






纯净而空灵的歌曲色彩与陈粒独特的嗓音相互交织将对未来的期待都尽数展现。据悉森孝游去有风的地方还邀请了其他音乐人加盟音乐创作。去有风的地方简介去有此销风的地方是由丁梓光执导刘亦菲李现领衔主演的田园生活治愈剧 。许红豆因为闺蜜去世生活和工作


As my soul heals the shame当我的灵魂治愈羞愧。 I will grow through this pain我会在这伤痛中成长。 Lord I39m doing all I can上帝啊我在竭尽全力的 To e a etter man成为一个好男人。 Go easy on my conscience凭着良知我从容不迫。 39Cause it39s not my fault因为这不



我有一堆温柔的摇滚的慢摇的旋律超好的轻快的忧伤的治愈系的都给楼主啦~ Breathless—Shayne Ward强推 flipsydetoss it up i can do it watch me nowelin lanto why would i eversam watters paulinimarried man troule is a firendlenka stay here foreverjewel standjewel take a ow麦当


然后自然流漏出的声音便成了这歌曲 。音乐有一种治愈能力但要选择合适的时间听。可能你在和爱人第一次牵手的地方响起了一首刚刚好的歌曲它变成了你灵魂的一部分。因为你喜欢所以也渴望能完整的唱出来或者一两句因此让你的英语口语和听力不断的提高了也许将来某一天会



英文 valder fieldsTama Wells 首歌歌手啊声音真治愈楼主要兴趣搜其歌啊 freeloop 首歌听啦雄壮 troule is a friendlenka 歌手错啊楼主搜搜其歌我给列几首 the show ayjustin ieer 首歌红喔楼主要没听要补咯 love storyTaylor 同啦 歌曲错啊 one lovelue 恩楼主喜欢震撼丁点首啦 暂想



在我英文歌单里排前五的歌曲。Macy Gray的烟嗓真的有时让人欲罢不能。不管是韵律还是歌手嗓音都是一首毫无瑕疵的歌曲。强烈推荐大 这首歌听起来会有些治愈讲的像是成长亦或者是朋友间的离别歌曲的整部MV都是黑白拍摄似乎黑白双色总能恰当地表现出温情的一面画


I am loving living every single day 我喜欢过单纯的每一天 ut sometimes I feel so 也有些时候会感觉到 I hope to find a little peace of mind 我渴望心灵暂获片刻安宁 and I just want to know 我只是很想有答案 And who can heal those tiny roken hearts 谁能治愈这颗零落支离的心 and what

i39m loving living every single day ut sometimes i feel soi hope to find a little peace of mind and i just want to knowrigdeand who can heal those tiny roken hearts and what are we to ewhere is home on the milkyway of stars i dry my eyes againrefrainin my dreams i39m not so far away from homewhat am i in a world so far away from homeall my life all the time so far away from homewithout you i39ll e so far away from homestrophe iiif we could make it thrue the darkest night we39d have a rither daythe world i see eyond your pretty eyes makes me want to stayrigdeand who can heal those tiny roken hearts and what are we to ewhere is home on the milkyway of stars i dry my eyes againrefrainin my dreams i39m not so far away from homewhat am i in a world so far away from homeall my life all the time so far away from homewithout you i39ll e so far away from homestrophe iiii count on you no matter what they say cause love can find it39s timei hope to e a part of you again ay let us shinerigdeand who can heal those tiny roken hearts and what are we to ewhere is home on the milkyway of stars i dry my eyes againrefrainin my dreams i39m not so far away from homewhat am i in a world so far away from homeall my life all the time so far away from homewithout you i39ll e so far away from homerefrainin my dreams i39m not so far away from homewhat am i in a world so far away from homeall my life all the time so far away from homewithout you i39ll e so far away from home


治好 再一次想起来 应该要怎么笑 第一次爱的人 它的坏他的好 却像胸口刺青 是永远的记号 跟着我的呼吸 Gray day of your face Love is crying after laughed pain Only Bye My tears wet face Losing the first love Is this kind of feeling Always think love is all heart We will lose love Will a little sl

我要很好听的 谢谢亲哦 最好是英文多一点 谢咯