





以下是一些用英语介绍自己的玩具玩偶的示例: 1. This is my toy doll. It has big eyes and a cute smile. I really love it.(这是我的玩具玩偶。它有大大的眼睛和可... 以下是一些用英语介绍自己的玩具玩偶的示例: 1. This is my toy doll. It has big eyes and a cute smile. I really love it.(这是我的玩具玩偶 。它有大大的眼睛和可...

以下是我喜欢的玩具的英文介绍:My favorite toy is a beautiful doll. She has long hair, big eyes and a pink dress. I like playing with her because she is very cut... 以下是我喜欢的玩具的英文介绍:My favorite toy is a beautiful doll. She has long hair, big eyes and a pink dress. I like playing with her because she is very cut... This car is my favorite toy.

1. 乐高是一种非常受欢迎的玩具品牌 。2. 乐高的英文名称是LEGO,它是丹麦公司The LEGO Group所生产的一种积木玩具 。乐高的特点是可以通过组装积木来创造各种不同的模型和结... 此外,乐高还有许多主题系列,如城市、星球大战、超级英雄等,满足不同年龄段和兴趣爱好的人的需求 。总之,乐高是一种富有创造性和教育意义的玩具,深受全球各个年龄段的人... Plastic LEGO Bricks 1954 LEGO system 1968 1st LEGO land Top 10 toy company Ole Kirk Christiansen LEGO Bricks Development The series of castle 1978The first ...

魔方(Rubik's Cube / magic box) 陀螺(peg-top) 积木(building block / toy bricks)

英文名称:toy 中文名称:玩具 英文名称:electronic toys 中文名称:电动玩具 英文名称:plastic toys 中文名称:塑料玩具 英文名称:intelligence toys 中文名称:益智玩具 英文... 英文名称:toy 中文名称:玩具 英文名称:electronic toys 中文名称:电动玩具 英文名称:plastic toys 中文名称:塑料玩具 英文名称:intelligence toys 中文名称:益智玩具 英文... 中文名称:玩具 英文名称:electronic toys 中文名称:电动玩具 英文名称:plastic toys 中文名称:塑料玩具 英文名称:intelligence toys 中文名称:益智玩具 英文名称:s...

My pet is a toy bear. His name is Small White. He is white. He has blue eyes and blue ears. His hands and feet are blue too. He is naughty. He likes to make fun... My pet is a toy bear. His name is Small White. He is white. He has blue eyes and blue ears. His hands and feet are blue too. He is naughty. He likes to make fun...

building block:积木 flannelette toy:绒毛玩具 toy plane; toy trine; toy car; toy arecraft drum shaped rattle:拨浪鼓 puppet:木偶 jigsaw puzzle:拼图 ele... building block:积木 flannelette toy:绒毛玩具 toy plane; toy trine; toy car; toy arecraft drum shaped rattle:拨浪鼓 puppet:木偶 jigsaw puzzle:拼图 ele...

玩具的英语单词是:plaything ,快速记忆的方法是play是玩的意思,thing是东西的意思,plaything就是玩的东西也就是玩具。 玩具的英语单词是:plaything ,快速记忆的方法是play是玩的意思,thing是东西的意思,plaything就是玩的东西也就是玩具。

"玩具"英语:toy,读音:英 [tɒɪ] 美 [tɔɪ] n.玩具;小装饰品;不值钱的东西vi.玩弄;调情;随随便便地对待adj.作为玩具的;玩物似的相关短语: 1、officetoy 办公室... "玩具"英语:toy,读音:英 [tɒɪ] 美 [tɔɪ] n.玩具;小装饰品;不值钱的东西vi.玩弄;调情;随随便便地对待adj.作为玩具的;玩物似的相关短语: 1、officetoy 办公室...

1 My favorite toy is a teddy bear.2 Because it is cute and cuddly, and always makes me feel comforted and happy.3 In English, I would say "My favorite toy is a... 1 My favorite toy is a teddy bear.2 Because it is cute and cuddly, and always makes me feel comforted and happy.3 In English, I would say "My favorite toy is a ...


toy 玩具 electronic toys 电动玩具 plastic toys 塑料玩具 intelligence toys 益智玩具 staff toys 毛绒玩具 stuffed toy 填充玩具 fancy toy 益智玩具 toy 玩具 aule 小玩意儿 knickknack 小玩意儿 plaything 玩具 game 游戏 rag ay 娃娃玩具 peashooter 玩具枪 water gun 玩具水枪 minicar 玩具车


玩具的英语toy读音tɔɪ。toy英 tɔɪ 美 tɔɪ n玩具玩物小装饰品无实用价值的东西。toy的用法示例如下1You can fix the toy planes tail with this glue 你可以用这种胶水将玩具飞机的机尾粘住。2Their new puppy has een pulling the toy aout 他们那只新的小狗一直把玩具拖


This is my toy dog Its a white dog ut its ears are lack My mum gave it to me as a irthday present I put it in my ed Its my good friend



Hello everyody I have got an interesting toy It has a lot of functions When you are tired you can put your head on it slowly then you will get more release When you are sad you can use your hands to eat it violently then you will e happier ecause it will laugh all the time The more you