





It is rainy today.今天下雨了 I feel very cold.我感觉很冷 I wear a sweater.我穿了件毛衣 It is sunny today.今天天晴 It is cloudy today.今天阴天 It is rainy today.今天下雨了 I feel very cold.我感觉很冷 I wear a sweater.我穿了件毛衣 It is sunny today.今天天晴 It is cloudy today.今天阴天

The weather is a very fun thing. In spring, the weather is warm and nice. It's not too hot, and it's beautiful where they're flowers. In summer, the weather... The weather is a very fun thing. In spring, the weather is warm and nice. It's not too hot, and it's beautiful where they're flowers. In summer, the weather... In spring, the weather is warm and nice. It's not too hot, and it's beautiful where they're flowers. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. There are sometim...

Hello,everyone!Welcome to today’s weather report The weather is Sunny with average temperature at 25 degrees C. It is windy. Do wear sunglasses when you are ou... Welcome to today’s weather report The weather is Sunny with average temperature at 25 degrees C. It is windy. Do wear sunglasses when you are out in the sun

China's climate varies from bitter cold in winter to unbearable heat in summer.The Yangtze River serves as China's official dividing line between north and sout... China's climate varies from bitter cold in winter to unbearable heat in summer.The Yangtze River serves as China's official dividing line between north and sout... climate varies from bitter cold in winter to unbearable heat in summer.The Yangtze River serves as China's official dividing line between north and sout...

Hi, i am in beijing now. How is the wonder in Beijing. It's snowing.It's very cold. How is the weather in Fuzhou? It's raining,but it's warm. Hi, i am in beijing now. How is the wonder in Beijing. It's snowing.It's very cold. How is the weather in Fuzhou? It's raining,but it's warm.

关于天气的英语单词有:1、动词:rain下雨;snow下雪;shine照耀;blow刮风;thunder打雷2 、形容词:rainy下雨的;sunny晴朗的;windy有风的;foggy有雾的 meteorology气象学atmosphere大气climate气候elements自然力量(风、雨)temperature气温tobewarm,tobehot天气热tobecold天气冷 windy刮风的sunny晴朗的rainy下雨的snowy下雪的fine晴朗的fine/clear/good/niceweather好天气sunny/fineday晴天badweather坏 Clear=晴朗Cloudy=多云Drizzle=毛毛雨Fair=晴Fog=雾Haze=薄雾Hail=冰雹HeavyRain=大雨HeavySnow=大雪LightSnow=小雪...

Hereistheweatherreport.Beijingwillbesunnytomorrow.Thehighesttemperaturewillbe6centigratedegrees.Thelowesttemperaturewillbe2belowzero.Shanghailwillbewindy. Hereistheweatherreport.Beijingwillbesunnytomorrow.Thehighesttemperaturewillbe6centigratedegrees.Thelowesttemperaturewillbe2belowzero.Shanghailwillbewindy.

Southernregionisgivenprioritytowithtropicalandsubtropicalmonsoonclimate,hightemperatureandrainysummer,wintergentlelittlerain。 Thetropicalmonsoonclimateofhight... Thetropicalmonsoonclimateofhightemperaturethroughouttheyear。Precipitationover800mm,thewindwardsideofmountainmoreprecipitation 。 Taiwan'shutonfireforthe"rain... Precipitationover800mm,thewindwardsideofmountainmoreprecipitation。 Taiwan'shutonfireforthe"rain",theannualaveragerainfallof6558mm。Theeasterncoastalarea...

1-5年纪天气的英语单词:Weather 天气 sunny晴朗的 cloudy阴天的 rainy下雨的 windy刮风的 snowy下雪的 cold冷的 cool凉爽的 warm暖和的 hot热的 1-5年纪天气的英语单词:Weather 天气 sunny晴朗的 cloudy阴天的 rainy下雨的 windy刮风的 snowy下雪的 cold冷的 cool凉爽的 warm暖和的 hot热的

英文天气介绍 急

1Weather Forecast in Urumqi A cold front is swinging in from Canada while a warm front is moving up from the Pacific Meanwhile precipitation is developing in the southern part of the state while strong wind is moving down from the north There could e 3 to 5 inches of snow on Thursday o

帮我写个60词左右的英文天气作文 。。。广州地区重点介绍暖和或寒冷之类的初二水平谢谢nsp 急


去下面的网站看有很多的 httpwwwdcraftscomweathersongshtm 最好 httpwwweverythingpreschoolcomthemesweathersongshtm httpwwwmrsjonesroomcomsongsweatherhtml 下面的有个歌的名单130多首 httpwwwacnetaunewcastlestoriess1345080htm



what39s the weather like today it39s a sunny day shine shine shine what39s the weather like today it39s a rainy dayhua hua hua what39s the weather like today it39s a lightning day hong hong hong

幼儿园接受采访需要幼儿准备关于天气的英语律动我没有啊请各位高手帮帮忙拜托啦 幼儿园接受采访需要幼儿准备关于天气的英语律动我没有啊 请各位高手帮帮忙拜托啦 展开


to e hot 天气热 to e cold 天气冷 season 季节 spring 春 summer 夏 autumn 秋 美作fall winter 冬 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 downpour shower 暴雨 storm tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone

要些关于天气英语单词快哦除了sunny cloudy raining snow windy


thunder 轰隆隆 lightning是闪电 wind是风 fog是雾 自然天气常变幻 雪花雪花 snow snow snow 雨水雨水 rain rain rain rain 雷声 thunder thunder thunder thunder 闪电 lightning lightning lightning lightning wind wind 就是风 fog fog 就是雾 更多相关的儿歌以及儿歌视频请进入4399儿歌故事


Now it is weather It will e sunny tomorrow with slight windand temperature ranging from 16 to 23 degrees centigrade



Shanghai sunny high 18 degree low 10 degree Beijing cloudy high 12 degree low 7 degree Guangzhou Rain high 21 degree low 16 degree ChangChun Windy high 6 degree low 4 degree su zero degree 可在数字右上角用小圈代替打不出来

上海晴10度到18度 北京多云7度到12度 广州雨16度到21度 长春风零下4度到零上6度