






前一段写的是两人相遇相恋的故事小打小闹甜甜蜜蜜后一段写的是女孩嫁给了男孩日子过得很好还生了个闺女突然有一天家里来了小 男的生气丢下母子走了最后是母亲带着孩子过日子。表示还是喜欢第一个版本解释。这儿才是爱情。每次听这歌都想哭感觉像有根锯条在心


依兰爱情故事歌曲鉴赏 1、依兰爱情故事创作背景 据悉你好李焕英是贾玲将妈妈因为车祸去世然后自己来不及尽孝的真实故事一一搬到了舞台上 。小品前半段笑点十足众演员的表演与精巧的故事情节使人忍俊不禁 。


依兰爱情故事歌曲鉴赏 1、依兰爱情故事创作背景 据悉你好李焕英是贾玲将妈妈因为车祸去世然后自己来不及尽孝的真实故事一一搬到了舞台上。小品前半段笑点十足众演员的表演与精巧的故事情节使人忍俊不禁。


依兰爱情故事是方磊填作词、作曲并演唱的一首歌发行2015年10月15日收录在专辑某中同时这首歌也是贾玲小品你好李焕英的插曲也是电影你好李焕英的片尾曲。中文名依兰爱情故事外文名Yilan love story所属专辑某歌曲时长4分52秒歌曲原唱方磊

爱情故事 MP3下载地址要正确的

链接爱情故事mp3789Mnspnspnspnsp来自百度网盘提取码nsp49z8复制提取码跳转 密码49z8 歌曲名爱情故事 nsp nsp

WheredoIegintotellthestoryofhowgreatalovecaneThesweetlovestorythatisolderthantheseaThesimpletruthaoutlovesheringstomewheredoIstartwithherfirsthelloshegaveameaningtoth Where do I egin to tell the story of how great a love ca n e The sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth aout love she rings t o me where do I start with her first hello she gave a meaning to this empty world o f mine Thered never e another love another ti me She came into my life and made the livin g fine She fills my heart she fills my heart with very special thi ngs with angle songs with wild imaginings she feels my soul with so much love That any where I go Im never lonely with her alone who could e lonely I reach for her hand its always there How long does it last can e measured y the hours in a day I have no answers now ut this much I ca n say I know Ill need her till the stars urn t away and shell e there 以上是歌词不是该歌曲的不要发上来谢谢要MP3格式的 展开

爱情故事 MP3下载地址要正确的

链接 密码49z8 歌曲名爱情故事 nsp nsp

WheredoIegintotellthestoryofhowgreatalovecaneThesweetlovestorythatisolderthantheseaThesimpletruthaoutlovesheringstomewheredoIstartwithherfirsthelloshegaveameaningtoth Where do I egin to tell the story of how great a love ca n e The sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth aout love she rings t o me where do I start with her first hello she gave a meaning to this empty world o f mine There39d never e another love another ti me She came into my life and made the livin g fine She fills my heart she fills my heart with very special thi ngs with angle songs with wild imaginings she feels my soul with so much love That any where I go I39m never lonely with her alone who could e lonely I reach for her hand it39s always there How long does it last can e measured y the hours in a day I have no answers now ut this much I ca n say I know I39ll need her till the stars urn t away and she39ll e there 以上是歌词不是该歌曲的不要发上来谢谢要MP3格式的 展开



