





2、主语 + 谓语 + 宾语。3、主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语。4、主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语。5、主语 + 系动词+ 表语。6、There + be + 主语+ …。7、比较句型 。... 3、主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语。4、主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语。5、主语 + 系动词+ 表语 。6、There + be + 主语+ …。7、比较句型。8、it + is/was + 形容词... 4、主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语。5、主语 + 系动词+ 表语。6、There + be + 主语+ …。7、比较句型。8 、it + is/was + 形容词 + to do/that从句。扩展资料“...

“主语 + 谓语”(即“主谓”句型):这一句型英汉语言结构形式完全相同,说明“某人或某物如何动作”,或者说“某人或某物自身怎样运动”。例:They arrived in Harbin yesterda... 例:They arrived in Harbin yesterday morning.扩展资料“主语 + 谓语 + 宾语”(即“主谓宾”句型):这一句型英汉语言的`结构形式完全相同,用以说明“某人或某物做什么事情... 例:I study English.“主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语”(即“主谓双宾”句型):这一句型英汉语序结构相同,说明“某人为谁(间接宾语为人)做某事”,或者说“某人...

1. Time flies.时光易逝. 2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金. 3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人. 4. Time tries all.时间检验一切. 5. Time ... 1. Time flies.时光易逝. 2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金. 3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人. 4. Time tries all.时间检验一切. 5. Time ... flies.时光易逝. 2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金. 3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人. 4. Time tries all.时间检验一切. 5. Time ...

although,though,虽然even if,即使what if,如果.会怎样if only,要是、、、就好了And,并且because,因为so,所以,then,然后,那么now that,现在,既然 although,though,虽然even if,即使what if,如果.会怎样if only,要是 、、、就好了And,并且because,因为so,所以,then,然后,那么now that,现在,既然

被动语态(一般现在时) 主动语态变被动语态时,主动语态句中的宾语变成被动语态句中的主语,主动语态句中的主语成为被动语态句中的动作的发出者. 被动语态的口诀 一般现、... 请记下面口诀: 一般过去将来时,过去某时将发生. 主动should (would) do,被动be done代原形. 将来进行无被动,现在完成进行同.

起立 stand up坐下 sit down我的名字 my name我女儿 my daughter你的母亲 your mother下午好 Good afternoon上午好 Good morning用英语 in English多少 how many什么颜色 w... 起立 stand up坐下 sit down我的名字 my name我女儿 my daughter你的母亲 your mother下午好 Good afternoon上午好 Good morning用英语 in English多少 how many什么颜色 w... stand up坐下 sit down我的名字 my name我女儿 my daughter你的母亲 your mother下午好 Good afternoon上午好 Good morning用英语 in English多少 how many什么颜...

你喜欢游泳吗?5.She doesn't want to buy a car.她不想买一辆车.6.I am able to speak spoken English well.我能说好口语英语.7.Why do we always forget the most importa... 5.She doesn't want to buy a car.她不想买一辆车.6.I am able to speak spoken English well.我能说好口语英语.7.Why do we always forget the most important one?为什么... 为什么我们总是忘记最重要的一点呢?8.Everyone can be the kinds.每个人都能成为善良人.9.There is only a sun and a moon in the sky.在天空,只有一个太阳和一个...

主谓状.i met a friend while walking on the street.主谓宾.she kicks football.主系表.u are a boy.主谓双宾.i found him a car.主谓宾,状语.i found a car.主谓宾、宾补... 主谓状.i met a friend while walking on the street.主谓宾.she kicks football.主系表.u are a boy.主谓双宾.i found him a car.主谓宾,状语.i found a car.主谓宾、宾补... met a friend while walking on the street.主谓宾.she kicks football.主系表.u are a boy.主谓双宾.i found him a car.主谓宾,状语.i found a car.主谓宾、宾补i...

from...to如:from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

句型转换题是中考常见题型,它主要用来考查大家对句子结构的构成、变化的掌握及在行文中的运用等,类型繁多. 在句型转换中一定要注意时态,记清单词的搭配.现以近两年中考题为... 8. Kate does morning exercises every day. (2004山东省济南市)Does Kate do morning exercises every day? 9. Ann returned the book to the library yesterday. (2005... 9. Ann returned the book to the library yesterday. (2005四川省成都市)Did Ann return the book to the library yesterday? 二、变选择疑问句时,如果该句是一般...


三十五个经典句型 帮你过写作关一、 the est 名词 that 主词 have ever seen knownheardhadread etc the most 形容词 名词 that 主词 have ever seen knownheardhadread etc Mr Zhang is the kindest teacher that I have ever seen 二、Nothing is er than to



没啥衔接问题 过来人说 大家都这个水平啊 但是一点就是 词汇量增加 好的同学那个词汇量是一般同学望尘莫及的有时候词汇就是王道


t see it any more He is no longer a oy 2 判断句型 1 一般判断句 It is important for us to learn English It is kind of you to help me sincere means honest The oy is callednamed Tom We regardedconsider it as an honor 2强调判断 It is English that we should learn It is



1问路一般都是用which is the way to这个句型 没看见过what is the way to这样问路的 用what提问的一般是what is thisthat这那是什么 What is he他是做什么的2in an hour表示一个小时内而该句如果用an hour later就表示动作发生在12点之后不符合句意3选Bprotect…from 是

1Could you tell me where the east street hospital is Excuse me is the to the east street hospital 除了填which way可不可以填what way 2It’s eleven o’clock he will e ack at twelve He will e ack 除了填in an hour 能不能填an hour later3Everyody should the environment pollution A prevent from B protect from C stop from D keep from 请解释。4They all agree George Has the project een passedWho George can make the final decisionAexcept except B except esides C ut ut D esides ut 请解释。5” of them are not here” Means “ of them are not here” A All some B Both Every C Both Neither D All oth 6 Chinese people are hardworking people 如果填the a的话怎么解释

句型转换 高中英语

用 een given 是不对的。 只能用 If given 原因是 状语从句中的省略要把 主语和 e 动词同时省略 所以只需要 保留 given 就可以了。 这个句子也可以改写为 Given more time I will do it etter

句型转换 高中英语If I am given more timeIll do it etter gtIf given more timeI will do it etter een given对不对 不对请解释


加强否定 I wont do it at all I cant see it any more He is no longer a oy 2 判断句型 1 一般判断句 It is important for us to learn English It is kind of you to help me sincere means honest The oy is callednamed Tom We regardedconsider it as an honor 2强调判断 It is Eng



Exercise is good for you1most people really know very little aout how to exercise properly2when you tryyou can run into troule Many people3that when specific muscles are exerxisedthe fat in the neighouring area is"4up"Yet the5is that exercise urns fat from all over6 Studies show muscles which are not7lose their strength very To regain it needs 48 to 72 hours and exercise every other day will8a normal level of physical strength To lose weight you should always"work up a good sweat"when exercising9only10ody temperature to prevent over eatingThis is11water loss12you replace the liquidyou reolace the13 Walking is the est and easy to do It helps the circulation of lood14the odyand has a direct15on your over all feeling of healthExperience says that 20 minutes’16 17is minimum amount 18your reathing dosen’t return to normal state within minutes after you finish19you’ve done201 Aas But Cand Decause2 AWhile BWhen CAs DSo3 Aunderstand Believe Chope Dknow4 Auilt Buruned Cpiled Dgrown5 Areply Bpossiility Ctruth Dreason6 Aarm Bleg Cstomach Dady7 Aexercise Bexamined Cprotected Dcured8 Alose Braise Curn Dkeep9 ACertainly BNo CFortunatelyDProaly10Araises Breduces Cdestroys Dkeeps up11how Bwhy Cnothing utDmore than12AWhile BOnce CAs DWhenever13Aweight Bmuscle Csweat Dstrength14Aover Baround Cthroughout Dwith15Aeffect Buse Cusage Deducation Bsleep Cexercise Done day Ba day Ceveryday Dsome day18ABut if BBut CIf DAnd if19Aworking Bwalking Cexercising Dreathing20Aenough Bmuch Ctoo much Dmuch too


句型和语法的用法要求能举一反三灵活应用多做造句练习。4学会自己分析试卷找出自己学习上的缺陷制订弥补学习漏洞的措施。5要求 方法及良好的学习习惯建立融洽的师生关系帮助他们树立学习英语的自信心使他们适应高一英语学习顺利完成初高中英语教学的衔接。