





关于被动语态的英语 中考题

C is held 写成一般陈述句就是Our school sports meeting is held once a year被动语态不能用A。D was uilt金字塔修建发生在过去。描述过去发生的事实用一般过去式所以用was uilt。如对回答满意望采纳 。如不明白可以追问。祝学习进步O∩∩O

How often your school sports meetingOnce a yearAdoes hold B was held C is held Dis not holdhowthe Great Pyramid many years ago without modern machinesI do not know ut i hear it was hard to uildA is uilt B woulde uilt C have een uilt D was uilt


hometown7 Japanese is spoken y few people here8 Stamps are used to send letters9 A dog was drawn on the lackoard y Millie10 Printers are sold in the shop11 English is spoken y people in Australia12 Is your classroom cleaned every day13 Tea is grown in the south of C

1Mark Twain wrote a ook2My mother has ought a nice toy car for my twin rother3He connected the keyoard to the computer a moment ago4Nancy designed that CD5Uncle Sam made a strang machine last week6Do you grow cotton in your hometown7Few people speak Japanese here8WE use stamps to send letters9Millie drew a dog on the lackoard10They sell printers in the shop11People in Australia speak EnglishDo you clean your clasroom every day13We grow tea in the south of Chinansp


1 1 The People39s Repulic of China on Octoer 1 1949 A found B was founded C is founded D was found 2 English in Canada A speaks B are spoken C is speaking D is spoken 3 This English song y the girls after class A often sings B often sang C is ofte


B 句子是你有没有看到就是从过去到现在为止这段时间用完成时 happened虽然时态和句子的时态没有关系但是1976是过去了单把从句拎出来也应该用过去时 我也是初升高一起努力

时态 1my glasses ADo you see BHave you seen 2Jim asked us whathappenin China in 1976


They produm应该是produce silk in suzhou 主动句 The silk was produced y them in suzhou 被动句

They produm silk in suzhou 怎么由主动语态变被动语态





本人是学英语专业的现在大三了严格来讲这道题ABD都是正确的就是不知道有没有上下文联系如果没有上下文联系的话ABD都是正确的 也有可能是这题出的有问题这很正常我当初也是经常遇见些有问题的题目直接pass就是了不必钻牛角尖的 但有上下文联系的话就不好说了

23 I think much attention your pronunciation A must e paid to B ought to e paid to C must pay to D should e paid to 这道题为什么选AD不可以么


1 can e drawn 2 Is played 3has een found 4would was invited

根据所给动词适当形式填空。 1Pictures of roses can drawvery well y Tom 2footallplay all over the word 3Her lost ike find already 4I go to the party tomorrow if Tom invite 改错 1Did the children look after well 2LookThe man is sending to the hospital 翻译 1不能把这本书带出图书馆。 2你知道电话是何时发明的吗 3电视是中国人发明的吗 4当你的作业做完后你可以去踢球。 5 。这件大衣是什么做的棉制的。 能做多少做多少啊要快

英语选择题 初高中衔接

完成进行时可以表示一个动作持续进行可能刚刚停止可能还未停止可能即将停止 2The river smells terrilePeople mustdirty things into itB Ae stopped to throw Be stopped from throwing Cstop to throw Dstop from throwing stop s from doing sth 被动是e stopped from doin

1Theyon the program for almost one week efore I joined themand now weon it as no good results have come out so farA Ahad een workingare still working Bhad workedwere still working Chad een workinghave worked Dhave workedare still working 2The river smells terrilePeople mustdirty things into itB Ae stopped to throw Be stopped from throwing Cstop to throw Dstop from throwing 我觉得D也对啊人们必须停止向河里丢脏东西。也说得通你们觉得呢