






我有一个电影推荐贴。。。 练习口语俚语之类的最好了。。 里面都是近几年的推荐片子 。。 尤其针对口语总结的

马上初三了我不怎么爱学习。我想找一些英文电影带字幕的训练英语 。 有什么好的电影的不要恐怖的其他的都可以。


偷书贼是一部好莱坞电影主演来自不同的国家多数是非美籍的女主角法裔加拿大籍的另外两主角分别来自伦敦和澳大利亚。就像华裔演员的好莱坞电影都是说英语啊。 至于德国口音我想是为了映射故事发生地吧 。 以上纯属个人观点

故事的背景是二战时期的德国。如果本片使用的英文对话是纯正的英式英语或者美式英语或者德语都在情理之中。但为何使用带有浓重德语口音的英文来做对白这一点实在令我费解有人 故事的背景是二战时期的德国。如果本片使用的英文对话是纯正的英式英语或者美式英语或者德语都在情理之中。但为何使用带有浓重德语口音的英文来做对白这一点实在令我费解有人可以帮我解释一下吗 展开


1、壹千七百万人口国内第五大经济体但是人们彼此就陌生的很。我刚看报说一个人在巴士上死了尸体在车上逛了六个小时一堆人上上下下坐在他身旁都没注意到。17million people This was a country it would e the fifth igest economy in the world But noody knows each other To

There was once a captain wh

答案小题1C 小题2D 小题3A 小题4B 小题5D 答案解析试题分析曾经有一个视财如命的船长他总是用欺骗的手段来得到水手们的薪水。在一次航行即将结束的时候船长跟水手们打赌如果谁能待在海水中直到第二天太阳升起他就把船给那个人。 小题

There was once a captain who loved money so much that he cheated his sailors at the end of every voyage and took their wages On the last day of one voyage the ship was in a small port It was winter time and the sea was very cold so the captain said to his sailors "If one of you stays in the water during the whole night I will give him my ship But if he comes out efore the sun appears I shall get his wages" The sailors had heard aout the captains cheating so they didnt trust him But then one of them who thought that he was cleverer than the captain said that he would do it He got into the water and though it was very cold he stayed in it When it was nearly morning some fishermen lit a fire on the shore aout half a mile away "You are cheating" the captain said to the sailor "The fires warming you" "But its half a mile away" said the sailor "A fires fire" answered the captain "I have won" The sailor came out of the water and said "Perhaps you think that you are clever ecause you have won my wages ut you cant cook a chicken" "I can" answered the captain "If you cook this chicken" said the sailor "I shall work for you without wages for seven years ut if you cant you will give me your ship" The captain agreed took the chicken and said "Wheres the fire" "There it is" answered the sailor "On the shore" "But its half a mile away" said the captain angrily "A fires fire you said" answered the sailor "If it is enough to warm me in the water it is enough to cook your chicken" 小题1The captain got the sailors wages Ato uy a chicken for himself Band kept the money for future use Cy cheating him Dand said he would return the money soon 小题2Which of the following statements is TRUE AAll the sailors refused to get into the water ecause it was too cold BThe captain knew that the fire the fishermen made was enough to warm the sailor in the water CThe captain succeeded in cheating the sailor DIt was the sailor who was cleverer 小题3The captain insisted that the fire was warming the sailor ecause he Adidnt want to lose the et Bdidnt elieve the sailors success Cwanted to keep his promise Dwanted to show his cleverness 小题4Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE AThe sailors didnt trust the captain BIn order to help the sailor in the water the fishermen made a fire CThe captain failed to cheat the sailor this time DThe sailor didnt get out of the water efore the sun appeared 小题5What is the title of the story AHow a Captain Cheated His Sailor BHow a Sailor Got a Ship CA Brave Sailor DA Fire Is Fire


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