





I am just another oridinary person,and don't even want people to know my existance.I want to be the rainbow of the nightps.朋友...坦白说..我觉得就是中文也有点语... I am just another oridinary person,and don't even want people to know my existance.I want to be the rainbow of the nightps.朋友...坦白说..我觉得就是中文也有点语... just another oridinary person,and don't even want people to know my existance.I want to be the rainbow of the nightps.朋友...坦白说..我觉得就是中文也有...

Night comes,the soul of a person most vulnerable time,but also miss the most crazy time.In fact,a person is not alone,when a person miss the real loneliness.其... Night comes,the soul of a person most vulnerable time,but also miss the most crazy time.In fact,a person is not alone,when a person miss the real loneliness.其... comes,the soul of a person most vulnerable time,but also miss the most crazy time.In fact,a person is not alone,when a person miss the real loneliness.其...

Ladies and gentlemen,good afternoon.Do you always following your heart,and the struggle against evilDo you have the courage to fight evil sowingYou have to main... Ladies and gentlemen,good afternoon.Do you always following your heart,and the struggle against evilDo you have the courage to fight evil sowingYou have to main... and gentlemen,good afternoon.Do you always following your heart,and the struggle against evilDo you have the courage to fight evil sowingYou have to mai...

关于熬夜的英语作文当午夜多数人已经进入梦乡时,“夜猫子”们的生活才刚刚开始.很多人坚信自己夜间才能精神抖擞,才能高效率工作,但医生们却说这样有损健康,熬夜还是不熬夜?... 这是一个问题.1.You may need more sleep than you think.Research by Henry Ford Hospital Sleep Disorders Center found that people who slept eight hours and then cl... 福特医院睡眠疾病研究中心”的研究表明,那些在8小时睡眠后声称自己“休息得很好”的人,如果再让他们睡两个小时,实际上会表现得更好而且更加有精神.这一点貌似是有...

将来时: I will do my homework by myself.我会自己做作业. I will tell you the truth.我会告诉你真相. He will come to see you soon.他会很快来看你. It will rain soon... 将来时: I will do my homework by myself.我会自己做作业. I will tell you the truth.我会告诉你真相. He will come to see you soon.他会很快来看你. It will rain soon... I will do my homework by myself.我会自己做作业. I will tell you the truth.我会告诉你真相. He will come to see you soon.他会很快来看你. It will rain so...


Everybody wants to understand,who is oneself the true love which the life shouldn't miss,when I see you for the first time,you have a warm smile like sunshine.U... Everybody wants to understand,who is oneself the true love which the life shouldn't miss,when I see you for the first time,you have a warm smile like sunshine.U... wants to understand,who is oneself the true love which the life shouldn't miss,when I see you for the first time,you have a warm smile like sunshine.Und...


disapear,will you lock your dairy only because your dairy is just write for me?If one day I disapear,will you check my blog times by times to look ... If one day I disapear,will you check my blog times by times to look for my footfall?If one day I disapear,will you wake up and want to cry for me in the midnigh... If one day I disapear,will you wake up and want to cry for me in the midnight?粗略翻译,英语有些是不能够从中文直译的,意思一样,所以我这样翻译,应该还算可以,不过在...


so long 再见应该还有只要的意思很远 具体要看句子 例句与用法 I dont care aout the price so long as the car is in good condition 我不计较价钱只要车很好用就行了 。 After eing away for so long he feels like an alien in his own country now 背井离乡这么久现在在他自己的国家他觉

so long 是不是再见的意思很着急帮帮忙。好像说是不常用的 。给一下解释到底什么意思。谢谢。