





Last weekend,I went to Beijing with my firend.The weather was sunny and hot.First we visited the Great Wall.There were lots of people on the Great Wall.The next... Last weekend,I went to Beijing with my firend.The weather was sunny and hot.First we visited the Great Wall.There were lots of people on the Great Wall.The next... weekend,I went to Beijing with my firend.The weather was sunny and hot.First we visited the Great Wall.There were lots of people on the Great Wall.The n...

Last week,I went to Sanya with my friend.We went swimming. We took lots of pictures.We ate some delicious food.I bought gift. Last week,I went to Sanya with my friend.We went swimming. We took lots of pictures.We ate some delicious food.I bought gift.

Last weekend,I went to Jane's home.When I arrived ,Jane was listening to the radio and her mother was clearing the house.Jane's brother was watching TV .Her sis... Last weekend,I went to Jane's home.When I arrived ,Jane was listening to the radio and her mother was clearing the house.Jane's brother was watching TV .Her sis... weekend,I went to Jane's home.When I arrived ,Jane was listening to the radio and her mother was clearing the house.Jane's brother was watching TV .Her ...

今天,是一个阳光明媚的好天气,爸爸妈妈带我和到丰庆公园去玩. 来到公园,公园里风景如画,令人陶醉,那里种着花草、树,一簇簇绿叶衬托着一朵朵各色各样的花朵,有些孩子... 今天,是一个阳光明媚的好天气,爸爸妈妈带我和到丰庆公园去玩. 来到公园,公园里风景如画,令人陶醉,那里种着花草、树,一簇簇绿叶衬托着一朵朵各色各样的花朵,有些孩子... 可是一会爸爸妈妈就让我走了 我们走了一会儿,就看见一个湖,宽敞的湖里,碧波荡漾,漂亮的小石桥直通湖中的小亭子,有时小亭子里还有人下棋。 来到湖边, 爸爸给我... 来到湖...

今天我和爸爸去上山。 山好大,好高,即使站在很远的地方,也能看见。我和爸爸来到山脚下,看着又高又大的山,我有些丧气,我对爸爸说:“爸爸,这么高的山,要爬到什么时... ”这时,爸爸在一块石头下面找到了一只小蝎子,这只蝎子的背上是浅褐色的,其余的部位是黄色的。放下石头后我们继续向山顶爬去,走到半山腰,我累了,便休息了一会儿,跟着... 我累得满头大汗,山风吹过来,真舒服呀!从山顶往下望去,楼房象火柴盒一样,人们象小蚂蚁一样小,真是太有意思了。登上山顶的感觉真好! 于是,我咬紧牙硬是坚持第一个爬到了山顶。我累得...

My weekendThis Sunday is going to be a busy day.I will have to get up early in the morning to attend the maths workshop.Then I will hang out with my friends and... My weekendThis Sunday is going to be a busy day.I will have to get up early in the morning to attend the maths workshop.Then I will hang out with my friends and... Sunday is going to be a busy day.I will have to get up early in the morning to attend the maths workshop.Then I will hang out with my friends and we wil...

This Sunday,I am going to watch a football match with Jack.As the match will begin at three o'clock in the afternoon,Jack is going to meet me at my house at two... This Sunday,I am going to watch a football match with Jack.As the match will begin at three o'clock in the afternoon,Jack is going to meet me at my house at two... Sunday,I am going to watch a football match with Jack.As the match will begin at three o'clock in the afternoon,Jack is going to meet me at my house at ...

Today's weather was very fine,and I met good friends at school,We were starting 9:00,then we took the bus to the NANWANG "lake,upon arrival,we walked toward sce... Today's weather was very fine,and I met good friends at school,We were starting 9:00,then we took the bus to the NANWANG "lake,upon arrival,we walked toward sce... weather was very fine,and I met good friends at school,We were starting 9:00,then we took the bus to the NANWANG "lake,upon arrival,we walked toward sce...

1、我很旗帜鲜明的不赞同出去玩非要写个作文之类的。 看到你这个问题,我想起来小时候上学时老师总是喜欢让看一本书或者看一部电影让后写读后感或者观后感。 想想当时我们... 4、确立新颖、独特的文章标题。有时能起到事半功倍的效果。 5、坚持写日记,既能练笔,又积累了素材。 6、学会引用名人名言,引用仙人的诗词歌赋,使你的文章更加有说服力... 毕竟,培养孩子的专注力也是非常重要的 。 最后,还是希望你给孩子一些自主性,循序渐进,不要太过于强迫。 图片来源网络,侵权删。 孩子写作文的诀窍 如今,很多家长都非常重视...

拿我之前帮其他网友需要解决的文章,或许可以可以帮到你The weather so fine that I go for a picnic with my several friends.I set off from house′s door at six in the... 拿我之前帮其他网友需要解决的文章,或许可以可以帮到你The weather so fine that I go for a picnic with my several friends.I set off from house′s door at six in the... weather so fine that I go for a picnic with my several friends.I set off from house′s door at six in the morning and meet them .Then we go to the desti...






在我的一生当中有许许多多的愉快的一天其中最愉快的事一个暑假的星期天。 那是一个炎热的星期天那一天我给自己安排了慢慢的事情 。早上5点多就和几个朋友一起去爬山。到了中午时我就带着几个好朋友骑着自行车就去我发现的空地上玩耍我们就先玩起飞行棋然后有的玩荡




写一篇日记300字 出去玩的

以后每个周日的早晨都要起得早出去逛逛融入环境融入社会从早晨走向美好明天 6 母爱是无私 、伟大的然而我并不懂得珍惜 记得有一次 上面有许多小朋友兴奋的又蹦又跳 活泼得像一只只小猴子 我被吸引住了 马上和妹妹爬上去和他们一起玩起来 我们在上面蹦呀跳呀活像一只