





求一篇初二英语作文 关于保持健康的

For thousands of years physical activity has een associated with health Today science has confirmed the link with overwhelming evidence that people who lead active lifestyles are less likely to die early or to experience major illnesses such as heart disease diaetes and colon cancer E

求一篇初二英语作文 关于保持健康的 按总分总的格式。就先说保持健康很重要之类的。 然后怎么保持健康。 然后再总结一下。 词别太多。100左右。再少点也行。 初二水平。要自己写得。 别抄百度知道这边有的 。


Nowmany people dont have good haits现在很多人都没有好的习惯。 Soin hospitaleverydayyou can see many people所以在医院里你每天都能看到很多人。 Buthow can we keep good health但是我们要怎样保持健康呢 Every morningwe must do some exercises每天早上我们必


Staying healthy is a comination of ody heart and mind Doing excercise is one of the eaisest way to stay fit and healthy The love of unhealthy food like KFC and Macdonalds is something the heart and mind has to control They have too much fat and it will take a longer time to get them o


As we all know keeping healthy is important for every one of us We can’t e offered good jos in the future if we are not strong enough So how can we keep fit In my opinion we should try our est to do the following First I think you’d etter take exercise every day It is considered tha


提纲 1 健康是幸福生活的保证。 2 保持健康的几种方法。 3 美好的未来需要健康。 Health is the guarantee of one39s happiness Without a healthy ody one cannot do what he wants to not to mention accomplishing his goals in life One can keep fit in three ways First he is to pay at

保持健康 英语作文 初中水平

People are eginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever efore They egin to realize that good healthis the most valuale possession a person can have However many people dont know how to stay healthy although great efforts have een made in this re