





今天周末,我约了几个小伙伴一起去打篮球,今天天气很暖和秋高气爽,心情很舒畅换好运动衣出门,不一会儿就来到了篮球场,大概等了有十分钟,小伙伴们都聚齐了,伙伴们,汗... 今天周末,我约了几个小伙伴一起去打篮球,今天天气很暖和秋高气爽,心情很舒畅换好运动衣出门,不一会儿就来到了篮球场,大概等了有十分钟,小伙伴们都聚齐了,伙伴们,汗...

三月二十三日,又一个双休日到来了.这一天,我们全家特别的兴奋和快乐—我和爸爸妈妈到江摈公园去放风筝了. 我爸爸买了一个蝴蝶风筝有着五彩缤纷的颜色,非常的漂亮.我先放.... 三月二十三日,又一个双休日到来了.这一天,我们全家特别的兴奋和快乐—我和爸爸妈妈到江摈公园去放风筝了. 我爸爸买了一个蝴蝶风筝有着五彩缤纷的颜色,非常的漂亮.我先放.... 我爸爸买了一个蝴蝶风筝有着五彩缤纷的颜色,非常的漂亮.我先放.爸爸把风筝托起来,我拉着线圈.妈妈数123,我放腿快跑,爸爸马上把风筝放掉,美丽鲜艳的蝴蝶风筝升上了天...

在我的记忆中,有一件令我难以忘怀的事: 那是个星期天,我提议说:“咱们举行一个‘家庭智力大比拼’吧”于是爸爸、妈妈便答应了. 我拿出了所有的宝典,站在沙发上,郑重其事... ” 第一轮抢答题,双方等我把题念完,如知道答案,就拍一下身边的凳子.好!第一轮现在开始.问题:事实与谎言之间有多远?“梆”爸爸急忙“按下了抢答器”,说道:“事实与谎言之间... 第一轮现在开始.问题:事实与谎言之间有多远?“梆”爸爸急忙“按下了抢答器”,说道:“事实与谎言之间有五个指头这么远,因为事实是眼睛看到的,而谎言又是耳朵听到的...

Last weekend, all students in my class went to the park. It was sunny that day. The park was full of kinds of flowers. In the morning, some of my classmates san... Last weekend, all students in my class went to the park. It was sunny that day. The park was full of kinds of flowers. In the morning, some of my classmates san...

I invited my boyfriend over to my place for the weekend. We went to the supermarket to buy some meat , some vegetables and a bottle of wine. We had lunch at a f... I invited my boyfriend over to my place for the weekend. We went to the supermarket to buy some meat , some vegetables and a bottle of wine. We had lunch at a f...

A: where do you plan to go this weekend?B: i want to go mountain climbing?C:why?D:i agree with him because mountain climbing can let us relax and excise our bod... B: i want to go mountain climbing?C:why?D:i agree with him because mountain climbing can let us relax and excise our body.A:but i want to go to KTVC:i agree too... C:why?D:i agree with him because mountain climbing can let us relax and excise our body.A:but i want to go to KTVC:i agree too! i love to sing in KTV. a...

Last weekend,I went to Jane's home.When I arrived ,Jane was listening to the radio and her mother was clearing the house.Jane's brother was watching TV .Her sis... Last weekend,I went to Jane's home.When I arrived ,Jane was listening to the radio and her mother was clearing the house.Jane's brother was watching TV .Her sis... weekend,I went to Jane's home.When I arrived ,Jane was listening to the radio and her mother was clearing the house.Jane's brother was watching TV .Her ...

小明和小强还有小刚放学后一同回家,他们几个商量“明天是星期六就放假了,一同去动物园看看小动物怎么样?” 小明的这个提议,小强和小刚都高呼“好啊!” 星期六的早上三个人... 小明和小强还有小刚放学后一同回家,他们几个商量“明天是星期六就放假了,一同去动物园看看小动物怎么样?” 小明的这个提议,小强和小刚都高呼“好啊!” 星期六的早上三个人...

December, 7th, 2011It was Sunday and a sunny day. I went to Zhongshan Park with my several friends. Everyone was glad to take part in this picnic. There were si... December, 7th, 2011It was Sunday and a sunny day. I went to Zhongshan Park with my several friends. Everyone was glad to take part in this picnic. There were si... 7th, 2011It was Sunday and a sunny day. I went to Zhongshan Park with my several friends. Everyone was glad to take part in this picnic. There were six ...

Today is Sunday, I invited my friend Zhang Qiang to water park. Eight in the morning we set off, to a park, a lot of people ah! We finally came to the ferris wh... Today is Sunday, I invited my friend Zhang Qiang to water park. Eight in the morning we set off, to a park, a lot of people ah! We finally came to the ferris wh... We finally came to the ferris wheel, looked up, really high ah. We two people waiting in line to buy tickets, finally boarded the ferris wheel,looked do...


盼望着盼望着一年一度的国庆节终于到了。今天是祖国妈妈的生日举国上下都在庆祝祖国各地一片欢歌笑语。 天还蒙蒙亮我们一家就起床了我特别想出去玩 。于是我扯着妈妈的衣服说“妈妈带我去金清广场玩吧”妈妈拿我没辙只好答应了。我听了一蹦三尺高连连拍手叫好。 我




寒假旅游作文550字 放寒假了世博会也越来越近了倒计时100天近在眼前。我在寒假里报名参加了迎世博礼仪冬令营。在冬令营里我学到了不少世博知识。 在冬令营的六天里我们在早上学习世博英语。世博英语挺难的单词长长的但在老师的帮助下我们都一一读出了它们。我想有


只要分几个点描写去玩的地方 开头可以开门见山 结尾写去那玩的感受。