





1 、who或者whom did with2、no money house3、clean4、bookstore或者其b开头的表示地点的词语5、game6、wanted7、is are或者were8 、is was9、are were10、are11、where did... 1、who或者whom did with2、no money house3、clean4、bookstore或者其b开头的表示地点的词语5、game6、wanted7、is are或者were8、is was9、are were10、are11、where did... did with2、no money house3、clean4、bookstore或者其b开头的表示地点的词语5、game6、wanted7、is are或者were8、is was9、are were10、are11 、where did go12...

The girl is old enough to go to school.

①(值得怜悯)pitiful 装出一副可怜相put on a pitiful look她的情况一天天坏下去,真可怜。It was awful the way her condition deteriorated day by day. ②A(数量极少)少... It was awful the way her condition deteriorated day by day. ②A(数量极少)少得可怜be pathetically meagre 报酬低得可怜miserably paidB,pity可怜某人feel pity for sb... pitiful poor

很高兴为您回答翻译为“His heart was full of pity for that poor girl"您的采纳是我回答的动力!

不可以,pity是名词或者动词,不是形容词.可以说a poor girl或者a pitiable girl等

There is a small boy hope oneself faster grow up,his mother told him to learn how to help others isn't grown up,one day,the child mom gave him some money to go ... There is a small boy hope oneself faster grow up,his mother told him to learn how to help others isn't grown up,one day,the child mom gave him some money to go ... is a small boy hope oneself faster grow up,his mother told him to learn how to help others isn't grown up,one day,the child mom gave him some money to g...

这是个名词短语.YOUNG PEOPLE是中心词,adrift in our big cities是它的定语.后置了.再比如.YOUNG PEOPLE ABROAD.在外留学的年轻人 abroad也是后置定语.如果真要改从句,就是... 这是个名词短语.YOUNG PEOPLE是中心词,adrift in our big cities是它的定语.后置了.再比如.YOUNG PEOPLE ABROAD.在外留学的年轻人 abroad也是后置定语.如果真要改从句,就是... PEOPLE是中心词,adrift in our big cities是它的定语.后置了.再比如.YOUNG PEOPLE ABROAD.在外留学的年轻人 abroad也是后置定语.如果真要改从句,就是young peopl...

littleadj.(less [les], lesser; least [li:st])小的(人物或动物)幼小的; 小得可爱的矮小的心地狭窄的; 孩子似的短(暂)的琐碎的; 微不足道 的; 渺小的(还含有可怜、轻蔑的... (比较: There is a little hope. 还有一点希望。 )There is (but) little time left. 没剩下多少时间了。(比较 Don't worry, we still have a little time. 别担心, 我们... no little 许多not a little 许多; 很quite a little [美口]大量, 丰富the little 小人物们, 无足轻重的人 仅有的一点think little of 不重视; 不在乎; 对...不踌躇...


从意思上说,基本都相近。可怜:poor贫穷:poor差:bad no good 从意思上说,基本都相近。可怜:poor贫穷:poor差:bad no good

他是一个孤独可怜的孩子 英语怎么说

He is a lonely pathetic kid





despairing of the arrival of a friend who had promised to meet her 4 你这个可怜虫 You miserale worm 5 哦天哪你这个可怜的人儿。 Oh dear I am ever so sorry 6 我不能不可怜他。 I cannot ut pity him 7 我可怜这位老人。 I feel pity for the old man 8 你应该可怜他。 You should tak



好漂亮可爱的小男孩英文翻译A eautiful and lovely little oy

小男孩 英语怎么说

Little oy


每天都接触英语每天半小时听力15个选择两三篇阅读再加完型等差不多考试的时候可以做些套题培养自己的考场感觉 注意归纳笔记单元的内容语法知识短语分开写有空多复习 方法比如完形先看一次文章再做阅读先看问题再看答案这些方法可以问老师和成绩好的同学 不要怕错
