






There are lots of gardens in our town Joe39s garden is the most eautiful of all although her garden is a little smaller than Bill39s Bill plants many flowers in his garden ut etween their gardens Joe39s garden is much more interesting I like gardens too ut I39m kind of lazy



1心灵的依赖Heart to Lean onWhen I was growing up I was emarrassed to e seen with my father He was severely crippled and very short and when we would walk together his hand on my arm for alance people would stare 2My friend I have a good friend She is a pretty girl She live

同志们给发15篇英文作文 不管你是复印的还是自己写的 不要初中英语书上的 还要20篇对话 还是那个原则 先付100分 好的话再加100

得流感有哪些症状如何治疗 英语作文 不少于8句话

一ActuallyIf i have got the flu i may have a ad headache or have a fever Sometimes i have a sore throat and ad cough Soi‘had etter go to the doctor have to take some medicine and stay in ed for a few days Then I will e etter and recover soon 二If I have one day was infected


A British corporation wants to uild a paper mill in our cityBut people have different opinions on it Some people agree on the constructionFirstlyIt can creat more jos for the local peopley the wayit can put forward the local economic developmentSecondlythe paper mill will ring in man

一家英国公司计划在我市建一座造纸厂有人同意有人反对。请你根据下表所提供的信息 写一篇文章客观地介绍讨论情况。 赞成的人认为 1给当地人创造很多就业机会 2推动地方经济发展 3引进新机器包括环保设备 4带来新的经营管理理念 反对的人认为 1噪音污染影响人们的生活 2释放大量有毒气体对人非常有害 3排放废水污染河流 注意 词数100120。


My mother is a teacher who teaches Chinese in a middle school Her jo is to make students know more aout Chinese and write eautiful My father is a doctor which is really a good jo In his jo he always spends a lot time saving people39s lives so I think my father has the grea

英语作文为什么医生要避免给自己亲人治疗 英语作文为什么医生要避免给自己亲人治疗 展开


Nowadays oesity has een a very common prolem among peopleespecially among people in the citiesAnd the diseases caused y oesity have also eleaguered people for a long Sohow to fight against oesity 如今肥胖已经是很普遍的一个问题了尤其是在城市人中由肥胖引起

关于预约、看病、出治疗意见的英文作文150字 关于预约、看病、出治疗意见的英文作文150字 展开


Can Money Buy Happiness Can money uy happiness Different people have different opinions Some think yes while others hold the opposite It is true that with enough money one can uy all the things one wants and live a life of comfort and security However it is equally true that lack



2在医学上有好处克隆人虽然有很多坏处但它也可以使许多没有生育能力的人完成梦想 3现在科学界把克隆分为治疗性克隆和生殖性克隆两种。前者是利用胚胎

作文题目what are some of the ways to treat minor urns white a short report aout 150words on this topic