





今天周末,我约了几个小伙伴一起去打篮球,今天天气很暖和秋高气爽,心情很舒畅换好运动衣出门,不一会儿就来到了篮球场,大概等了有十分钟,小伙伴们都聚齐了,伙伴们,汗... 今天周末,我约了几个小伙伴一起去打篮球,今天天气很暖和秋高气爽,心情很舒畅换好运动衣出门,不一会儿就来到了篮球场,大概等了有十分钟,小伙伴们都聚齐了,伙伴们,汗...

Student who likes to park you must?Like you I also enjoy playing Go to the park.I have been at the park,I think of the children's park Huzhou most fun,most peop... Like you I also enjoy playing Go to the park.I have been at the park,I think of the children's park Huzhou most fun,most people are not willing to leave,you kno... Let us approach it with you!Into the gate,come into view of the scene is a joy,screamed at everyone,everyone in laughter and I can not wait to integrate...

Last weekend,I went to Beijing with my firend.The weather was sunny and hot.First we visited the Great Wall.There were lots of people on the Great Wall.The next... Last weekend,I went to Beijing with my firend.The weather was sunny and hot.First we visited the Great Wall.There were lots of people on the Great Wall.The next... weekend,I went to Beijing with my firend.The weather was sunny and hot.First we visited the Great Wall.There were lots of people on the Great Wall.The n...

今天,是一个阳光明媚的好天气,爸爸妈妈带我和到丰庆公园去玩. 来到公园,公园里风景如画,令人陶醉,那里种着花草、树,一簇簇绿叶衬托着一朵朵各色各样的花朵,有些孩子... 今天,是一个阳光明媚的好天气,爸爸妈妈带我和到丰庆公园去玩. 来到公园,公园里风景如画,令人陶醉,那里种着花草 、树,一簇簇绿叶衬托着一朵朵各色各样的花朵,有些孩子... 可是一会爸爸妈妈就让我走了 我们走了一会儿,就看见一个湖,宽敞的湖里,碧波荡漾,漂亮的小石桥直通湖中的小亭子,有时小亭子里还有人下棋。 来到湖边, 爸爸给我... 来到湖...

Last weekend, all students in my class went to the park. It was sunny that day. The park was full of kinds of flowers. In the morning, some of my classmates san... Last weekend, all students in my class went to the park. It was sunny that day. The park was full of kinds of flowers. In the morning, some of my classmates san...

今天,我过了一个有趣的星期六。爸爸所在的单位——黑岱沟露天矿举办了一个植树造林的活动 。早晨,天气晴朗,天空中飘着朵朵白云。我和爸爸乘坐大客车来到了黑岱沟露天矿植树... 爸爸所在的单位——黑岱沟露天矿举办了一个植树造林的活动。早晨,天气晴朗,天空中飘着朵朵白云。我和爸爸乘坐大客车来到了黑岱沟露天矿植树现场。过了一会儿,又有许多小朋... 早晨,天气晴朗,天空中飘着朵朵白云。我和爸爸乘坐大客车来到了黑岱沟露天矿植树现场。过了一会儿,又有许多小朋友在父母的带领下也来到了植树现场。我和小伙伴开始植...

Hello, Mike ! I am writing to tell you something about the trip we took last weekend. I went to Beijing with some friends by air . First we went to the Great Wa... I am writing to tell you something about the trip we took last weekend. I went to Beijing with some friends by air . First we went to the Great Wall , which is...

We have a good time on weekends.I do my homework on Saturday.My mother cleans our room.We go shopping and buy some food.On Sunday,I visit my grandparents with m... We have a good time on weekends.I do my homework on Saturday.My mother cleans our room.We go shopping and buy some food.On Sunday,I visit my grandparents with m... a good time on weekends.I do my homework on Saturday.My mother cleans our room.We go shopping and buy some food.On Sunday,I visit my grandparents with m...

This Sunday,I am going to watch a football match with Jack.As the match will begin at three o'clock in the afternoon,Jack is going to meet me at my house at two... This Sunday,I am going to watch a football match with Jack.As the match will begin at three o'clock in the afternoon,Jack is going to meet me at my house at two... Sunday,I am going to watch a football match with Jack.As the match will begin at three o'clock in the afternoon,Jack is going to meet me at my house at ...

Today is Sunday, I invited my friend Zhang Qiang to water park. Eight in the morning we set off, to a park, a lot of people ah! We finally came to the ferris wh... Today is Sunday, I invited my friend Zhang Qiang to water park. Eight in the morning we set off, to a park, a lot of people ah! We finally came to the ferris wh... We finally came to the ferris wheel, looked up, really high ah. We two people waiting in line to buy tickets, finally boarded the ferris wheel,looked do...



急 ⊙ o ⊙ 啊





一个人在家里睡到很晚才起床一个人慢吞吞地刷牙洗脸吃“早餐”一个人静静地放着班德瑞一个人望着堆积成山的作业发呆。我的寒假生活从此正式开始。 郭敬明说“大提琴的声音像是一条河左岸是我无法忘却的回忆右岸是我值得紧握的璀璨年华中间飞快流淌的是我年年岁岁




“石头老人”导游指着“石头老人”说“这位老人家已经活了九万九千年女士用右手摸男士用左手摸准能活到九十九非常灵的”我听了这话马上去摸了摸爸爸听错了他用右手去摸弄得大家哈哈大笑。 这次去金狮洞使我大开眼界没想到洞里也会有这样精彩的世界小朋友们
