





朝阳区东三环中路2号角中航工业大厦副楼1楼(东三环国贸桥东南侧)1st Floor,Annex Building,China Aviation Industrial Mansion,(East Third Ring Road Guomao Bridge South... 朝阳区东三环中路2号角中航工业大厦副楼1楼(东三环国贸桥东南侧)1st Floor,Annex Building,China Aviation Industrial Mansion,(East Third Ring Road Guomao Bridge South... Floor,Annex Building,China Aviation Industrial Mansion,(East Third Ring Road Guomao Bridge South-eastern Side)No.2 Corner,East Third Ring Middle Road,Ch...

我要你看看我的成果I want you to look at my achievement(s).或I want you to look at my result(s).如果答案对亲有所帮助请采纳予以鼓励!如果有疑问欢迎追问 I want to show you my results

Examination的中文翻译是“考试”。 考试是指为了评估学习成果而进行的一种形式。 它通常由一个或多个问题组成...

1. Teaching is an important profession----a fascinating one, filled with competition and invitation.2. If the great scientist were still alive, there would be n... 1. Teaching is an important profession----a fascinating one, filled with competition and invitation.2. If the great scientist were still alive, there would be n... is an important profession----a fascinating one, filled with competition and invitation.2. If the great scientist were still alive, there would be no do...

utrasense可以翻译成 营养素 也许指的是 比利时美素奶粉 NutraSense是一个营养物质的组合,其中一部分存在于母乳中,能提高抵抗力并适合宝宝的发育。其配方是通过整合婴幼... utrasense可以翻译成 营养素 也许指的是 比利时美素奶粉 NutraSense是一个营养物质的组合,其中一部分存在于母乳中,能提高抵抗力并适合宝宝的发育。其配方是通过整合婴幼... 也许指的是 比利时美素奶粉 NutraSense是一个营养物质的组合,其中一部分存在于母乳中,能提高抵抗力并适合宝宝的发育。其配方是通过整合婴幼儿营养研究的最新成果开发而...

前者:结论,影响,后果,成果,常与of 连用.后者:结论,结果常搭配draw a conclusion 谢谢,望采纳!不懂可以继续问我哦~

I will do my best to get good research results.

辅助设计师优质的完成项目(Assist the designer to complete the project of high quality)模型及电脑效果图制作(Produce models and computer design sketch)手绘平立面及... 辅助设计师优质的完成项目(Assist the designer to complete the project of high quality)模型及电脑效果图制作(Produce models and computer design sketch)手绘平立面及...

就成果而言,上周关于该画廊前途的会议即使说不上是完全失败,也没多少意义.grade意思就是级别,水平(level),在句中a low grade 意思就是“100分,也就打个10分吧”. 就成果而言,上周关于该画廊前途的会议即使说不上是完全失败,也没多少意义.grade意思就是级别,水平(level),在句中a low grade 意思就是“100分,也就打个10分吧”.

Agricultural science and technology achievements 可以参考百度翻译板块的内容。 The transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements 。(这个名词,美式英语和英式英语)


劳动成果worksresultoflaorThisuildingistheworksoflaor这栋建筑是劳动的成果 。。


result英 rɪzʌlt美 rɪzʌlt n 结果成果答案成绩足球比赛赢v 产生致使1、result作名词时的基本意思是“结果效果后果”指某原因所产生的最终结果而不是眼前的结果有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果作此解时用单复数形式均可。2 、result引申还可作“成效”解。3、


11邻里依恋 邻里依恋是指 一个人对其所处社会或是地理环境的情感联系的 社会心理作用老外的研究成果鬼才知道准确怎么翻译反正就是这个意思了 Brown Perkins Brown 2003 2004a。邻里依恋的形成取决于 外界环境以及对外界环境的感知Hummon 1992。邻里依恋有助于

11 Neighorhood attachment Neighorhood attachment is a socialpsychological process that captures one’s emotional connection to his or her social and physical surroundings Brown Perkins Brown 2003 2004a Neighorhood attachment is shaped y features of the uilt environment and perceptions of that environment Hummon 1992 It promotes staility involvement and investment in the physical and social characteristics of the neighorhood which can enefit oth the resident and the neighorhood especially in deprived neighorhoods Galster Hesser 1982 Mesch Manor 1998 TwiggerRoss Uzzell 1996 Residents with low attachment to their neighorhood have minimal ties and low investment are more likely to move Manzo Perkins 2006 TwiggerRoss Uzzell 1996 Vinsel Brown Foss 1980 While neighorhoods typically tend to e homogeneous areas that attract residents with similar interests and lifestyles neighorhood attachment can vary from lock to lock within a neighorhood Brown et al 2003 Although generally advantageous high neighorhood attachment can also lead to detrimental consequences Lewicka 2005 Manzo 2005 Manzo Perkins 2006 Wakefield Elliot Cole Eyles 2001 y inhiiting moility and limiting individual progress in places that offer little economic growth Fried 2000 Our study however aims to explore people’s positive onds to neighorhood places which can lead to higher levels of community engagement Manzo Perkins 2006 and serve as an important cognitive ackdrop for humaneenvironment interactions that are vital to health ehaviors Proshansky Faian Kaminoff 1983


沿着一定方向对已有研究成果步步紧跟一追到底从中获得“一己之见”的方法。但这种主观的“拟想”绝不是“凭空想象”必须以客观事实、客观需要等作为依据 论文参考题目 依商务英语在中国加入WTO后的新趋势 中英文在生活习语中的差异 论英汉翻译中的外来词译法 幼儿英


噢 顺便提一下 我目前上的ABC天卞英语的外教要我明白如果想学会英语应该是不费力地一定具有适合的研习情境与进修口语对象 老师水平是关键 最好欧美母语 口语纯正才行不间断逐日口语交流一对一家教式辅导才能有更好的学习成果完成课堂后同样要重复复习课程录音音频 来

商务英语阅读新视野主编是戎林海 求此书Unit1 Unit4 Unit6 Unit9 Unit11 Unit 14 Unit16的课后短文翻译答案


一种结果或功能 其中突出的制定 消费被看作是形式 由特定的行为特征 最终的结果或成果。 1。没有任何特殊标志的“主观 在个人而是国家 而是通过“客观”的国家在 世界。 2。行为导致他人 被留下深刻的印象演员 金钱的力量。 3 不过其他人可能留下深刻印象 由慷慨和社交能力

A consequentialist or functionalformulation in which conspicuousconsumption is viewed as a formof ehavior characterized y particularendresults or outcomes1 Not marked y any special “sujectivestates in individuals utrather y “ojective” states in theworld2 Conduct which results in otherseing impressed y the actor’specuniary strength3However others may e impressedy generosity and sociailitynot y actor’s aility to payAs far as viewing conspicuous consumptionas ehavior which leadsto specific consequences or fulfillsgiven functions is concernedthere are a range of prolemsFirst it naturally excludes conductwhich although marked y suchintentions fails to achieve its goalSecond it includes conduct whichalthough marked y this outcomewas not prompted y any such intentionThird it fails to allow forother means of achieving the samegoal that is functional alternativesIn other words if an individual’sconduct has succeeded inimpressing others and therey enhancinghis status in their eyes itcannot automatically e assumedthat this was the outcome of consumptionactivity or indeed even ifit is so attriutale it may not e“pecuniary strength” which servedto impress ut some personal qualitysuch as generosity or styleA sustantive conception which definesconspicuous consumption as aform of conduct marked y certain“intrinsic” qualities1 Does that activity which is engagedin to impress others withone’s pecuniary strength also necessarilyinvolve expenditure whichfails to serve or enhance human lifeas a whole2 Velen’s emphasis on an externaland universal criterion of waste issimply not compatile with his designationof conspicuous consumptionas intrinsically wasteful3 Conspicuous consumption mayoccasionally overlap with the “genericends of life impersonally considered”But the two arefundamentally differentThe idea that conspicuous consumptionis marked y some qualityintrinsic to the activity itself is aswe have just seen not veryconvincing It may well e a form ofconduct which is judged “wasteful”and “ostentatious” y some of thosewho oserve it in addition in allproaility to some of thoseperforming it ut this judgment isnecessarily highly contextual andcannot in any case e assumed tooverlap with expenditure which isincurred for status reasons急用四天之内帮忙翻好的加15分