





How will I learn to be a good student Now I am determined to be a good student. Here are something about what I will do. First I will try to listen to teachers ... How will I learn to be a good student Now I am determined to be a good student. Here are something about what I will do. First I will try to listen to teachers ... will I learn to be a good student Now I am determined to be a good student. Here are something about what I will do. First I will try to listen to teach...

Unconsciously,the winter holiday is coming.Of course ,I feel excited,however,I cannot forget study while enjoying the holiday.For this reason,I have a brief pla... Unconsciously,the winter holiday is coming.Of course ,I feel excited,however,I cannot forget study while enjoying the holiday.For this reason,I have a brief pla... winter holiday is coming.Of course ,I feel excited,however,I cannot forget study while enjoying the holiday.For this reason,I have a brief plan for myse...

初二是中考的分水岭,能不能考上高中全看初二学的怎么样!初二的学习计划分为三个部分 第一:先给自己定一个中考小目标 有压力才有动力,中考的小目标怎么着也应该是一个普... 第一为了打好“初三攻坚战”,争取在短短的一年中加强“备战”,增加学习与考试的竞争实力,必须根据自己初中一、二年级的学习基础,对症下药制定与初三接轨的学习计划,... 一周内需要攻克哪些知识点薄弱、争取做到周周清。 三、列月计划。一个月之内对每周计划做出总结归纳。一个月内哪些学科这个月要达到什么程度,从哪些方面去弥补。 四、列年.....

My winter holiday I decide to make a plan about my holiday.Let me tell you about my own idea!If i want to make myself health ,i should take more exercise and ea... If i want to make myself health ,i should take more exercise and eat more vegetables and fruits .Do not for...

早上6点30起床,出去跑跑步,散散心。回来后吃饭,休息。8点开始学习,上午写作业。中午11点半开始午休,吃饭,看看电视,上上网。下午1点开始学习,每小时复习一科。到晚上5点开始... 回来后吃饭,休息。8点开始学习,上午写作业。中午11点半开始午休,吃饭,看看电视,上上网。下午1点开始学习,每小时复习一科。到晚上5点开始休息,吃饭同父母聊天。七点看新闻联... 8点开始学习,上午写作业。中午11点半开始午休,吃饭,看看电视,上上网。下午1点开始学习,每小时复习一科 。到晚上5点开始休息,吃饭同父母聊天 。七点看新闻联播。7点...

The winter holiday is coming.I am going to take a trip.I am going to visit my grandparents.I am going to read books.What about you? Can you tell me? We can shar... The winter holiday is coming.I am going to take a trip.I am going to visit my grandparents.I am going to read books.What about you? Can you tell me? We can shar...

The winter vacation is coming.Firstly,I will spend some time finishing my homework.Then,I will visit our relations.At last,I wil make good preparations for my n... The winter vacation is coming.Firstly,I will spend some time finishing my homework.Then,I will visit our relations.At last,I wil make good preparations for my n... winter vacation is coming.Firstly,I will spend some time finishing my homework.Then,I will visit our relations.At last,I wil make good preparations for ...

My winter holidayWinter holiday is coming.I know I must do something to improve my English.In my schedule ,I force myself to get up at 7 o'clock,reading some En... My winter holidayWinter holiday is coming.I know I must do something to improve my English.In my schedule ,I force myself to get up at 7 o'clock,reading some En... holidayWinter holiday is coming.I know I must do something to improve my English.In my schedule ,I force myself to get up at 7 o'clock,reading some Engl...

My study planAs we all know, the winter vacation is coming. So, we must make a good plan .First , I want to improve my English ,not only my oral English, but al... My study planAs we all know, the winter vacation is coming. So, we must make a good plan .First , I want to improve my English ,not only my oral English, but al... planAs we all know, the winter vacation is coming. So, we must make a good plan .First , I want to improve my English ,not only my oral English, but als...

本人高一,试试:The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .I am for bac... 本人高一,试试:The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .I am for bac... winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .I am for back to my ho...








我写的是关于英语科目的寒假学习计划我自己写的括号里的是英语翻译 一听力Listening Practice 1、每天晚上10001200听写一篇五分钟左右的短文。 I will listen to an article within 5 minutes from 800 pm to 900pm in the evening2、早晚都随身带MP3一有空闲时间就反复听这篇


看影片英语较式英语 英双字幕知识 情景 语言 文字 翻译同步简单 便 高效 趣参考网店内容很抱歉回答者上传的附件已失效

我是一名高考完的河北考生刚刚填报完志愿。。。高考考的很不理想只上了一本线12分觉得很失败也只报考了宁夏大学。想着与其复读一年不如大学努力考个好的研究生于是觉得大学一定要好好努力才行我的英语平时还算可以吧但是对大学里的英语学习 我名高考完河北考刚刚填报完志愿高考考理想本线12觉失败报考宁夏想着与其复读努力考研究于觉定要努力才行我英语平算吧英语习课程安排所知前几买英语六级词汇阅读听力想着六级四级肯定知高骛远嘿嘿做几阅读发现难懂啊木候读完段都知道说我太高骛远假期何自英语呢谢谢家 展开


英语每天背重点句子和单词、语法。每天做一篇阅读课文可提高写作能力与阅读能力 语文劝你多背文言文字词解释多做阅读每星期写一篇作文自己不擅长的克服缺点嘛 数学理解不会的要尽快问老师千万不要拖 历史学完一课必须在当天晚上总结好写在纸上把它用透明胶贴



我也快要升初三了下面有我的一些计划 1、早上起床时间控制在6点至6点半左右然后马上去做一下运动大概持续到7点钟适当的运动有助于大脑血液循环。然后你吃一下早餐等等的。 2、上午时间大可不必疯狂地做作业。你可以先看一些英文的书课外的但是适合初中生的那样有助



哪些是肯定要记的 学英语其实就那么简单 科学 科学看起来需要很多弯子要很努力读。其实很用功不一定得到好结果。我放在科学上是假除了上课几乎没有。而我们班有些人却很努力去读去不在我前面。 其实学科学不能光勤要有方法。重点的工时一定要记住不管生么题目和其他


