My grandmother is sixtytwo years old She is healthy so that she walks around often In the morning she goes to uy food in the market early There are several old grannies going with her In their opinion it’s a kind of exercise ecause walking is important to their health Besides my gran
却深深 地 感动了我金玲决定要做好孩子、善良的小女孩。 “跑吧就是强化班那个故事我都会细细去体味她认为金铃一定能考出好成绩。但我们要乐观金铃我 仿佛身临其境令我印象最深的最后转移到张灵灵家学习冲刺吧金铃 已经 通过自己的努力。面对考试通过努力最后取得成
I like shopping very much Shopping can ring me lots of peasure When I went shopping I can see lots of new things and know whats going on in the world esp the new science and technology Secondly I can usually get good service the shopping assistants are kind warmhearted friend
总体把握小学生写作文 一、提高认识事物和表达事物的能力我国著名教育家叶圣陶先生指出“写任何东西决定于认识和经验有什么样的认识 作文大目标的逐年级分 一年级字词二年级句子三年级片断四年级篇章五年级综合六年级提高 五、实施五项训练 根据认识是作文的核心这一