






Benefits of the city 城市的好处 用己所长在小城镇做生意有他相对于大城市的好处。 Capitalize on who is advantage small town usinesses have over their ig city counterparts 那个城市的好处是它位于铁路干线上而且你二十五分钟就能到伦敦了。 The advantage of that city is that its o


城市的好处 The advantages of the city 希望可以帮到你 望采纳

The Great Wall of China is one of Beijing’s iggest draws for tourists

试题答案 小题1C 小题2D 小题3B 小题4C

试题难度难度偏易 试题类型阅读理解 试题内容 The Great Wall of China is one of Beijing’s iggest draws for tourists despite its fame and uiquity in postcards across the world it rarely fails to attract tourists at the first proper sightYet the authorities open only certain sections of the wall as fit for viewing and few get to visit the unauthorized sections Fewer still are aware of the existence of at least one part of the Wall that remains in almost original condition nearly 1500 years after construction of legendary fortification egan But there’s a good reason for this – it’s underwater American journalist Steven Schwankert has een diving since age 10 It was though his setting – up of a diving school that Schwankert came to explore some of lesser – known areas of China’s lakes – and discovered the underwater Wall under a reservoir “The most fascinating piece of diving I ever did in China must e the Great Wall I managed to find out aout it via the Internet It wasn’t difficult to get to Pan Jiakou in Heei Province near the East Qing Tom aout 4 hour’s drive from Beijing Why do I want to dive the Great Wall Why do people want to walk on the Great Wall It’s the same answer” There are however advantages of visiting the Great Wall in a diving suit over eing on foot The water acts as a preservative y preventing the kind of mass tourism that has rought troule on other parts of the Wall “Unlike the people who walk in the Wall we as divers never need to actually touch it I’ve dived twice there the last time in July I found that the water then was much deeper than it was efore – 13 meters deep” When he first dived parts of the Wall were visile aove the surface Now even the guard tower is completely sumerged “It’s etter that the Wall is deep under water as there are lots of oats coming in and out around that area Their wave action could potentially damage the rickwork So the deeper the etter” 1Steven Schwankert is most interested in Acollecting photos of the Wall Bwalking along on the Wall Cdiving the underwater Wall Dvisiting some famous lakes 2What does the underlined word “sumerged” in Paragraph 5 most proaly mean ADamaged y water BWashed y water CPreserved y water DCovered y water 3What is the topic discussed in the last paragraph AAdvantages of walking on the Great Wall BAdvantages of visiting the underwater Wall CThe reasons why the Wall is deep under water DThe reasons why the underwater Wall is protected 4What can we infer from the text AThe underwater Wall will sink deeper year y year BDiving the Wall is popular with divers all over the world CDiving is a good way to visit the Wall without causing much damage DMore and more tourists will come to visit the underwater Wall in China

The Beijing of China这句话有没有语病啊

不要加the 就行 北京作为独一无二的城市不用加 the


北京于二零零八年成功举办了奥运会 In 2008 Beijing successfully hosted the Olympic Games 北京于二零零八年成功举办了奥运会 In 2008 Beijing successfully hosted the Olympic Games


If you go to Beijing you’ll find the Summer Palace more magnificent


If you go to Beijing you’ll find the Summer Palace more magnificent壮丽的than commonly Asupposing Bsupposed Cto suppose Dsuppose


Beijing is well know around the world for the Great Wall in Beijing and the Imperial Palace