





如果酒店和旅馆提供住宿可以翻译成hotel 如果酒店只提供餐饮 不提供住宿 就不能翻译为hotel了

答:1、楼上两位说的没错,简称Dorm,全称Dormitory都没错 。2、住学生公寓,用Hostel更普遍。3、如果是学校的住宿区(寄宿区),有三种常见用法: Boarding School, Lodging School... 2、住学生公寓,用Hostel更普遍 。3、如果是学校的住宿区(寄宿区),有三种常见用法: Boarding School, Lodging School, Hostel School 这里的 School 可以翻译成寄宿学校,但不... 3、如果是学校的住宿区(寄宿区),有三种常见用法: Boarding School, Lodging School, Hostel School 这里的 School 可以翻译成寄宿学校,但不是真正的学校。 同样的...

睡觉用英语是:sleep. sleep: v.睡觉;入睡;可供…睡觉;可供…住宿 。 n.睡眠;睡觉;睡眠时间;一觉。 扩展资料 How long can a...

live in基本翻译v. 住进网络释义live in:住进|在工作的地方生活,住宿|居住、住在live in/at:住在live in/ on:住在live at网络释义live at:住在Live at DB:吃茶店Live at NY... live in基本翻译v. 住进网络释义live in:住进|在工作的地方生活,住宿|居住、住在live in/at:住在live in/ on:住在live at网络释义live at:住在Live at DB:吃茶店Live at NY... in基本翻译v. 住进网络释义live in:住进|在工作的地方生活,住宿|居住、住在live in/at:住在live in/ on:住在live at网络释义live at:住在Live at DB:吃茶店Live ...

music ['mju:zik]基本翻译n.音乐,乐曲room [ru:m,rum]基本翻译n.房间;空间;余地;机会vt.为…提供住处vi.居住;住宿


现的 。设备较简陋的旅馆,有的兼供客商堆货并代办... 是为了满足人们外出郊游或远行的需要而出现的 。设备较简陋的旅馆,有的兼供客商堆货并代办转运。 3、现在客栈一词已由现实的东西转为聚脚地的代名词,现在网络上的聊天室或... 设备较简陋的旅馆,有的兼供客商堆货并代办转运。 3、现在客栈一词已由现实的东西转为聚脚地的代名词,现在网络上的聊天室或讨论区亦有称为客栈 宾馆,饭店,旅馆,客栈,酒店都是同一个意思,只是不同地方的叫法不同而已,酒店一词最早来自国外源于hotel的翻译。还有这些词不是用来比较档次的。

先看你的翻译:我需要一个整批交易,包括飞机票价和住宿首先交易通常指的是商品,票价是商品吗?飞机票价和住宿根本就不是一类事物.其次什么是整批交易?是指同一批次的产品,跟... 飞机票价和住宿根本就不是一类事物.其次什么是整批交易?是指同一批次的产品,跟你所谓的机票和住宿根本没关系.所以不论从哪一方面看,“我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿.... 是指同一批次的产品,跟你所谓的机票和住宿根本没关系.所以不论从哪一方面看,“我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿.”这句翻译都要比你的强.继续努力吧~

基本解释◎工棚gōngpéng[workshed]工地上临时搭起来供工作或住宿用的简便房屋英文翻译'temporaryshed;workshed详细解释工地上临时搭起来供工作或住宿用的简便... 基本解释◎工棚gōngpéng[workshed]工地上临时搭起来供工作或住宿用的简便房屋英文翻译'temporaryshed;workshed详细解释工地上临时搭起来供工作或住宿用的简便...

rooms and a single, that's 1,000 yuan in all.3. When do you plan to leave?4. How much is that in all if we stay for three days? That will be 300 yua... 4. How much is that in all if we stay for three days? That will be 300 yuan in all.5. How much is a double room for one night? It's 100 yuan.6. How many of you ... That will be 300 yuan in all.5. How much is a double room for one night? It's 100 yuan.6. How many of you in all? Five.非常口语化的句子,不能字对字翻译希望对你...


check the delivery record and verify with the guestnspIf the its verified that the fax had een sent to the room already ask the guest to find it carefully in every corner or go upstairs and help the guest with this processnspIf the fax is still not found ask the floor attendant whether the do



customer safe in the hotel loy Should you have any inquiry pls contact our vice manager at 88Thanks for your understanding and cooperation Management of XX Hotel本人自己翻译的上一个用机器翻译质量很差看了被外国顾客笑

请达人将以下内容中译英感谢温馨提示尊敬的贵宾在您住店期间请将您的贵重物品及大量现金存放在大堂客用保险箱内或与酒店大堂副理联系电话88。不便之处敬请谅解 酒店管理当局


职位要求职位描述 乐于融入人群中是在酒店行业成功的首要也是最重要的因素。从业者应该具备待人友善 、适应力强以及活力充沛的特质。其他的品质也很重要包括团队协作能力解决问题的能力以及在以顾客为导向的环境下工作的能力 。假如顾客满意的微笑能够使你忘记诸如周


我来帮你啦During my college life I studied hard and passed the test of CET4 computer grade 1 and also mandarin I formed a very good asis in the field of Hotel Administration In the one year of working practice I worked seriously in the concierge department of a hotel mastering the w

在我的大学生活中我学习努力通过了CET4、计算机1级和普通话在酒店管理这方面有着很好的基础在实习工作的一年中我在酒店礼宾部工作认真扎实的掌握了礼宾员的工作技能、技巧给领导流下了深刻的影响。在生活上我性格开朗善良容易与人相处能吃苦耐劳很快适应新的环境善于与人沟通对工作有着极大的热情愿为贵公司发挥自己的一技之长。精确翻译 谢谢了啊 我把我全部分数都给你


用英语解释就是混合的蔬菜。但是我恐怕我们没有这道菜。B哦我看看。侍者清蒸红石斑鱼怎么样呢要不要试试清蒸红石斑鱼呢B那是个好建议 。侍者先生您点的鱼在15分钟后可以上来。在等待的时候我可以建议您点些喝的吗B好的我来点威士忌。侍者谢谢。有用的表达道

Scene MrBellow Bis looking at the menu which has een handed to him y a waiterW as soon as he sits down A few minutes later the waiter comes over to himW Good evening sir Are you ready to orderB Yes I amW yes sir we have a very nice vegetale today “roccoli with crameat sauce” It’s our chef’s recommendation The roccoli is local so it’s a little it different from yours It’s delicious and worth a tryB OK I’ll take it I know little aout Chinese food What do you mean y “Luo Han Zhai”W It’s a typical Cantonese food In English it means mixed vegetales But I’m afraid we have no more of that dishB Hm Let’s seeW what aout “steamed red garoupa”B That’s a good ideaW Sir your fish will take 15 minutes to prepare While waiting may I suggest you have something to drinkBOK I’ll have whiskyW Think you Useful expressions Apologizing1 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting2 I’m afraid I spilled eer on the talecloth3 I fell terrily sorry ut I’ve misserved a dish4 I’m really sorry for giving you the wrong soup5 I want to apologize Is there anything I could do


1 do not come close it is strictly foridden climing 2 3 next quarters for no guardrail pay attention to safety 4f chess and side door 2 5 do not leisure so as not to slip and falls over 6 entryway Putzu District 7 ring channel keep clear channel 8 Hall door ring 9 10 motorcycle parking Depar

请勿靠近严禁攀爬 员工宿舍旁边 前无护栏注意安全 2号楼棋牌室侧门 请勿嬉水以免滑摔 前院水溪区 环形通道请勿停车 大堂门口环形通道 摩托车停放处 坡陡路窄请勿停车 小孩请在大人看护下进入游泳池 玻璃护栏请勿扶靠 车内请勿存留贵重物品并请妥善保管 停车场 小草含羞笑请您勿打扰 珍惜绿色从我做起 小草有生命请君足留情 呵护绿色感受生命


行政管家或其代表将随后展开的包装由礼宾或 与指示后向客户的航空挂号通过我们的邮资盖印机的执行办公室的4楼家务也应客户的意见后该项目已经公布。张贴的贵重物品将继续负责政府物料供应处。

Executive Housekeeper or his representative will then initiate the packing y either Concierge Desk or TampL with instructions to post to the guest y registered airmail through our franking machine co the Executive Office on the 4F House Executive Housekeeper or his representative will then initiate the packing y either Concierge Desk or TampL with instructions to post to the guest y registered airmail through our franking machine co the Executive Office on the 4F Housekeeping should also advice guest after the item has een posted The posting of valuale items will remain the responsiility of GSD 展开