






给你译文这样好理解自己再做一下吧 我们花费我们的闲暇时间有效地增加产量活的时钟即使时间并不重要我们的家庭和现代化的机械的生活速度以便我们可以到大多数地方做最的事情在最短的时间内可能的。我们试着吃的、睡的、有效的交谈。即使在假期和星期天高效的人在一

We spend our leisure hours efficiently for higher production live y the clock even when time does not matter modernize our homes and speed the machinery of living in order that we can go to the most places and do the most things in the shortest period of time possile We try to eat sleep and talk efficiently Even on holidays and Sundays the efficient man relaxes on timetale with one eye on the clock and the other on an appointment sheet To squeeze挤出 the most out of each shining hour we have shortened the area quickened the pace of the movie and put culture in pockedsized packages We make the usy ee look like a lazy creature the ant like a sluggard We live sixtymilesaminute and the great efficiency smiles We wish we could return to the pleasant day when we considered time a friend instead of an enemy when we did things willingly and ecause we wanted to rather than ecause our timetale called for it But that of course would not e efficiency and we Americans must e efficient 1 The phrase that est expresses the main idea of this passage is A “the modern pace” B “our interest in shortened operas” C “planning our time scientifically” D “how to make the est use of leisure time” 2 The passage tells that A Americans are forced to e efficient against their will B Americans should do what they are willing to do C People ought not to work so hard for efficiency D Americans are at a loss what to do 3 According to the passage which of the following is a necessity A shortened opera performance B Quickened paces of movies C Speededup work efficiency D Working on holiday 4 The “pleasant day” to which the author refers was the period when we A didn’t feel guilty aout wasting time B were ale to act of our own free will C seemed to have etter weather D Didn’t have so many enemies 5 The word “sluggard”means A a slowmoving person B a human eing C a hard worker D an enemy




其实不管是专升本英语还是四六级英语又或者是考研英语都要从下面几个部分来 。1单词单词词组是基础也是重中之重单词量上去了不管是阅读还是完型都可以较轻松的攻下。2做题大量的题目锻炼是另外一种累积生词词组的一种方式特别是阅读理解和完型的做题方式做题需要的
