





result n.结果,成效,计算结果vi.起因,由于,以...为结果,导致习惯用语as aresult 因此; 结果as a result of 作为...的结果; 由于...bring about [yield] good results 得到... result n.结果,成效,计算结果vi.起因,由于,以...为结果,导致习惯用语as aresult 因此; 结果as a result of 作为...的结果; 由于...bring about [yield] good results 得到... n.结果,成效,计算结果vi.起因,由于,以...为结果,导致习惯用语as aresult 因此; 结果as a result of 作为...的结果; 由于...bring about [yield] good results 得到...

successful是一个英文单词,作为形容词基本含义为成功的;达到目的;有成效的;有成就的;比较级:more successful;最高级:most successful;其副词为successfully;它的... successful是一个英文单词,作为形容词基本含义为成功的;达到目的;有成效的;有成就的;比较级:more successful;最高级:most successful;其副词为successfully;它的...

show the results 或者 present the results 或者 display the results show the results或者present the results或者display the results

effect 结果,影响,效果 名词 The two systems are,in effect,identical.effort 努力,努力的成果 名词 例句为:Put more effort into your work.offect 应该是affect?如果是,... effect 结果,影响,效果 名词 The two systems are,in effect,identical.effort 努力,努力的成果 名词 例句为:Put more effort into your work.offect 应该是affect?如果是,... 结果,影响,效果 名词 The two systems are,in effect,identical.effort 努力,努力的成果 名词 例句为:Put more effort into your work.offect 应该是affect?如果...

1、硕 果 累 累 【拼音】: shuò guǒ lěi lěi 【解释】: 硕 果:大 的 果 实;累 累:形 容 积 累 很 多。指 结 的 大 的 果 实 特 别 多 。也 比 喻 取 得 的 优 异... 【举例造句】: 将 俺 丞 相 汗 马 功 劳 一 旦 忘 了,贬 在 济 南 府 闲 住。 ★元 · 王 实 甫《丽 堂 春》第 四 折 【拼音代码】: h m g l 【近义词】: 丰 功 伟 绩... 【用法】: 作主语、宾语;指 人 的 功 劳 大 【英文】: great achievement 3、汗 马 功 劳 【拼音】: hàn mǎ gōng láo 【解释】: 汗 马:将 士 骑 的 马 奔 驰 ... 【英文...

benefit的形容词形式benefic,表示有益的。benefit的释义:n.利益;益处;优势;成效;福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金);(公司提供的)褔利,奖金;(保险公司支付的)给付,... benefit的释义:n.利益;益处;优势;成效;福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金);(公司提供的)褔利,奖金;(保险公司支付的)给付,保险金v.对(某人)有用;使受益;得益于;得利... There would be some benefit, however indirect, to the state.国家会得到一些利益,不管有多少 。Small businesses are well situated to benefit from the single...

英文是:fruits.n. 水果;成果,收益(fruit的复数);孽息v. 结果实(fruit的第三人称单数)短语:Mixed Fruits 各种水果 ; 杂果Fruits & Passion 嘉贝诗 ; 芙蓓森Fruits Basket 水... Dried fruits are especially high in fibre.干水果的纤维素含量尤其高。Fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains are rich in potassium.水果、蔬菜和全谷物富含钾。

1、做名词时,它的意思是说优势,益处,成效;福利费,褔利,奖金,保险金。 复数:benefits 2、做动词时,它的意思是对…...

反义词是: unrealistic adj. 不切实际的;不实在的 To many wealthy countries , it is also unrealistic . 对于许多富国而言,也是不现实的。 Unfortunately , unrealisti... 反义词是: unrealistic adj. 不切实际的;不实在的 To many wealthy countries , it is also unrealistic . 对于许多富国而言,也是不现实的。 Unfortunately , unrealisti... adj. 不切实际的;不实在的 To many wealthy countries , it is also unrealistic . 对于许多富国而言,也是不现实的。 Unfortunately , unrealistic expectations can...

*product 是指产物,也就是生产出来的产品 *production 则是指生产本身


下面是一个符合中国人表达习惯的翻译希望对你有用 。 波音公司也想积极争取的一项有关飞机装配的投资谈判开始于1979年但最终麦道公司 就像麦道公司MD82客机已经取得的成果那样 。 “麦道之所以能够击败波音得益于他们的协作和约的有关条款更加优惠尽管目前我们还没有全

It was this arrangement started in 1979which led McDonnell Douglas to id for a cooperative assemly venture in Shanghaia contract which Boeing also fought ard to winBoeing is still trying to negotiate a deal with Shanghai for the assemly of its Boeing737 plane on the same as the MD82 "McDonnell Douglas" eat Boeing ecause its terms were more favouralealthough we are not currently getting delivery of those termsBoeing is still trying and is using a lot of propaganda in China to promote its new 757 aircraft"Mr Liu saysMcDonnell Douglasmeanwhileis also hoping to gain an expanding foothold in China and is discussing its ideas for the production of mediumrange passenger jets to meet Chinas commercial requirements into the next So Boeing for new contracts is likely to e intensewith the Chinese likely to squeeze the maximum technological involvment out of oth during the argaining The MD82s are eing delivered to CAACChinas national airlinewhich currently has more Boeing than McDonnell Douglas jets in its passenger fleet 翻译成中文机器翻译的就算了不要用机器翻译先谢谢大家了


上海市优秀新产品成果奖 the Excellent New Products Achievement Award of Shanghai Municipality 数据记录仪digital recorder 惠州市十佳青年Top Ten Youths of Huizhou City

还有数据记录仪怎么翻译 惠州市十佳青年怎么翻译

测绘成果档案室 英文怎么翻译

the room for Mapping Archives Achievements

初三英语翻译 预习成果部分 我有错的也告诉我

There is too much on your mind I think you had something on your mind at that time make up ones mind change ones mind deal是名词意思为许多 There was a great deal of snow last year There is a great deal of work to e done