






treat and curering a patient out of danger这个是把一个病人脱离危险


治愈系动画最早出现在日本其定义是 1温暖人心净化心灵悲伤时看能得到安慰的动画 2治愈系的具体正统定义要到心理学的书籍中探求一般节奏舒缓情节平淡清新没有绝对的邪恶没有所谓的服务性一般都有励志倾向的动画都能算作治愈系动画 3治愈系就是能治愈自己心灵中的创



正规规范治疗9个月以稳定5年多了 。求好心人解答 。




Cured improved null and void


它对治疗SARS患者的医生和护士也是有害的。 同时全世界政府也强调了事实对鸟流感的彻底和系统的医学研究需要尽快导致治疗。Coumtries将需要做此因为被证明的SARS流行性怎么配合在国家之中可能拯救生命。当所有国际努力被做我们必须有信念将有解答及时停止鸟流感流

如下 我打上来都很累翻译了5篇了不想再翻哪位帮忙翻第6篇 With recent press report drawing parallels etween Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the pastJim Smith looks through the history of epidemics for clues aout what the future might hold Since Bird Flu first appeared in 1997 it has taken more than a hundred livesMany people fear it could e the next gloal epidemicespecially as scientists who studied tissue from the odies of people who died of the same virus Bacteria and viruses have een around since the eginning of life on Earth and many of todays diseases have existed as long as humans haveIt is important to look at the spread of diseases throughout history to discover the causes and effects of epidemics and hopefully foresee and prevent them in the future Scientists now guess that up 50 of the areas population died from this epidemic making it one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire In uran areas all over EuropeAsiaAfrica and the Middle Eastup to one half of the population was lost to the Black Death Another epidemic that spread in similar conditions was the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918also called the Spanish FluIt struck near the end of the First World War and left families mourning worldwide The SARS epidemic egan in 2002 with a lung disease in Guangdong Province and spread quickly after Dr Liu Jianjunthe carriercame to Hong Kong the passed the virus to people who carried it to CanadaVietnam and Singapore No one really knew much aout SARS as it was completely newThis meant that there were no prescription drugs or talets to treat it and doctors were not sure how to prevent it eitherSince most people had no natural defences against the diseaseit was also harmful to the doctors and nurses treating SARS patients Meanwhilegovernments worldwide have also underlined the fact that thorough and systematic medical research on Bird Flu needs to lead to a cure as soon as possileCoumtries will need to work together to do this as the SARS epidemic proved how teamwork among nations can save livesWith all the international effort eing madewe have to have faith that there will e solutions in time to stop a Bird Flu epidemic in its tracks


treat with charm away