






关键词:key word / key expression第一回合:Round One第二回合:Round Two.

先看选项勾出关键词,听到选项里有就划一下,然后就马上看下一道题,如果你已经听到选项就马上看下一题,前面的新闻听力都比较简单,一般根本不用听问题是什么。趁着时间赶... 先看选项勾出关键词,听到选项里有就划一下,然后就马上看下一道题,如果你已经听到选项就马上看下一题,前面的新闻听力都比较简单,一般根本不用听问题是什么。趁着时间赶...

论文写作格式里,首先是标题,标题明确的标明了文章的论题或主要论点。 标题下是摘要和关键词。摘要用简洁的语言说明论文的主要论题以及研究意义。并论述论文的主要观点以... 论文写作格式里,首先是标题,标题明确的标明了文章的论题或主要论点。 标题下是摘要和关键词。摘要用简洁的语言说明论文的主要论题以及研究意义。并论述论文的主要观点以... 摘要用简洁的语言说明论文的主要论题以及研究意义。并论述论文的主要观点以及重要意义。摘要主要用来让读者了解文章的主要内容。 摘要下面是关键词。 然后把摘要和关键...

以下是一些常见的英语关键词: 1. 询问:ask, question, inquire 2. 理解:understand, comprehend, grasp 3. 描述:describe, portray, illustrate 4. 解释:explain, cla... 以下是一些常见的英语关键词: 1. 询问:ask, question, inquire 2. 理解:understand, comprehend, grasp 3. 描述:describe, portray, illustrate 4. 解释:explain, cla...

先将阅读材料迅速浏览一遍,注意标题、副标题和段落大意,然后按照问题要求,确定需找寻的重点词。在阅读材料的途中,将注意力集中在这些[关键词]上,通过迅速阅读、跳读等... 先将阅读材料迅速浏览一遍,注意标题、副标题和段落大意,然后按照问题要求,确定需找寻的重点词。在阅读材料的途中,将注意力集中在这些[关键词]上,通过迅速阅读、跳读等... 需要注意的是,[关键词]的选择应该准确、全面,不可以过分依赖于翻译软件或者字典,应该灵活掌握并熟悉。 1.定位[关键词]是保证正确理解英语阅读材料的重要步骤。 2.第一,... ...

搜索关键词即用户输入一个词/句子,以此为内容进行搜索,搜索引擎据因为内容显示的搜索结果 。其中用户输入的内容就是“关键词”。关键词源于英文“keywords”,特指单个媒... 搜索关键词即用户输入一个词/句子,以此为内容进行搜索,搜索引擎据因为内容显示的搜索结果。其中用户输入的内容就是“关键词”。关键词源于英文“keywords”,特指单个媒...


ook年内进入中国的消息在业界不胫而走,同时有知情人... 2010年4月13日 Facebook年内进入中国的消息在业界不胫而走,同时有知情人士透露,Facebook正在积极寻找国内合作伙伴 iwara搜索功能可以在搜索框里面输入你想搜索的内容,然后点击搜索就可使用了。 关键词源于英文“keywords”,特指单个媒体在制作使用索引时,所用到的词汇。是图书馆学中的... 关键词源于英文“keywords”,特指单个媒体在制作使用索引时,所用到的词汇。是图书馆学中的词汇。关键词搜索是网络搜索索引主要方法之一,就是访问者希望了解的产品 、服...

abstract keyword AbstractKey words summary摘要keywords关键词 SUMMARYKEY WORD


1Foggy2Yeshe was3A pound4Because he knew London well He was lind so ad weather or good weather was the same for him5Kind or warmhearted

It was a very foggy day in Mr Smith had arrived from Edinurgh to go to a very important meetingut no uses or taxis were running ecause the drivers were not ale to see more than a yard in front of It was still early for his meetingso he thought that he would walk to the officeBut he saw that noady was even trying to walk anywhereWhile he was standing theresaying unhappy things aout the fogand thinking that he would have to telephone to the office and say that he was not ale to comea young man came up to him and said39Sirif you want to go somewhereI can guide you39Mr Smith was very surprised and could hardly elieve his earsHe asked39How can you find the way when there is thick fog everywhere3939Don39t worrysir39answered the young man39Believe me39So Mr Smith told the young man where he wanted to goand they startedThey walked quite fastturning corners and crossing roads in different At lastMr Smith thougut39Perhaps this man is foolishhe would show me a wrong place39But a minute laterthe young man stopped and said39Here is the placesir39Mr Smith was surprised to find that he had really reached the officeHe gave the young man a pound and then said39How did you find the way in the fog3939I am lindsir39answered the young man39ut I know London welland it is exactly the same for me in the fog391What was the weather like that day2Was Mr Smith going to ask for leave efore the young man came up to him3How much did Mr Smith pay for the young man39s guide4Why was the young man ale to guide Mr Smith so well5What do you thick of the lind young man


题你自己做吧给你说说英文的意思是什么在二十世纪80年代以前模特很少被别人知道的别人仅仅是知道这个人找的好看至于他们叫什么名字喜欢什么有什么爱好有多大年纪甚至有些都不知道这些模特的名字  。 从80年代开始进入了超模时代这时候的模特不再和以前一样他们有自

Before the 1980s models were just eautiful people in magazine photographs People knew very little aout them They didn39t know how old they were where they lived or what their favourite sports were Most people didn39t even know their names Then came the 1980s the era时代 of the supermodel This was when some models ecame so famous that they ecame as well known as Hollywood film stars Most people today have heard of Naomi Campell Kate Moss Elle Macpherson Claudia Schiffer and the other supermodels Stories aout them appear in magazines Journalists interview them Television documentaries have een made aout their lives There are also hundreds of supermodel wesites created y fans On these wesites fans include information aout the models39 weight shoe size and hair colour One of the reasons these models ecame so famous was the huge amounts of money they were paid Canadian supermodel Linda Evangelista once said “I won39t get out of ed for less than 10000 £6500 a day” Claudia Schiffer had a fouryear contract 合同 with the cosmetics 化妆品 company Revlon The company paid her £4000000 for just thirty days39 work per year—that39s more than £130000 per day Supermodels don39t make their money just from posing for the camera or walking down the catwalk They have discovered many other areas where they can market themselves films television shows exercise videos calendars and even the lingerie女内衣 usiness Elle Macpherson has her own underwear company which makes millions of pounds a year Supermodels have many other things in common too They travel all over the world to work They own houses and flats in many different places51 Before the 1980s A supermodels didn39t exist B models were as well known as Hollywood stars C some models were called supermodels D people knew the names of many models52 How do people get to know aout the lives of supermodels A By watching their shows B By calling their moiles C By surfing their wesites D By sending presents to them53 For one day39s work Linda Evangelista expects to e paid A £6500 or more B less than £6500 C £4 million D more than £13000054 Which of the following is not true A Supermodels are paid too much money B Nowadays supermodels are just as famous as Hollywood stars C Supermodes don39t just make money from modelling D All the supermodels have their own underwear companies55 What makes supermodels so famous A Stories interviews TV documentaries etc B Their physical appearance C The modelling jos they do D The usinesses they run虽然我个人也觉得烦了点但请各位高手指点一二谢谢


1Yes it is 2pleasure reading。 3they think pleasure reading is too easy 4Spend more tiime on reading pleasure reading 5pleasure reading helps each student in a different way They can learn more grammar and more words And they also learn more aout good writing

阅读下面文章回答以下问题 Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to ecome a etter reader in English It is also the most important way Some students say they dont want to read for pleasure They say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new words They say that pleasure reading is too easy Many experts专家 say pleasure reading is very important for learning EnglishDr Stephen Krashen a famous expert on learning languages says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things aout English Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure They also learn more aout good writing Dr Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different wayEach student needs to learn something different Pleasure reading makes it possile for each student to learn what he or she needs Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying When you read for pleasure you choose your own ooks and you dont have to rememer everything There are no tests on your pleasure reading ooks Pleasure reading will help you ● Learn how English speakers use English ● Read faster in English ● Find examples of good writing in English ● Learn new words ●Learn aout the cultures文化of English speakers 1 Is pleasure reading important for learning English 2 Which is the easier way to ecome a etter reader pleasure reading or studying 3 What do some students think of pleasure reading 4 How can we ecome etter readers 5 Whats the greatest advantage 优点 of pleasure reading 帮帮忙啦感激不尽


CBCBADBACB 请问这是小学还是初中的题考虑范围不详 。



为你解答。 1、help 2、cheaper 3 、dangerous 4、less 5、instead 6、seeing 7、simple 8、uncomfortale 9 、feel 10、lose
