






How to make fruits salad It is hot in the room I don’t want to have my lunch So my mom decides to make fruits salad for me At first clean all the fruits You can choose some fruits you like to eat I have an apple a pear a tomato a carrot a dragon fruit and a cucumer Of course I choo

制作水果沙拉的过程 英文作文 150字以上 急

端午节要插艾枝悬艾虎。端午节这天一早人们将艾枝插在门上或用艾蒿编织成“艾虎”在门楣中央或带在身上驱虫避邪以保安康。 端午节要画门符。端午节这天人们将蝎子、蜈蚣、毒蛇、蛤蟆、壁虎“五毒”形象的剪纸做门符。据说这样做是为了驱“五毒”防瘟疫。 端午节要

如何制作水果沙拉 英语作文

Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy foodPeople like to eat it after dinner or etween meals How to make it It is quite easy only takes you three steps First you go to chicken clean and cut all kinds of furits you like to eat For example kiwi erry pearpeachtomatostrawerrywat

怎么做酸奶水果沙拉英语作文 百度

Making salads are actually very easy Now please follow me and we will make a wonderful fruit salad First prepare fruit apples pears ananas and a watermelon Also we need to get ready a owl a teaspoon and a cup Last we should have salad cream sugar salt honey and yogurt N

星夜 英语作文如何制作水果沙拉

Firstcut up three ananas three apples and three pearsThenput these to a Next put two teaspoon of salad to the owlFinallymix them all upThe fruit salad is OKYou can try it




Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy foodPeople like to eat it after dinner or etween meals How to make it It is quite easy only takes you three steps First you go to chicken clean and cut all kinds of furits you like to eat For example kiwi erry pearpeachtomatostrawerryw


Firstcut up three ananas three apples and three pearsThenput these to a Next put two teaspoon of salad to the owlFinallymix them all upThe fruit salad is OKYou can try it字数不够的话可以自己发挥