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英译汉 来自中华网新闻


quotDo not walk away from reformquot he implored quotNot now Not when we are so closequot最后一句可否译为“我们如此接近但不是此时”The money would come from alances结余 left in the 700 illion Wall Street rescue fund a program quotaout as popular as a root canalquot that he made of point of saying quotI hatedquot特别是后面的made of point of saying quotI hatedquot 搞得我很糊涂以上两句摘自Oama vows to make jo growth his top priorityhttpenglishchinacomzhcnnewsinternational110203082010012815796738html


cctvnew谢振华那期的英译汉 Cctvnew Xie Zhenhuas cctvnew谢振华那期的


One day I was doing my homeworkand it rained heavily suddenlyI opened the window and found that MrZhangs clothes were still So I lifted my umraller running there to help him pick them ack

有一天我在写作业外面突然下起了大雨。我打开窗户发现张先生的衣服没有收起来于是我撑着伞跑下去帮他把衣服收了。 翻译成英文最好初中水平。 纯人工翻译不要用翻译软件。

President Nixon visited China and met Mao Zedong thus ended


President Nixon visited China and met Mao Zedong thus ended years of hostility etween the two countries 参考答案为A 20B 21C 22D 23

President Clinton"s decision on Apr 8 to send Chinese Prem


President Clinton"s decision on Apr 8 to send Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji packing without an agreement on China"s entry into the World Trade Organization seemed to e a massive miscalculation The President took a druing from much of the press which had reathlessly reported that a deal was in the ag The Cainet and White House still appeared divided and usiness leaders were characterized as furious over the lost opportunity Zhu charged that Clinton lacked "the courage" to reach an accord And when Clinton later telephoned the angry Zhu to pledge a renewed effort at negotiations the gesture was widely portrayed as a flipflop In fact Clinton made the right decision in holding out for a etter WTO deal A lot more horse trading is needed efore a final agreement can e reached And without the Administration"s goal of a " ulletproof agreement" that usiness loyists can enthusiastically sell to a Repulican Congress the whole process will end up in partisan acrimony that could harm relations with China for years THE HARD PART Many usiness loyists while disappointed that the deal was not closed agree that etter terms can still e had And Treasury Secretary Roert E Ruin National Economic Council Director Gene B Sperling Commerce Secretary William M Daley and top trade negotiator Charlene Barshefsky all advised Clinton that while the Chinese had made a remarkale numer of concessions "we"re not there yet" according to senior officials Negotiating with Zhu over the remaining issues may e the easy part Although Clinton can signal U S approval for China"s entry into the WTO himself he needs Congress to grant Beijing permanent mostfavorednation status as part of a road trade accord And the temptation for meddling on Capital Hill may prove overwhelming Zhu had arely landed efore Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott RMiss declared himself skeptical that China deserved entry into the WTO And Senators Jesse A Helms RN C and Ernest F Hollings DS C promised to introduce a ill requiring congressional approval of any deal The hidden message from these three textilestate Southerners Get more protection for the US clothing industry Hoping to smooth the way the Administration tried ut failed to udge Zhu on textiles Also left in the lurch Wall Street Hollywood and Detroit Zhu refused to open up much of the lucrative Chinese securities market and insisted on "cultural" restrictions on American movies and music He also locked efforts to allow U S auto makers to provide fleet financing BIG JOB Already usiness loyists are lanketing Capitol Hill to presale any eventual agreement ut what they"ve heard so far isn"t encouraging Repulicans including Lott say that "the time just isn"t right" for the deal Translation We"re determined to make it look as if Clinton has capitulated to the Chinese and is ignoring human religious and laor rights violations the theft of nuclearweapons technology and the sale of missile parts to America"s enemies Beijing"s fierce critics within the Democratic Party such as Senator Paul D Wellstone of Minnesota and House Minority leader Richard A Gephardt of Missouri won"t help either Just how tough the loying jo on Capitol Hill will e ecome clear on Apr 20 when Ruin lectured 19 chief executives on the need to discipline their Repulican allies With usiness and the White House still trading charges over who is responsile for the defeat of fasttrack trade negotiating legislation in 1997 working together won"t e easy And Repulicans—with a wink— say that they"ll eventually emrace China"s entry into the WTO as a favor to Corporate America though not long efore they torture Clinton But Zhu is out on a lim and if Congress overdoes the criticism he may e forced y domestic critics to renege Business must make t Athe contradiction etween the Democratic Party and the Repulican Party Bon China"s entry into WTO CClinton was right Dusiness loyists control Capitol Hill

The president is talking on

答案C 答案解析试题分析考查冠词句意总统通过电话和太空的宇航员对话。On the phone通过电话in space在太空选C。 考点考查冠词

The president is talking on phone with astronauts in space A不填theBthe theCthe 不填D不填不填