





nted out that one of the horns was broken at the tip. “When did that happen?” he asked. “When did what happen?” Choi asked. “Oh, good grief! I never even n... ” he asked. “When did what happen?” Choi asked. “Oh, good grief! I never even noticed that! Do you know how expensive these horns are? They don’t grow on t... ” Choi asked. “Oh, good grief! I never even noticed that! Do you know how expensive these horns are? They don’t grow on trees, you know. I wonder if ...

1 、 I like shopping, even just window shopping. In America, shopping is a pleasant experience. There are a variety of shops to meet your different needs. My fav... 1、 I like shopping, even just window shopping. In America, shopping is a pleasant experience. There are a variety of shops to meet your different needs. My fav... I like shopping, even just window shopping. In America, shopping is a pleasant experience. There are a variety of shops to meet your different needs. My...

Today,globalization,English as the world's lingua franca,in people's daily lives,whether it is non-governmental exchanges or official exchanges have played an e... Today,globalization,English as the world's lingua franca,in people's daily lives,whether it is non-governmental exchanges or official exchanges have played an e... as the world's lingua franca,in people's daily lives,whether it is non-governmental exchanges or official exchanges have played an extremely important r...

The development in internet has brought us a lot of convenience .We will encounter many problems if the security of the internet is not ensured.The hackers sabo... The development in internet has brought us a lot of convenience .We will encounter many problems if the security of the internet is not ensured.The hackers sabo... development in internet has brought us a lot of convenience .We will encounter many problems if the security of the internet is not ensured.The hackers ...

1.They use computers to keep the traffic ______(run) smoothly.请问应该用run的什么形式?为什么?应该是keep sth doing 还是keep sth done 答案:running解析:要弄明白这... 为什么?应该是keep sth doing 还是keep sth done 答案:running解析:要弄明白这问题,需要搞清以下几个问题:1) 关于词义* traffic 在这里是具体名词,指往来的行人车辆等,本身... 应该是keep sth doing 还是keep sth done 答案:running解析:要弄明白这问题,需要搞清以下几个问题:1) 关于词义* traffic 在这里是具体名词,指往来的行人车辆等,本身...


mostalk在中文中被称为“莫斯通”,是该应用的中文名称。“莫斯通”是根据mostalk的英文名称进行翻译的,其中“莫斯”是mostalk的音译,“通”表示该应用的功能是进行通讯... mostalk在中文中被称为“莫斯通”,是该应用的中文名称。“莫斯通”是根据mostalk的英文名称进行翻译的,其中“莫斯”是mostalk的音译,“通”表示该应用的功能是进行通讯... “莫斯通”是根据mostalk的英文名称进行翻译的,其中“莫斯”是mostalk的音译,“通”表示该应用的功能是进行通讯和交流。mostalk是一款集聊天、语音通话、视频通话等功能....

China's traffic has become increasingly a convenient.A long time ago,most people go to work or school by bike,which was known as the Chinese kingdom of bicycles... China's traffic has become increasingly a convenient.A long time ago,most people go to work or school by bike,which was known as the Chinese kingdom of bicycles... traffic has become increasingly a convenient.A long time ago,most people go to work or school by bike,which was known as the Chinese kingdom of bicycles...

The ancient town of Xitang locates in the northeast part of Zhejiang Province between Hangzhou and Shanghai with a history of over 2000 years.There're beautiful... The ancient town of Xitang locates in the northeast part of Zhejiang Province between Hangzhou and Shanghai with a history of over 2000 years.There're beautiful... ancient town of Xitang locates in the northeast part of Zhejiang Province between Hangzhou and Shanghai with a history of over 2000 years.There're beaut...

With xx technology development,people's life quality greatly improved,but when people enjoy convenient,technology may also bring us negative,according to the su... With xx technology development,people's life quality greatly improved,but when people enjoy convenient,technology may also bring us negative,according to the su... xx technology development,people's life quality greatly improved,but when people enjoy convenient,technology may also bring us negative,according to the...


convenience这是名词convenience store便利店convenient是形容词1 表示“便利的” 、“不远的”或表示“方便的”、“合适的”均可与介词 for to 连用。


e used to就可以了the traffic lights are used to our life

“交通灯给我们带来方便”怎么说 地道一点简单一点符合初一学生的



语言是一种工具。我们最初学习英语的目的是为了方便对外交流。但当英语渗透到生活的每一个角落重要性甚至超过母语的时候就反客为主、本末倒置了。英语成了中考、高考、考研、考博、评职称的敲门砖之一四六级制约着大学生毕业即使在取消与毕业证挂钩后依然是一个重要的评判标准价格不菲的英语辅导班红得发紫报名费惊人的雅思、托福考试热火朝天。当工具变成目的时我们已被英语奴役。 这段文字主要说明 。 A学英语是为了对外交流B我们的教育课程设置有问题C相关部门应该加大对英语培训的管理D对英语的过分强调背离了学习英语的初衷是不合理的 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢



语言是一种工具我们最初学习英语的目的是为了方便对外交流。但当英语渗透到生活的每一个角落重要性甚至超过母语的时候就反客为主、本末倒置了。英语成了中考、高考 、考研、考博、评职称的敲门砖之一四六级制约着大学生毕业即使在取消与毕业证挂钩后依然是一个重要的评判标准价格不菲的英语辅导班红得发紫报名费惊人的雅思、托福考试热火朝天。当工具变成目的时我们已被英语奴役。 这段文字主要说明 。A、学英语是为了对外交流B、我们的教育课程设置有问题C、相关部门应该加大对英语培训的管理D、对英语的过分强调背离了学习英语的初衷是不合理的


地球是我们的家园。我们作为地球的主人就应该好好保护地球 。现在城市正在倡导文明环境只要我们不污染地球的环境不浪费地球的能源。就能让城市变得更绿色更环保。有想法就要有行动。于是我和父母开始了一段低碳生活。夏日炎炎的时候我觉得家里闷开着空调又太浪费。于



话题贴近日常生活属于话题作文。 对既定的话题进行讨论学生有一定的自由发挥空间可以畅所欲言各抒己见。在谋篇布局时要注意文章的层次可以从三个方面着手分别说出使用手机的好处 、坏处以及自己的看法。在词汇运用上尽量使用高级词汇和短语比如advantage 、disadvanta