





练习英语口语的方法有很多种,比如: 参加英语口语补习班; 参加英语角直接和外国人进行英语对话,锻炼口语; 在网上寻找外国笔友,让他帮助练习口语; 去书店买英文有声读... 练习英语口语的方法有很多种,比如: 参加英语口语补习班; 参加英语角直接和外国人进行英语对话,锻炼口语; 在网上寻找外国笔友,让他帮助练习口语; 去书店买英文有声读... 参加英语口语补习班; 参加英语角直接和外国人进行英语对话,锻炼口语; 在网上寻找外国笔友,让他帮助练习口语; 去书店买英文有声读物,多跟读,学会正确的发音和断句。 ... 参加英语...

you are rightyou got it let me see that's a good question and in my opinion,in my view,in my eyesi beg your pardenthat make sense you are rightyou got it let me see that's a good question and in my opinion,in my view,in my eyesi beg your pardenthat make sense

可以采用一些短语啊,譬如What's more,Last but not least,in a word,this is to say,equally important,in addition,at the same time,even though,in spite of,on the con... 可以采用一些短语啊,譬如What's more,Last but not least,in a word,this is to say,equally important,in addition,at the same time,even though,in spite of,on the con... more,Last but not least,in a word,this is to say,equally important,in addition,at the same time,even though,in spite of,on the contraty,on account of,ab...

写在前面 这个问题的答案我写了两版。 第一版是解释,英语作为外语,学习的机制跟母语汉语如何不同,所以比照汉语要求英语是怎么怎么不现实,只会让你焦虑挫败,更别提如何... 想要有话说,就得多积累。 所以,多看看书,多听听新闻,看看影视剧,查查资料,再自己练习说出来,你表达就会有底气多了。 比如,你看了一个电影,你可以从中积累很多的... 所以,我给题主努力让口语流利,我建议三个方面: 切实做一件事去输出口语;这过程中多积累小词、多积累态度和观点表达、多积累内容和话题素材;练习表达时候不要怕语法出... 哪怕结果...

英语达到大学六级左右,基本上就能和外国人流利交流了,但这只是一般情况,要想顺畅地和外国人沟通交流,主要还得把听和说两项技能达到中高级水平。 与人交流,就是输入和... 能够有时间坐下来长时间交流沟通 探讨不同的文化传统习俗 英语让我受益很多 收获很多 其实,跟外国人交流有技巧的 这个技巧就是主动 就是紧紧抓住对话主动权 沟通起来会很... 还有一个就是增加幽默氛围 在幽默中交流很轻松 幽默感很强的沟通让每个人很舒服 很享受 其实,初高中毕业英语水平 再加上沟通技巧方法 就可以在一定语言情境下展开对话交流...

英语作文的书写格式·英文书写和移行英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐... 书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。写英文字母要掌握正确笔顺。如字母i,应该先写下面的部分,然后再打点。有的学生却按写汉字的习惯从上到下写,写快了,就会把点和下面的... 写英文字母要掌握正确笔顺。如字母i,应该先写下面的部分,然后再打点。有的学生却按写汉字的习惯从上到下写,写快了,就会把点和下面的十笔连在量起,显得十分别扭。字...


1 多模仿,不管是什么英文都去模仿,比如说英文歌曲,还有英文电视,等等你学他们怎么说话. 2 反复练习,一句话你多说几遍,说到你能顺口溜了为止. 3 大胆运用,你见到有人说英语... 1 多模仿,不管是什么英文都去模仿,比如说英文歌曲,还有英文电视,等等你学他们怎么说话. 2 反复练习,一句话你多说几遍,说到你能顺口溜了为止. 3 大胆运用,你见到有人说英语... 2 反复练习,一句话你多说几遍,说到你能顺口溜了为止. 3 大胆运用,你见到有人说英语你就上去和他交谈,在中国除了老外之外说英语的都是在学习的吧,正好有个机会,不管...

其实如果你只想要应付的话 你就可是说Your speech is great,but is still a lack of self-confidence.你的演讲很棒,但还是缺乏自信You sound good,but not enough solid ba... 其实如果你只想要应付的话 你就可是说Your speech is great,but is still a lack of self-confidence.你的演讲很棒,但还是缺乏自信You sound good,but not enough solid ba... 你就可是说Your speech is great,but is still a lack of self-confidence.你的演讲很棒,但还是缺乏自信You sound good,but not enough solid basic skills.你的...

Years ago,when I started looking for my first job,wise advisers urged,"Barbara,be enthusiastic!Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience."H... Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience."How right they were.Enthusiastic people can turn a boring drive into an adventure,extra work int... " when others shout,"No,you can't." It took years and years for the early work of Barbara McClintock,a geneticist who won the 1983 Nobel Prize in medici...


AHi Ayou don39t look happy today BI am worried aout cet4 Maye I can39t pass this test AAs far as i know cet4 certificate is a necessary language certificate for a college student to graduate BI spend so much time on my English studyut I can39t see some good effect



it was really a ad morning YeahEhWhere is Mike He is at homeHe is going to have a English test tomorrow一般将来时So he is memorizing the words现在进行时 OhI have a text tomorrowtooI have to study for the test now Goodye Goodye 五种都全了吧我手工写的呢不是用机



AKE Hi My name is Jake We havent met efore have weDEBBIE No we havent My name is DeieJAKE Nice to meet you DeieDEBBIE Nice to meet you too JakeJAKE Are you a new studentDEBBIE Yes I am What aout youJAKE Yeah me tooJAKE Whatre you st



Have you got a tale for two please 请问您有两个人的桌子吗 Have you ooked a tale 您预定餐桌了吗 Have you made a reservation 您预定了吗 smoking or nonsmoking 吸烟区还是非吸烟区 Would you like something to drink 您想喝什么 Would you like to see the menu 您

写一篇短的英文对话形式内容是一位顾客去到餐厅里点菜和侍应的对话 。简单就行了 不需要复杂。


Tom HiMary what39s up u look terrile Mary hi Tom yes I m not very well Tom come here hug her tell me what happenedMary weeping I would definitely fail my English writing ecause I forgot to turn in the paper today TOm you will e finedon39t worry too much MaryI lov

英语老师布置了一个作业 要用英语对话 题目是 Lucky 或者Unlucky 2人对话形式我英语不好 求高手发篇 谢谢 。对话时间为2分钟左右。文章好有加分哦



AnnHelloTomWhat are you going to do this weekendTomOn Saturday morningI’m going to the museum。It39s near the ookstoreThere is a dinosaur showOn Sautrday afternooI39m going to tisit my grandparents 。I miss them very muchthen I39m going to play tale tennis with Jack in the eveningAnnThat39s greatWhat aout SundayTomOn Sunday morningI39m going to do my homeworkIn the afternoonI39m going to the parkIn the eveningI39m going to see the film Harry Potter on TVAnnGoodEnjoy your weekend解释意思


1 What kind of read do you like2 Warm up3To add all vegetales Or some of them 4Take away or eat here5Pickled pepperolivecucumer泡椒 橄榄 酸黄瓜这些都是腌制的食品所以pickled适用于它们三种食品


谢谢 Thank you 谢 Thanks a lot 起麻烦 Excuse me 抱歉 Excuse the mess 需要帮忙Can I help you 谢谢帮助 Thank you for helping me 论何我要谢 Thanks anyway 您How are you 初见面问 How do you do 高兴见 It39s nice to meet you 请问您哪Where are you from



1 Can you descrie quotmental healthquot in a simple term 2 Sure I think mental health is asically emotional alanced or a healthy rain 1 Is mental health important 3 No I think physical health is more important 2 How can you e physically healthy if you are not mentally health

题目是 Be aware of mental health 有人可以帮下忙嘛大概就是3个人的对话 简短一点的就好 每个人就8 。9句就好 。简简单单