





今天,我们全家六口人一起去人民公园划船。 走进公园一眼就看见环绕公园的西湖,西湖像圆盘一样一个接一个,还有的像宝葫芦,还有的像弯弯的月亮。湖泊中间有一个... 今天,我们全家六口人一起去人民公园划船。 走进公园一眼就看见环绕公园的西湖,西湖像圆盘一样一个接一个,还有的像宝葫芦,还有的像弯弯的月亮。湖泊中间有一个... 走进公园一眼就看见环绕公园的西湖,西湖像圆盘一样一个接一个,还有的像宝葫芦,还有的像弯弯的月亮。湖泊中间有一个小岛,岛上有葱绿的树林和青青的小草,天空... 湖泊中间有一个小岛,岛上...

On Sunday,I go to the zoo with my friends.We see many kinds of animals there.There are tigers,lions,elephants,giraffes,peacocks,monkeys,koala bears and so on.Of... On Sunday,I go to the zoo with my friends.We see many kinds of animals there.There are tigers,lions,elephants,giraffes,peacocks,monkeys,koala bears and so on.Of...

We have a good time on weekends.I do my homework on Saturday.My mother cleans our room.We go shopping and buy some food.On Sunday,I visit my grandparents with m... We have a good time on weekends.I do my homework on Saturday.My mother cleans our room.We go shopping and buy some food.On Sunday,I visit my grandparents with m... a good time on weekends.I do my homework on Saturday.My mother cleans our room.We go shopping and buy some food.On Sunday,I visit my grandparents with m...

I think students should be allowed to go for activities during the weekends. Firstly, it can make the students get along better with each other. Secondly, the s... I think students should be allowed to go for activities during the weekends. Firstly, it can make the students get along better with each other. Secondly, the s... students should be allowed to go for activities during the weekends. Firstly, it can make the students get along better with each other. Secondly, the s...

比方句,就是比喻句.通俗地说,就是为了让读者更明白你要说的意思,把一个很平常的东西说得不一样一点,另类一点,就是把不是的东西比做是的.用另类而形象的句子来打一比方,这样... 比方句,就是比喻句.通俗地说,就是为了让读者更明白你要说的意思,把一个很平常的东西说得不一样一点,另类一点,就是把不是的东西比做是的.用另类而形象的句子来打一比方,这样...

Lastweekend,I visited the Mount Baiyun with my friends.We met at the school gate ,and started at 8:00.We went there by bus.It was sunny and warm.After we arrive... Lastweekend,I visited the Mount Baiyun with my friends.We met at the school gate ,and started at 8:00.We went there by bus.It was sunny and warm.After we arrive... visited the Mount Baiyun with my friends.We met at the school gate ,and started at 8:00.We went there by bus.It was sunny and warm.After we arrived ,we ...

Hello,everyone!My name is Xing Xiaoqing.You can call me Cherry.I’m in Class 0506.Li Nan is my best friend.She’s thirteen years old.Her birthday is on 3rd Octo... My name is Xing Xiaoqing.You can call me Cherry.I’m in Class 0506.Li Nan is my best friend.She’s thirteen years old.Her birthday is on 3rd October and she was...

Sunday January 13th, 2009 Sunny Today was sunny. After breakfast I went to the Beijing Zoo by bus with Li... Sunday January 13th, 2009 Sunny Today was sunny. After breakfast I went to the Beijing Zoo by bus with Li...

My SundayToday is Sunday.I got up very early in the morning.After breakfast I went to the bookstore.I wanted to buy a book Robinson Crusoe.I looked for the book... My SundayToday is Sunday.I got up very early in the morning.After breakfast I went to the bookstore.I wanted to buy a book Robinson Crusoe.I looked for the book... is Sunday.I got up very early in the morning.After breakfast I went to the bookstore.I wanted to buy a book Robinson Crusoe.I looked for the book for qu...

今天周末昨天就和父母说好了,今天邀请两位同学来家里玩.一大早爸爸和妈妈就出去了,早上九点钟门铃响了,我去开门,看见两位好同学都在门外等着了,我高兴的把她们让进屋.我们... 今天周末昨天就和父母说好了,今天邀请两位同学来家里玩.一大早爸爸和妈妈就出去了,早上九点钟门铃响了,我去开门,看见两位好同学都在门外等着了,我高兴的把她们让进屋.我们...




在我的一生当中有许许多多的愉快的一天其中最愉快的事一个暑假的星期天。 那是一个炎热的星期天那一天我给自己安排了慢慢的事情。早上5点多就和几个朋友一起去爬山。到了中午时我就带着几个好朋友骑着自行车就去我发现的空地上玩耍我们就先玩起飞行棋然后有的玩荡





今天我正在家看电视忽然听到“咚咚咚”的敲门声我打开一看原来是我的好朋友陈在昔呀她说“我爸爸带我们去农校玩快拿自行车和水杯”我把急忙准备好东西下楼了。 我们在马路上休闲地骑着自行车不一会儿就到农校了。我们来到大哥哥大姐姐们的操场上先骑了两圈自行车又




写一篇日记300字 出去玩的

以后每个周日的早晨都要起得早出去逛逛融入环境融入社会从早晨走向美好明天 6 母爱是无私、伟大的然而我并不懂得珍惜 记得有一次 上面有许多小朋友兴奋的又蹦又跳 活泼得像一只只小猴子 我被吸引住了 马上和妹妹爬上去和他们一起玩起来 我们在上面蹦呀跳呀活像一只

和朋友一起玩耍的日记 范文

今天上网玩游戏同学发来一个网站说里面的寓言故事应该可以拿到博客上登。里面有一篇让我深受感发。 布恩的微笑一天布恩去访问一位客户但是很可惜他们没有达成协议。布恩很苦恼回来后把事情的经过告诉了经理。经理耐心地听完了布恩的讲述沉默了一会儿说“你不妨

和朋友一起玩耍的日记 范文