






5选C这题是同义句的转换oth of them是quot两者都quot neither of them是quot两者都不quot quotBoth of them are not herequot MeansquotNeither of them are herequot 如果你没打错题目那就不知道选什么了6The是特指中国人a是泛指a hardworking people一个

1Could you tell me where the east street hospital is Excuse me is the to the east street hospital 除了填which way可不可以填what way 2It’s eleven o’clock he will e ack at twelve He will e ack 除了填in an hour 能不能填an hour later3Everyody should the environment pollution A prevent from B protect from C stop from D keep from 请解释。4They all agree George Has the project een passedWho George can make the final decisionAexcept except B except esides C ut ut D esides ut 请解释。5” of them are not here” Means “ of them are not here” A All some B Both Every C Both Neither D All oth 6 Chinese people are hardworking people 如果填the a的话怎么解释


Aeach other是互相彼此的意思排除AB而every other 是指所有其他的每隔一个的这个是一个固定用法 例如every other year 每隔一年每两年Cthis and the other是这个和另外一个用在此处不合适。排除CDall other不是一个固定用法应该是所有其他的意思用在此处也不合适。题干

I go to the cinemadayTuesdaysThursdaysand SaturdaysAeach other Bevery other Cthis and the other D all other为什么选B





网络就是好啊我们以前都是跑老远的问别人人家还不给你写答案就是说一下做法我写了一半想想还是删了不能害了你啊 1一种办法是慢慢乘开另一种是参考杨辉三角 2第一题就不说了第二题是把X22X看成一个整体 3简单的设X问题 4 5可以慢慢数还可以把1…12加两边

1试写出a5的展开式 2实数范围内分解因式 13X24XYY2 2 X22X27X22X12 3某汽车队要在规定天数内运完一批货物如果汽车减少6辆则需延长3天才能完成任务如果汽车增加4辆则可以提前1天完成任务问规定几天完成任务 4求证4a3a≥7 5时钟在每个整点敲钟点数每半点敲一下一昼夜敲多少下 6把巧克力分给8个小朋友要使每个小朋友都得到巧克力并且每个人得到的巧克力的块数各不相同至少应有多少块巧克力 7一个等数列共20项它的第10项和第11项分别是30和31这个等差数列的和是多少 8在1至200这200个数中能被9整除的数的和是多少 9解方程√X√X52√X25X252X 10实数a满足a333a1求a的值 11求函数YX1X2X3X415的最小值 不是我懒是我不会啊帮忙下 √是根号是开方


最后一段 All people have shortcomings and it is difficult for people to understand each other fully But all these doesnt matter ecause we live for happiness not for annoyance Take peopel as they are Try to love them like loving yourself Try to find merits from people different from you Tol



但是该题目句首已经有Who为避免重复所以答案以C that最佳。 6 、D固定短语drive s mad 把某人逼疯What39s up 改错1、except改成esides由other可知Sarah也出席晚会了即其也包括在内所以用esides 2、seldom后面加入doesseldom表示否定含义置于句首时句子必须部

1、Jerry39s shoes were worn out She wants to uy a new Ashoe shoes Cone Dpair2、 of my parents me Jiang for shortABothcall BNether call CAllcall DNone tell3、He will e ack in Aaone day or two Ba day or two days Ca day or two Da or two days4、I39ve got in the same troule he has Awith BAS Cthat Dwhich5、Who is the man is giving to children a piano lessonAwho B which Cthat Dwhy6、What39s upI can39t stand the noise outside It39s nearly me sad Akeeping Bturning C causing D driving改错1 、Five other girls except Sarah attended the party2、So far as I know seldom Marry come ack home to see her mother3、Where around the could she e4、Do you rememer the day on that you joined our clu 填空1、was expected he finisherd the task with success2、From the year he was going to school he egan to know what he wanted when hre grow up3、There are thirtythree students in our class in all most of are from ig cities答案我都有只需要讲解。


前面用at是因为 e ettter at 是习惯搭配如e good at e est at 也是此道理 后面短语则是do etter in 此时习惯用in 后面那个换成are etter than me at Chinese语法上讲也是没有错误的只不过西方人讨厌不喜欢重复。

Im etter than youatEnglish while you do etter than me inChinese 为什么一个用at一个用in




1、D 还没有 2、A show off 炫耀 take notice of 这里用被动 从句里用一般现在时 3、B 这道题并不很确定 B和C我觉得都行 B表示刚刚没有听重那个过程C表示没有听重结果。 4、A 过去经常用 不用had 因为when引导的从句表示某一段时间而不考虑对后来的影响。 5、C 考虑对现在

若能写上注释 那会另行加分3Q 1— It is said that “Traffic” is an exciting film —Iit yet I hope to see it soon A Didn’t see Bhadn’t seen C don’t see D haven’t seen 2 He will stop showing off if no notice of him A is taken Bwill e taken C takes D has taken 3 —What did you say —So you to me A won’t listen Bweren’t listening Cdidn’t listen Dhaven’t listened 4 —Have you ever worked with a tape recorder —I it a lot when I was studying Rrench at school A used Bwas used C have used D had used 5 —Let’s see if the asketall game has started yet —Started It must e clear whoy now A is winning B wins C has won D would win 6 —Where do you thinkhethe computer —Sorry I have no idea A ought B has ought C did uy D had ought 7 I violin lessons every two weeks ut I think 111 make it every week from next month A am having B have had C have D have een having 8The dark coluds are gathering as if it rain A will B is going to C would D were going 9Had to see you ack How longin Russia A didi you saty B have you stayed C were you staying D have you een staying 10 —Can you give me the right anwer —Sorry I Would you repeat that question A hadn’t listened B haven’t listened C don’t listen D wasn’t listening 11 —Has Tommy finished his homework yet —I have no idea He it this morning A was doing B had done C has done D did 13 —the new VCD for me Mum You promised —Oh dear I forgot A Will you uy B Did you uy CHave you ought D Would you uy 14 —Doyou know if the new film on this week —No itin Beijing first A has een shows Bwasl ought to show C will e is shown D had already missed 15 —You are talking too much —Only at home No one me ut you A is hearing B had heard C hears D heard 16 —Let’s hurry Professor Beach is coming —Oh I was afraid that we him A already miss B will miss C have already missed D had already missed 17 —I was sent to this hospital last night —You have een within an inch of life andit A haven’t known B didn’t know C don’t know D hadn’t know 18The Tvsets made y our factory sell est ut 10years ago no one could have guessed the place in the markets that they A were having B were to have C had had Dhad 19—What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday evening —Imy homework and was starting to take a ath A had just finished B was finishing C have already finished D was going to finish 20 The stone on the river ank rolled under her feet she was into the river and she called out for help A eing jumped B jumped C pulled D eing pulled


1530 题 答案依次为 43422 42133 113414 之所以这么匆忙只是为了抢第一个。其中1234分别代表acd。 需要哪一个题的解释尽管问我。我给你做出详细解释。
