






巴黎真的是一个得天独厚的城市仅市区内就有很多的历史古迹与建筑美景可供游览当然法国美食更是无可挑剔葡萄美酒任品尝这是一个拥有浪漫、充满感性与不乏物质享受的城市。对于任何一个国家的人来说成为巴黎人都是件无比荣幸的事。 巴黎以其圆顶教堂、凯旋门、伟大的



巴黎同时也是法国的第75省属于法兰西岛大区。巴黎大都会为欧洲最大的都会区之一 法国法国首都 晕在法国 南非法国巴黎


我觉得巴黎圣母院一书对中国的影响是 1这本书使国人从某种意义上部分认识了西方宗教存在的社会环境及其特点进而分析西方人的人生价值观如果没有巴黎圣母院一书国人对这些内容的了解还会处在一种蒙昧的状态中。 2它使国人对人道、人本思想有了长足的理解人






Paris is the capital of the

答案 小题1B 小题2A 小题3C 小题4D 答案解析试题分析 小题1B 主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了巴黎这座城市的一些相关信息。故B正确。 小题2A 细节题。根据第二段第二句What women are wearing in Paris will e worn y women all over the world

Paris is the capital of the European nation of France It is also one of the most eautiful and most famous cities in the world Paris is called the City of Light It is also an international fashion center What women are wearing in Paris will e worn y women all over the world Paris is also a famous world center of education For example it is where the headquarters of UNESCO the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization The Seine River divides the city into two parts Thirtytwo ridges cross this eautiful river The oldest and perhaps most wellknown is the Pont Neuf which was uilt in the sixteenth century The Soronne a famous university stands on the left ank of the river There are many other famous places in Paris such as the famous museum the Louvre as well as the Notre Dame However the most famous uilding in this city is Eiffel Tower Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisii They uilt a small village on an island in the middle of the Seine River aout two thousand years ago This island called the lie de la Cite is where Notre Dame lies Today around eight million people live in the Paris area 小题1This article mainly tells us aout Athe uildings in Paris Bthe general situations of Paris Cthe center of the world Dthe famous uildings along the Seine River 小题2From the passage we may conclude that Athe clothes worn y women in Paris are liked y women all over the world Bwomen in Paris sell their clothes all over the world Cwomen from all over the world go to Paris and wear their own clothes Dwomen from all over the world like to go to Paris to uy clothes 小题3The uilding of is the most famous uilding in Paris AUNESCOBthe Pont Neuf CEiffel TowerDNotre Dame 小题4Which of the following descriptions of Paris is not true according to the text AParis is the capital of the European nation of France BParis is called the City of Light CThe United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization is located in Paris DThe most famous uilding in this city is the famous museum the Louvre