不整齐的;凌乱的;不整洁的;懒散的;不简练的put away放好;抛弃;储存put on 穿上;上演;增加;假... 选A 意思是 我的卧室不整洁,我必须马上把东西摆放好了untidy [,ʌn'taidi] adj.不整齐的;凌乱的;不整洁的;懒散的;不简练的put away放好;抛弃;储存put on 穿上;上演;增加;假... 意思是 我的卧室不整洁,我必须马上把东西摆放好了untidy [,ʌn'taidi] adj.不整齐的;凌乱的;不整洁的;懒散的;不简练的put away放好;抛弃;储存put on 穿上;上演;增...

residence (长期住处)place of stay (出差或出国旅游的暂住/落脚地点)

Good morning,everyone!Nice to meet you !I'm your tour guide today,Welcome to my hometown ---Huanggang.Huanggang lies in the middle of Hubei Province,It has a ve... Nice to meet you !I'm your tour guide today,Welcome to my hometown ---Huanggang.Huanggang lies in the middle of Hubei Province,It has a veyt long history and ma... I'm your tour guide today,Welcome to my hometown ---Huanggang.Huanggang lies in the middle of Hubei Province,It has a veyt long history and many beautif...

Mr1.住房宽敞舒适 2.房子处于市中心,交通便利 3.讲标准英语,待人热情随和 4.定期举行家庭聚会,便于自己了解西方文化 5.提供免费洗衣,自己做饭.Home Stay RequirementsDear ... Mr1.住房宽敞舒适 2.房子处于市中心,交通便利 3.讲标准英语,待人热情随和 4.定期举行家庭聚会,便于自己了解西方文化 5.提供免费洗衣,自己做饭.Home Stay RequirementsDear ... 2.房子处于市中心,交通便利 3.讲标准英语,待人热情随和 4.定期举行家庭聚会,便于自己了解西方文化 5.提供免费洗衣,自己做饭.Home Stay RequirementsDear Mr. XX,...

英语情景对话 订酒店

1hello this is advance ooking office can I help you2Well we will have an annual conference in Shanghai recently and I want to ook some rooms 3OKcould you tell me how many rooms and which type of room you want4ohmI need 18 standard doule rooms and 3 luxury single rooms

国家一家贸易协会于近期要在上海召开年会会议组织者致电大观园饭店订房部要求订18间标准双人对床房4间豪华单人间 时间3天 一个是订房的人一个是订房部的人 制做一个英语对话请自己写 不要用翻译工具


Dialogue A 酒店对话英语大全之一A Good morningsirCan I help you BGood morning I have a reservation for a single room with a ath here A May I have your namesir please BBradleyJohn Bradley AJust a momentsir while I look through our listYeswe do have a reservation for

希望英语高手帮忙给个英语情景剧 只要10分钟左右 关于酒店方面的用来演的


Dialogue A 酒店对话英语大全之一 A Good morningsirCan I help you BGood morning I have a reservation for a single room with a ath here A May I have your namesir please BBradleyJohn Bradley AJust a momentsir while I look through our listYeswe do have a reservation fo

希望英语高手帮忙给个英语情景剧 只要10分钟左右 关于酒店方面的用来演的


1 May I have your attention please This is an emergency The hotel is on fire now Please leave your room immediately and follow the emergency exit door Please leave this uilding immediately Thank you for your cooperation 紧急事故请注意酒店发生火警。请立即离开房间从太平门


约翰逊先生要到中国出差他想在深圳景轩酒店订一间豪华的房间。in the Grand View Hotel He will stay there目前上海市创业培训中心已开办大学生创业培训班共招收上海交通大学、上海商业职业技术学院等应届毕业生62人 。他将呆在那里住for a week He asks the reservationist if he


A Hello this is speaking What can i do for you Hello i want to ook a room a ok the date please Fe3 to Fe 6 a Waite a moment please Ok Fe3 to Fe 6 4 days Your name please TOM JAMESa Ok Mr James your room is 2004 please chick in efore 1200 on Fe

20分 求英语情景对话酒店投诉

20分 求英语情景对话酒店投诉 人物经理 hotel manager客人guest G May I speak to the hotel manager please M Hi this is Benny Smith the manager of Holiday Inn How can I help you G Hi My name is lisa Wang I would like to file a complaint of the poor service of your hotel This

关于Hotel service complaint 一个人是经理另一个是客人


