





英语口语翻译 简单 急用

而且没有一个工作人员会讲英文。我们对当地感到非常满意如果在一次来到胡志明市我们将会继续呆在这里但肯定在另一家旅馆了。11月我们在胡志明市呆了7天在这段时间做了一切我们可以做的事情。这是一堂非常精彩的历史课我们也很喜欢这里的人们。 即兴发挥翻译得不是很

When we arrived at the hotel we were disappointed with its appearance for an oriental 4 star rating hotel even though the reception y the staff was very warm When we went to our room we discovered the room had two single eds when we had ooked a doule room even though the room was clean the room was very very old After traveling overnight we were exhausted and didn39t complain until the following day We were told there were no doule rooms availale ut we had een upgraded We were shocked y this comment we then thought how ad was the room we had originally ooked The hotel knew we were upset aout the situation and tried to compensate y giving us a ottle of sparkling wine That night we went to the seafood uffet on the fifth floor which was 285000 dong per person including wine This y Vietnamese standards was not a cheap meal The waiting staff that were rostered on that night could not speak English We arrived at 630pm and there was only limited seafood left and was not replaced as normal uffets do Again we were disappointed and decided not to eat in the hotel again We tried the cafe restaurant on the ground floor the food was average and not one staff memer spoke English We were very happy with the location and if in Ho Chi Minh again we would stay in the same location ut definitely at a different hotel We stayed in Ho Chi Minh in Novemer for 7 days and did everything we could do in this time It was a wonderful lesson in history and we enjoyed the people very much 不要用翻译器翻译翻译要自然连贯这个比较简单哈谢谢


1、考试对象 大学英语四、六级考试口语考试CETSpokenEnglishTest简称CETSET用于考察大学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。CETSET报考对象为获得全国大学英语四、六级证书且成绩达到一定分数线的在校大学生。 教育部规定四级笔试550分 、六级520分以上的考生可以报

各位大侠哪位知道报考全国英语等级考试的时间地点条件费用题型有哪几个等级啊最近在英语四级的考试跟着冲突吗我是名武汉的在校大学生 09级的学的不是英语专业的。 。。





100句最简单的英语口语集锦英语口语的确很难学也很难说但如果以平时人们的对话来看你只要能够说些简单的英语句子即使是你身在国外也能轻松和别人进行交流对话。1isee 我明白了。2iquit 我不干了3 let go 放手4 me too 我也是 。5 my god 天哪6 no way 不行7 come


我最喜欢这样的题目了 ok here are my answers and yes i will e answering all of them 1 I think humor is a very important quality for a person or a key to getting along with others If a person is humorous others tend to enjoy conversations with himher It is always more interesting when

1 Do you think humor is an important quality for a person or a key to getting along with others Explain your answer 2 Do you think people need encouragement and praise Why or why not 3 What do you think parents can do at home to encourage a child’s creativity 大家用英语回答多答几句当然也不用很长。。随便哪一题也行都答更好。

英语 口语


问别人名字时候 nspyou got a name 这样是不是很粗鲁。还有 sea monkeys 代表什么含义