





有关德国 领事馆

短期签证短期签证出差旅游和或社会访问谁可以申请只有居民新加坡规划前往德国或葡萄牙的业务作为一个旅游或社交访问谁受签证规定可以申请短期签证在德国驻新加坡大使馆。应用程序有许多工作要做个人 。签证签发的德国大使馆适用于所有申根国家逗留长达90天。申根国

Shortterm visa Shortterm visa for usiness trips tourists andor social visits Who can apply Only residents of Singapore planning to travel to Germany or Portugal on usiness as a tourist or for a social visit who are suject to a visa requirement can apply for a shortterm visa at the German Emassy in Singapore The application has to e done personally A visa issued y the German Emassy is valid for all Schengen countries for a stay of up to 90 days Schengen countries include Austria Belgium Czech Repulic Denmark Estonia Finnland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy Latvia Lithunia Luxemourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Slovakia Slovenia Spain and Sweden On 12 Decemer 2008 Switzerland joined the Schengen countries Find out more The German Emassy issues visa only for trips to Germany and Portugal If you are planning to visit another Schengen country please contact the responsile missionauthority of the respective country If you are travelling to two or more countries you have to apply for a visa at the mission of the country in which you will spend most of the time of your journey For an overview of all missions accredited to Singapore please visit the wesite of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore at wwwsg The purpose of a visit can not e altered once the visa has een issued after having entered the Schengen territory If you would like to extend your visa please contact the Emassy prior to your departure Sumission amp collection time Mondays Fridays 0900 am 1200 noon The processing time is approximately 4 workingdays For some nationalities eg Bangladeshi 谁帮我翻译


德国入境最新规定2023阳性入境人员或需强制隔离。从2023年1月9日开始来自中国的游客需要提供入境前48小时内的核酸检测报告已接种疫苗和已经康复者都需要履行这项义务。如果测试是通过核酸检测PCR 、PoCNAT或其它核酸扩增技术检测那么检测时间将以航班起飞时间或

德国驻华大使馆 北京地址




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德国驻华大使馆网站 和详细地址 和 办理德国签证的详细信息

httpwwwde 使馆签证处地址北京东直门外大街17号 。电话85329000传真65323557开馆时间每周一至五上午8001130下午不对外办公。1邀请信原件2保险原件3网上填写申请表4商务团组需提供细日程安排的邀请信原件如日程中提到除主邀请公司以外还要拜访其他公司或分


