






the shapely and smooth line

练习英语口语的方法有很多种,比如: 参加英语口语补习班; 参加英语角直接和外国人进行英语对话,锻炼口语; 在网上寻找外国笔友,让他帮助练习口语; 去书店买英文有声读... 练习英语口语的方法有很多种,比如: 参加英语口语补习班; 参加英语角直接和外国人进行英语对话,锻炼口语; 在网上寻找外国笔友,让他帮助练习口语; 去书店买英文有声读... 参加英语口语补习班; 参加英语角直接和外国人进行英语对话,锻炼口语; 在网上寻找外国笔友,让他帮助练习口语; 去书店买英文有声读物,多跟读,学会正确的发音和断句。 ... 参加英语...

prim.line amps =primary line amperes一次线电流(因为是3相供电,所以有线电流line to line amperes或相电流phase to phase amperes)sec.rotor amps=secondary rotor amper... prim.line amps =primary line amperes一次线电流(因为是3相供电,所以有线电流line to line amperes或相电流phase to phase amperes)sec.rotor amps=secondary rotor amper... amps =primary line amperes一次线电流(因为是3相供电,所以有线电流line to line amperes或相电流phase to phase amperes)sec.rotor amps=secondary rotor amperes...

开口说!你可以跟读,早上的 时候听VOA 比较好,把一些日常的口语练好,做到张口就说,平时说话的时候自觉的加一些英语,说好英语单词量是很重要的!1!你可以把你身边的物品都变成... 你可以跟读,早上的 时候听VOA 比较好,把一些日常的口语练好,做到张口就说,平时说话的时候自觉的加一些英语,说好英语单词量是很重要的!1!你可以把你身边的物品都变成英语,然...

正式版:心有多大,世界就有多大!诙谐版:敢上九天揽月,敢下五洋捉鳖!山寨版:人有多大胆,地有多大产! 你的世界跟你创造的一样大。你的世界靠你打下来。 心有多大,世界就有多大 字面意思:你的世界的大小是通过你的意愿决定的其实意思就是:事在人为

顺祝考式顺利通过!有志者,事竟成. 预祝考试通过。顺便说一下:有志者,事竟成。 pass the exam 考试过关;by the way顺便说一下;where there is the will,there is the way有志者事竟成! 顺便祝你通过这次考试,有志者,事竟成

发音标准Received Pronunciation 表达自然natural expression 富有感染力full of infectivity表达流畅fluent expression语速适中moderate tone用词恰当accurate wording无... 发音标准Received Pronunciation 表达自然natural expression 富有感染力full of infectivity表达流畅fluent expression语速适中moderate tone用词恰当accurate wording无... Pronunciation 表达自然natural expression 富有感染力full of infectivity表达流畅fluent expression语速适中moderate tone用词恰当accurate wording无语法错误no...

What you said has been quite specific.It does include some facts.But these are just possible difficulties and obstacles we may encounter,they are not the good c... What you said has been quite specific.It does include some facts.But these are just possible difficulties and obstacles we may encounter,they are not the good c... you said has been quite specific.It does include some facts.But these are just possible difficulties and obstacles we may encounter,they are not the goo...

Can and everybody together spending three years good junior high school time was very happy.My English fluent,I love our class this big collective,I have this a... Can and everybody together spending three years good junior high school time was very happy.My English fluent,I love our class this big collective,I have this a... and everybody together spending three years good junior high school time was very happy.My English fluent,I love our class this big collective,I have th...


新年快乐给您推荐一些吧One and ever love唯一的爱gareth gates葛瑞盖斯 anyone of us 葛瑞盖斯 what my heart wants to say 葛瑞盖斯 BLACK AND YELLOWROLL UPBORN TO TRYGET LOVE DOWN望满意


我给你个建议吧希望对你有用。 我现在在银行工作其实是想骑驴找马想先在股份制银行锻炼积累银行工作经验留给自己一个缓冲时间好好进修口语然后机会合适的话跳去外资银行。这么久我摸索出一个好方法可能是人尽皆知的但是我确实经历了英语口语和听力一步步提高的喜

这本书对英语帮助大吗 我想提高英语的听说能力 达到考研英语的听说标准这本书有用吗

描述 一个有胖子的 英语作文

流畅蛮简单因为英语作文比语文作文好些多了 。议论性的文章开头总结中间叙说观点最后结尾。开头用一个总括性的句子中间用连接词链接因过的ecauseas a resultect也可以用whats moreect陈述自己观点时先说as far as im consideredin my opinionect这就差不多了中间能用定语

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