






I 15 CABCA II 1 Who will 2 What will 3 Where will 4 What time will III 1 another exciting relay race 2 will hold 3 take some photos 4 make it IV 1 speaking 2 tell 3 pick 4 with 5 etter 6When 7 make 8 By


根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词 1Summer is a h season 答案hot 2Li Leis eyes aren’t very good he wears g every day 答案glassed 3Are there any f near here I’m hungry 答案food 4Cats like eating mouse 答案mice 根据所给句子和汉语提示写出恰当的单词每空一词。 1D



1结合全文回答霍金“超常的魅力”除目光以外还表现在哪些方面。不少于三点①取得非凡杰出的科学成就②直接挑战传统权威理论③以坚强毅力战胜罕见疾病④以乐观的态度面对人生。任选三点2 第5段中作者为什么“既没有移步 也没有拍照连拍一下他的背影的念头也很快


20111220 1547 静佳园瑞 一级 Unit 1 Click Here for Language Learning Short Conversations 1B 2 C 3 A 4C 5D 6C 7 C 8A 9B 10D Long Conversation 1A 2 B 3B 4 D 5 A Understanding a Passage 1 A 2A 3 C 4 D 5 D Understanding a Movie Speech 1honored 2interesting



急求啊我们要口语考试了谁能帮帮我告诉我第148149页的口语测试在测试时我可以说点什么呀各位高手拜托了题目如下 1What is important when recruiting staff 2what is important when looking for a new supplier 3what is important when arranging a conference 4what is important when applying for a jo 以下是讨论题我们是分好小组的可否帮忙设计对话 5your company has decided to offer English language training for its employeesYou have een asked to help with the organisationDiscuss the situation together and decideAwho should e given the chance to have lessonsBhow to encourange staff to attend classes regularly 6your company is going to launch a new food productYou have een asked to help with the promotionDiscuss the situation together and decideAhow you can encourage people to try your productBif you want to use a celerity to promote the product 7your company is sending three representatives to a Trade Faira manager and two assistantsYou have een asked to arrange the accommodationDiscuss the situation together and decideAwhat is more importantdistance from the Trade Fair or costBif they should all have the same standard of room 8your company is looking for a new salespersonYou have een asked to help with recuitmentDiscuss the situation together and decideAwhat qualities you are looking for in the candidatesBwhether you would like to employ a man or a woman 大家帮帮忙啊不胜感激我把我所有的财富值都贡献出来回报大家了不要说我给的少我真的只有这么多了大家帮帮忙啦


A1 He is usy 2 He is learning English 3 He has a new ook 4 He lives in the country 5 He will see you tomorrow 6 He can understand you 7 He must write a letter 8 He may come next week 9 He does a lot of work every day 10 He did a lot of work yesterday 11 He played footall yeste


李阳国际口语教程第二级 练习册答案

SBS朗文国际英语教程练习册1 SBS朗文国际英语教程第一册3 SBS朗文国际英语中级口语教程 英语高级口译配套听力 高级口语教程 高级口译真题及答案 听讲美国


英语本科可以使用以下专业教材跨文化交际英语教程 许力生新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材此外以下中文教材也非常好可以作为参考书目跨文化交际学 贾玉新 中西文化之鉴跨文化交际教程 跨文化交际研究与英美人交往指南 林大津 中英文化习俗比较 杜学增 跨文化交际学



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