





Convenient transportation

乘地铁环游整个城市既便捷又快速.It's(convenient and quick to visit )The whole city ( by subway )

rney back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable.扩建地铁需用几个月时间。The extension of the subway will take several months.我总是乘... The extension of the subway will take several months.我总是乘地铁。I always travel by underground.如果你想在伦敦快速出行,最好是乘地铁。If you want to get around... I always travel by underground.如果你想在伦敦快速出行,最好是乘地铁。If you want to get around London fast, the Underground is your best bet.我们乘地铁来的。We c...

传奇的英文单词一个是legend,另一个是Romance。legend:指传说或者传奇故事,指从早期时代相传下业的未经证实的故事,尤指那些被普遍认为是基于史实的故事。 Romance:通... 传奇的英文单词一个是legend,另一个是Romance。legend:指传说或者传奇故事,指从早期时代相传下业的未经证实的故事,尤指那些被普遍认为是基于史实的故事。 Romance:通... 英汉词典是一款收集超过20万单词的英汉字典,一款提供高质量英汉翻译服务,同时整合生词离线翻译、语音发音,能够随时随地便捷的满足用户的翻译需求的英汉字典。英汉字典在...

使用时不易产生... 它采用最先进的切割技术,能够轻松地切割各种材料,包括金属、混凝土、塑料、橡胶等。同时,Toro Dr还具有良好的安全性能,使用时不易产生烟尘和污染物,最大限度保护操作... 同时,Toro Dr还具有良好的安全性能,使用时不易产生烟尘和污染物,最大限度保护操作者的身体健康 。Toro Dr的切割效果非常出色,无论是粗糙的切割还是精细的切割,都能轻松... Toro Dr的切割效果非常出色,无论是粗糙的切割还是精细的切割,都能轻松胜任。此外,其操作简单、便捷,使用寿命长,是现代工业生产中不可或缺的高性能设备。

The tree is beneficial to our daily life,To keep the air fresh,absorb the harmful gas in air,the oxygen for us to breathe,Trees make our life more convenient,Ge... The tree is beneficial to our daily life,To keep the air fresh,absorb the harmful gas in air,the oxygen for us to breathe,Trees make our life more convenient,Ge... tree is beneficial to our daily life,To keep the air fresh,absorb the harmful gas in air,the oxygen for us to breathe,Trees make our life more convenien...

The development of the high-speed railway makes it more convenient when we have a trip.

It is certain/definite that...It is certain that people will be provided with more amenities/conveniences with the development of technology.Other translations:... It is certain/definite that...It is certain that people will be provided with more amenities/conveniences with the development of technology.Other translations:... certain/definite that...It is certain that people will be provided with more amenities/conveniences with the development of technology.Other translation...


词,词,词英式英语和美式英语在很多方面都有所不同.首先最明显的是在词汇方面.有数以百计个不同的词在大西洋彼岸的另一个英语国家不被使用,或者以一种不同的意思被使用着.美... 但是其他词语和表达方式却没有这么广泛地为人所知.美国人把手电筒称为flashlight,而英国人却叫它torch.英国人排队用queue up,而美国人说stand in line.有时候,同一个单词在... 此外,在两种英语中另外两个领域的区别是拼写和发音.美式英语的拼写看上去更简单一些:center,color和program是美式拼法 ,centre,colour和 programme 是英式拼法.自...


英语时文。 1、选材新颖 。英语时文根据当下实事进行英语教学选材新颖能保持学生的新鲜感而快捷英语的选材无聊。 2 、学习途径多。英语时文有线上线下两个途径还有实事图书辅助学习而快捷英语只有线上的学习因此英语时文好。


但在poly里是回到物体级别很方便而在别的种类里是把粒子编辑调出来。五 对话框调出H选择物体。M材质编辑。F10渲染 。六 渲染、动画ShiftQ渲染当前视窗Kkey帧一定要点开Auto或Setkey3dSmax快捷键主界面显示降级适配开关 O适应透视图格点


a possile versionMoile phones good or ad for communicationThe technology of moile phones has made many things easier for people Someone can reach us or we can call someone wherever we are However people are unaware of the negative effects of moile phones on comm


方便我就不把小题的序号写下来了啊14的一。DDDBAACBCD二DCDBA FFFTT BDBBD neverquiteeautifultherecomes三。A ifsickoutintoatesecondmonthshealthierseemedkeeps B passedenoughtellingwindsurprisedhappyopenarmsheadvoice四。略15的一。DABCBADB

能力训练14 15的


中英文标点切换键基本上所有的输入法用是用Ctrl 注就是句号键问号键左边的那一个中英文输入切换键是Ctrl空格中文输入法切换键是CtrlShift


你好我根据自己这些年来学英语的感受给你出点好点子 ①英语水平高低是一个长期积累的结果不要听信英语可以速成不可三天打渔两天晒网 ②学英语要有信心和决心其实不光是学英语我们做任何事都要具备这两个品质 ③虽说学英语是个积累的过程但这里面还有一个学习方法
