






过场戏就是说已经结果提前定好了,过程只是形式上的东西Partly for that reason,many Afghans will regard the election result as a convenient fiction.部分出于此种原因,... 过场戏就是说已经结果提前定好了,过程只是形式上的东西Partly for that reason,many Afghans will regard the election result as a convenient fiction.部分出于此种原因,... for that reason,many Afghans will regard the election result as a convenient fiction.部分出于此种原因,许多阿富汗人会将选举结果视作早就安排好的过场戏.For...

1、 I like shopping, even just window shopping. In America, shopping is a pleasant experience. There are a variety of shops to meet your different needs. My fav... 1、 I like shopping, even just window shopping. In America, shopping is a pleasant experience. There are a variety of shops to meet your different needs. My fav... I like shopping, even just window shopping. In America, shopping is a pleasant experience. There are a variety of shops to meet your different needs. My...

简单啊 Because of the emergence of the mobile phone,so we can at any time,any place,communicating with anyone,greatly convenient for our life,but also help us u... 简单啊 Because of the emergence of the mobile phone,so we can at any time,any place,communicating with anyone,greatly convenient for our life,but also help us u... Because of the emergence of the mobile phone,so we can at any time,any place,communicating with anyone,greatly convenient for our life,but also help us ...

Since ancient times,people travel mode changes.Their common point is:more and more advanced,to enable people to travel more convenient. Since ancient times,people travel mode changes.Their common point is:more and more advanced,to enable people to travel more convenient.

Online shopping has become an important part of daily consumption in people's life. More and more people are enjoying the convenience of shopping online. But th... Online shopping has become an important part of daily consumption in people's life. More and more people are enjoying the convenience of shopping online. But th... shopping has become an important part of daily consumption in people's life. More and more people are enjoying the convenience of shopping online. But t...

汽车上info什么意思中文翻译,汽车lnfo键是什么意思车上的“info”乃是“information”的缩写,中文意思为信息。按下此按键后,中控屏幕上将呈现一些重要信息,以供驾驶员参考... 按下此按键后,中控屏幕上将呈现一些重要信息,以供驾驶员参考。在汽车内部,众多按键均会运用英文单词的缩写或者字母来表明其功能,如此是为了维持按键的简洁与美观。同时,这... 在汽车内部,众多按键均会运用英文单词的缩写或者字母来表明其功能,如此是为了维持按键的简洁与美观。同时,这样的设计也利于驾驶员迅速理解并操作按键 。对于新购车辆...

With xx technology development,people's life quality greatly improved,but when people enjoy convenient,technology may also bring us negative,according to the su... With xx technology development,people's life quality greatly improved,but when people enjoy convenient,technology may also bring us negative,according to the su... xx technology development,people's life quality greatly improved,but when people enjoy convenient,technology may also bring us negative,according to the...

EMS是快递的一种形式,是邮政特快专递服务的简称。它是一种国际邮政联盟(UPU)达成的协议,是一个全球性的快递服务品牌 。EMS主要特点是速度快、覆盖范围广、安全可靠、跨... EMS是快递的一种形式,是邮政特快专递服务的简称。它是一种国际邮政联盟(UPU)达成的协议,是一个全球性的快递服务品牌。EMS主要特点是速度快、覆盖范围广、安全可靠、跨... 它是一种国际邮政联盟(UPU)达成的协议,是一个全球性的快递服务品牌。EMS主要特点是速度快、覆盖范围广、安全可靠、跨国投递、价格合理。其邮寄服务具有出口、进口 、特别... E...

首先要说的是它采用谷歌翻译的接口,同类软件采用的接口大多都是谷歌、百度翻译,所以翻译出来的质量是一样的。 但...


翻译社会性问题他用金山快译结果翻译成 social sex prolem 让人苦笑不得还是自己翻译好阅读理解第一部分 2分x7问题17阅读下面这些句子和细则每个句子说的是什么意思每个问题在你的答题纸上标记ABC或D例子无论你在那里只要你觉得方便你都可以留言。答案B句子1 你

翻译成汉语谢谢READING PART ONE 2points7Questions 17 Read these sentences and the instructions that follow Which method does each sentence descrie For each sentence mark one letter A B C or D on your answer Sheet Example You can dictate a message almost anywhere at your convenience Answer B Sentences1 You speak while your secretary types down your words 2 You have to speak slowly and very clearly 3 One of these methods can e used when you are in a hurry 4 While dictating you use some tapes 5 One of the disadvantages of this method is that you are totally strange to the transcrier 6 The dictation is done with your speaking a machine ‘s recording and your secretary s transcriing 7 The machine records your words and then provides the transcription InstructionsA Dictation to your own secretaryquotlivequot dictation taken y a person who ecomes familiar with your dictating characteristics B Dictation to a machine with your secretary transcriing Inexpensive cassette recorders provide great flexiility in dictation You can dictate in the office at home in an automoile in an airplane and in any outoftheoffice situation Your dictation tapes can e transcried y eing played ack on modern transcriing equipment C Dictation to a machine with a wordprocessing center providing the transcription in this case the transcrier will proaly not e familiar with your dictation manners and peculiarities D Other dictation methods such as y telephone calls or y direct secretarial transcription at the typewriter These methods are not routine ut are used typically in quotrushquot situations They require a slow voice speed and clear pronunciation PART TWO Questions 812 2ponts5 Read this memorandum Choose the lest sentence from the list AI to fill each of the lanks For each lank 812 mark one letter AI on your Answer Sheet De not mark any letter twice One answer has teen given as an example MEMORANDUM To Filma Williams school of Architecture

