






多听多模仿加强英语语言基本功的训练。学好音标注意非音段层面的发音技巧的练习 。模仿标准的语音语调注意连读、弱读、失去爆破、音的同化等语言现象解决普遍的发音问题克服错误的发音习惯。 2、多背诵多复述。国外一些心理语言学家研究并证明了重复讲述对流利性的影

因为高中要考听说所以要提高口语的水平 。我的口语水平时好时坏 也许你会觉得很奇怪但这是事实 。时而读一篇英语文章很流畅但下次再读这篇文章的时候就会变得结结巴巴有时。请问我该怎么克服这个毛病和如何提高英语口语水平求各路高手出招谢谢


Situation 1 AHiBBHiAAWhat do you want to e when graduating from collegeBI want to e an editorI think it is glamorous What aout youAAI would like to e a cartoonistI can work as a SOHOBGreatI hope our dreams will come trueAMe tooSituation 2BWhat39s the matter wi

帮忙写几个口语对话3分钟左右十分感谢Situation 1A and B are talking aout their favorite jos A would like to e an international correspondent47photographer47news anchor47editor since it is a glamorous jo But B prefers to e a weased movie critic47cartoonist which can make him47her like a SOHO They finally wish each other have their dreams come trueSituation 2A worries aout his47her term paper and a test and mentions ways of cheating such as asking B to write a term paper for him47her downloading articles from the internet preparing a cheatsheet B promises to help ut warns against any forms of cheating and finally A promises to study hard Situation 3A and B are talking aout entertainment news They have different ideas on some points such as news sources eing trustworthy or not influence etcSituation 4Before A goes to an interview B advises A to pay attention to his47her appearance hair and dress and manner polite ut firm B also advises A to tell aout his47her work experience in a law firm and his47her character logical reasoning and honesty to ask aout the jo requirements and to learn the usual salary for a new hand efore answering the interviewer’s question aout the salary he47she expects Situation 5A dreams to ecome rich and thinks getting rich is the only goal of life But B holds the different view he47she thinks there are still other meaningful things in one’s life They also talk aout how to make their daydreams come trueSituation 6 A young couple are discussing whose parents they shall have dinner with on the Eve of the Spring Festival an occasion for family reunions The wife wants to e with her parents ecause one of them is sick while the husand ojects that they already had the dinner with her parents last year Finally they decide to invite oth parents to a restaurant near them and visit them on the Spring Festival DaySituation 7A and B are looking for a place to live together as roommates They are discussing some important points to consider such as rent traffic shopping convenience safety etc Situation 8A the mother welcomes B her son an assistant engineer home after he has een working in another town for a year Seeing him smell of alcohol and smoke she asks what has happened to him asks him to stop and warns him of various dangers Actually the son got hooked on liquor and cigarettes during lonely night shifts gradually he drank more and more and now he lacks the willpower to stop His is not worried aout the dangers he says many alcoholics are still alive But finally he promises to try his est to stop


I support the statement that automoile has caused serious prolems While automoile has rought us many conveniences it surely has rought us many undesirale consequences of which three can e singled out traffic congestion air pollution and highway accidentsAutomoiles have

要求下oral reportsome people think that the automoile has improved moden life Others think that the automoile has caused serious prolemWhat is your opinion Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer


Our company deal in coffee machine import from Italyand various of coffee ean retailer pricepromotion pricelongterm promotion pricesample priceTerminal Prices 这是你以上需要的翻译 。 在展会的时候可以拿一些宣传册有客户来询盘给他一个册子然后问what can I do for you 他

我们公司做意大利进口咖啡机、还有各种咖啡豆的过两天公司在浦东国际展览中心有个展会但是我英文不行正在学习中展会中会用到些什么交流方面的英文都给我说一下加上翻译哦谢谢 还有批发价英文促俏价英文、长期促销英文、样机价英文、终端价英文谢谢高手啦


英语和舞蹈。你将有一个很忙碌的假期 。向你的朋友雷雷讨论如何合理分配你的作息时间。 情景8你在大学校园碰到一个大一新生。她想去图书馆请告诉她去图书馆的路线。 情景9你碰到了一个老朋友热情的聊了起来而你必须在银行下班之前赶去告诉她愿意后离开。 情景10你被

口语练习2个人对话回答好的加200分 Situation1 your friend has just graduated and is aout to move another city you ask the way to hisher housegive himher a presentand offer to help whit the ags Situation2 You have told that one of your friends is moving this weekend Now you happen to meet himher on the way You offer to help ut heshe has got some other people to help Answer Situation3 After class you see one of your classmates looks very You ask aout hisher health conditions and give some advice Situation4 One of your friends wants to apply for a jo Heshe needs some advice from you Give himher some suggestions for the interview Situation5 You’ve lost your way in a city and are very worried in the street A man offers to help you and you thank him for his help Situation6 You have ought a ig sofa and cannot move it upstairs You neighor offers to help you You explain why you ought it thanking him for his help Situation7 You plan to study computers English and dancing over the coming summer holiday So you are going to have a very usy holiday Talk with your friend Lei lei aout how to make good use of your time Situation8 You meet a firstyear college student on the campus She wants to go to the lirary Please tell her the way Situation9 You met an old friend and had a friendly talk You have to go to the ank efore it closes Tell the reason and take your leave Situation10 You are invited to a friend’s home for dinner You have to leave early ecause you have an important meeting Express your thanks to the friend and take yous leave Situation11 You have een invited to a dinner party at your friend’s house ut you cannot go there Apologize to himher and explain why Situation12 You want to orrow a pen from a stranger in the lirary ecause your pen has run out of ink


我觉得纠正发音的话第一步要做的就是把音标弄好了。我觉得这个真的很必要。48个音标读不准的人肯定口语发音准不了。所以在吧音标发好的基础上多听原音例如买本电影选段的碟片配书的那种不听的模仿我上高中时候这样做过一年真的有很大的进步 这些达到了就开始你自己

本人大学已经毕业由于工作的需要急需提高英语口语但是我一直以来英语口语就是很不好。发音不是很准有哪位专业人士可告知如何提高英语口语、学习方法或者有什么好的提高口语的网站 。谢谢


201 He has a large income 他有很高的收入。 202 He looks very healthy 他看来很健康  。 203 He paused for a reply 他停下来等着·回答。 204 He repaired his house 他修理了他的房子。 205 He suggested a picnic 他建议搞一次野餐。 206 Heres a gift for you 这里有个礼物送给


可以回个see ya也可以不回。 。他那就是表示那就这样吧

我在Faceook 上和外国人聊天到最后我说我去睡觉了他说好的下次你想聊天在找我然后我说OK然后他来一句啊alright than这是什么意思我还要回话不


