






sing the songs of civilization


我们来种草 We sow seeds 是sow 还是grass 是grass春天又来了 。。。。 。。听不清楚spring again we see鸟儿回来了。。。。。。 听不清楚irds fly ack with gleeOK了找了08年的视频有英文的解说听得更清楚点。

大气变暖了 The air is warming冰川融化了 Ice cap is melting陆地变小了 Land ecomes smaller鸟儿不见了 Birds are vanishing我们来植树 We plant trees我们来种草 We sow seeds 是sow 还是grass大地变绿了 The earth turns green天空变蓝了 The sky is lue indeed春天又来了 。。。 。。。听不清楚鸟儿回来了。。。。。 。 听不清楚求英语听力好些的大神帮一下忙谢谢音乐链接httpmusic163comsongid5250086


Dew will flash each talet Each green leaves desire to fly I dream of holding hands Here it set sail From here on wings Passion for flying from here Start here come on come on From here on wings Start here come on come on Passion for flying from here Start here come on come on From h


常握句型就好了 。 wish s sth wish the olympic games a great success wish the olympic games succeed


the delegation of Logan City Youth Music Australia



歌词 手拉手黑鸭子组合 看圣火染红天空我们感到心儿在一起跳动。快让我们昂首挺胸辉煌时刻将会永恒在心中到永远。我们手拉手把世界走遍让我们共同创造一个美好家园。我们手拉手心与心相连打碎重重阻隔我们心相连到永远手拉手。 每一次我们相见我们感到心中燃烧


求舞动精灵On the radio的中文歌词中、英互现也行谢谢

Hello Mr DJ Im losing sleep 嗨DJ先生我今晚难眠 Please please play it 拜托拜托放那首歌 My knees are gettin weak 我几乎要跪下来求你 Hello Mr DJ 嗨DJ先生 On the radio 电台里的那位 If youre not gonna play it 假如你不放那首歌 I go insane 我就要发狂 If youre not say it 假

Hello Mr DJ Would you play my song……


一年一年的等待 我们看见未来 一起用汗水来灌溉 五种色彩 一天一天的等待 心情更加澎湃 创造最大的舞台 最豪迈的时代 这片土地已经准备好 打开梦想起飞的跑道 让全世界的目光 降落在我们的怀抱 We Are Ready 把心和心都连在一起 We Are Ready 把天与地都连在一起 超越了


A thousand year千年 2004年雅典奥运专辑歌曲 一千 年 又 一 千 年 一 千 次 百 万 扇 门 通 往 永 恒 我 可 能 活 过 一 千 次 一 千 条 命 无 穷 个 台 阶 盘 旋 成 灵 魂 之 塔 如 果 还 需 要 一 千 年一 千 次 战 争 这 塔 在 空 中 上 升 无 数 层 我 可 以 再 百 万 次 流 泪百 万 次 呼 吸 有 百

A thousand year歌词欣赏 A thousand years a thousand more A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a thousand lives a thousand times An endless turning stairway clims To a tower of souls If it takes another thousand years a thousand wars The towers rise to numerless floors in space I could shed another million tears a million reaths A million names ut only one truth to face A million roads a million fears A million suns ten million years of uncertainty I could speak a million lies a million songs A million rights a million wrongs in this alance of time But if there was a single truth a single light A single thought a singular touch of grace Then following this single point this single flame The single haunted memory of your face I still love you I still want you A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves Like galaxies in my head I may e numerless I may e innocent I may know many things I may e ignorant Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands I could e cannon food destroyed a thousand times Reorn as fortunes child to judge anothers crimes Or wear this pilgrims cloak or e a common thief Ive kept this single faith I have ut one elief I still love you I still want you A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves Like galaxies in my head On and on the mysteries unwind themselves Eternities still unsaid Till you love me Return to innocence歌词欣赏 演唱“谜”音乐工作室 Love devotion Feeling emotion Dont e afraid to e weak Dont e too proud to e strong Just look into your heart my friend That will e the return to yourself The return to innocence The return to innocence If you want then start to laugh If you must then start to cry Be yourself dont hide Just elieve in destiny Dont care what people say Just follow your own way Dont give up and use the chance Do return to innocence Thats not the eginning of the end Thats the return to yourself The return to innocence Thats the return to innocence Return to innocence歌曲下载