





National Defense Science and Industry on the 8th bureau told Xinhua that is continuing to carry out in-orbit test of the Chang'e I satellite will be implemented... National Defense Science and Industry on the 8th bureau told Xinhua that is continuing to carry out in-orbit test of the Chang'e I satellite will be implemented... Defense Science and Industry on the 8th bureau told Xinhua that is continuing to carry out in-orbit test of the Chang'e I satellite will be implemented...

make .a popular topic again变主动也好啊 随着bla bla, sth 再次成为热门话题with~~ sth becomes a popular topic again make .a popular topic again变主动也好啊 随着bla bla, sth 再次成为热门话题with~~ sth becomes a popular topic again

热点的英文: 一、hotspot 英 ['hɒtspɒt] 美 ['hɒtspɒt] 热点,热区 1、At present, the system construction and value for enterprise agility is in hotspo... 热点的英文: 一 、hotspot 英 ['hɒtspɒt] 美 ['hɒtspɒt] 热点,热区 1、At present, the system construction and value for enterprise agility is in hotspo...

CMCC和CMCC-EDU 传统WLAN连接方法: 1、打开WIFI 2、搜寻热点 3、选择CMCC或CMCC-EDU热点连接 4、打开浏览器,进入中国移动WLAN认证页面,输入用户名密码登录 移动WiFi通(... CMCC和CMCC-EDU 传统WLAN连接方法: 1、打开WIFI 2 、搜寻热点 3 、选择CMCC或CMCC-EDU热点连接 4、打开浏览器,进入中国移动WLAN认证页面,输入用户名密码登录 移动WiFi通(... 传统WLAN连接方法: 1、打开WIFI 2、搜寻热点 3、选择CMCC或CMCC-EDU热点连接 4、打开浏览器,进入中国移动WLAN认证页面,输入用户名密码登录 移动WiFi通(原随e行)接入方法....

grapevine n.小道消息gutter n.中缝hardnews 硬新闻,纯消息headline n.新闻标题,内容提要hearsay n.小道消息highlights n.要闻hotnews 热点新闻hum... 1. flame [flem] n. 火焰 2. ash [] n. 灰烬 3. burn [b:n] v. 燃烧 4. consume [knsju:m] v. 烧毁,毁灭 5. authority [:θrti] n. 当局;官方 6. emergency worker 应急人... 2. ash [] n. 灰烬 3. burn [b:n] v. 燃烧 4. consume [knsju:m] v. 烧毁,毁灭 5. authority [:θrti] n. 当局;官方 6. emergency worker 应急人员 7. site [sat] n. 现场... 3. b...

您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.原句:travel spotlight翻译:旅游胜地 ;旅游热点百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译. 您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.原句:travel spotlight翻译:旅游胜地 ;旅游热点百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.

【热点】rè diǎn指某时期引人注目的地方或问题:古都西安成为旅游的~.《现代汉语词典》(第五版),中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室编,商务印书馆.是翻阅后得到的. 【热点】rè diǎn指某时期引人注目的地方或问题:古都西安成为旅游的~.《现代汉语词典》(第五版),中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室编,商务印书馆.是翻阅后得到的.

不能翻译 热点(hot spot)指的是比较受广大群众关注,或者欢迎的新闻或者信息,或指某时期引人注目的地方或问题。如“社会热点”、“绵山成为旅游的热点”等。 根据抖音算... 不能翻译 热点(hot spot)指的是比较受广大群众关注,或者欢迎的新闻或者信息,或指某时期引人注目的地方或问题。如“社会热点”、“绵山成为旅游的热点”等。 根据抖音算... 热点(hot spot)指的是比较受广大群众关注,或者欢迎的新闻或者信息,或指某时期引人注目的地方或问题。如“社会热点”、“绵山成为旅游的热点”等。 根据抖音算法推测,... ...

People have always focused their eyes on economy since this year

热点,英文为 hot spot,有以下五个含义: 1. 网页中的相关关键词内嵌的链接,也叫做热点。 2. 通过高速线路将因特网接入人员较密集的场所,由于该地区所发射出的电波可以... 热点,英文为 hot spot,有以下五个含义: 1. 网页中的相关关键词内嵌的链接,也叫做热点。 2. 通过高速线路将因特网接入人员较密集的场所,由于该地区所发射出的电波可以...

这成了他们家的热门话题 英语翻译

这成了他们家的热门话题 It has ecome the spotlight in his family It has een a heated topic in his family

上网是中学生的热门话题 英文翻译

It is a hot topic that middle school students surfing the Internetstudents in class 3 grade 8 hold a discussion on surfing the Internet。

上网是中学生的热门话题 八年级三班的同学们就中学生上网举行了一次讨论。


Persistence 32 Do you think what is your most difficult part when you learn English Memorizing words in Chinese environment I have few opportunities to practice English to strengthen my vocaulary 33 Can you descrie the importance of selfconfidence Can you give some examples

25Have you ever cheated on exams or thought of cheating on exams What are the reasons 26 What is intelligence Does a high score in an intelligence test mean one is intelligent 27What kind of feeling do you have when you are praised How do you feel when you are lamed 28 If a foreigner comes to visit our university how do you make a rief introduction of our campus to him or her 29 Your friends ask you to go to see a film this evening You dont want to go as you have a lot of homework to do What do you say to them 30 What is your idea of a qualified teacher 31 What are the essential qualities to success 32 Do you think what is your most difficult part when you learn English 33 Can you descrie the importance of selfconfidence Can you give some examples or tell your own experience aout it 34 What do you think a young person can learn from an old man 35 Do you think who are more important old friends or new friends What’s the most important among friends 36 Do you have any idea of the greenhouse effect 37 What’s your feeling aout the earthquake in Wenchuang 38 When an earthquake comeswhat should we do to protect ourselves 39 Discuss a person you respect or admire And why 40 What can we do to uild up a healthy environment 41 My view on opportunity and challenge 42 Discuss the difference etween college life and middle school life 43 Do you want to find a jo you are interested in or a wellpaid one You’re free to talk aout your future jos 44 What kind of TV programs do you like est You are required to make a conversation aout one of your favorite TV programs you have watched recently 45 How do you define “Happiness” 46 Have you ever taken part in a certain elective course How is it going on Why did you choose it Do you enefit a lot from it 47 What kind of physical challenges do you enjoy est Descrie the excitement of that activity And how aout mental challenges Reference words mountaineering skating car racing chess games marketing etc 48 What’s your own way of spending twoday weekend Anything special You are welcome to name some advisale choices for our weekend 49 What is your favorate holiday referance Spring Festival Moon’s DayThanksgiving Day EasterChristmasetc 50 Do you love traveling What places of interest have you ever een to Please share your traveling experiences with your partner and tell him or her what you learn from it


1某同学来你的家乡旅游。为他介绍日程安排和对家乡的介绍。 2学校生活介绍。3帮助某人解决生活学习上的问题。


可以问关于以前的经历的话题 个人的喜好 旅游方面 whats your favorite color whats your favorite numer where did you go on your last vacation how did you get there what did you you see

英文老师让我准备一个话题让我关于这个话题问她一些问题她也会问我一些问题还有一些讨论。当然全部用英语。 我准备哪些方面的话题比较好该问哪些问题嘿嘿我懒请大家帮忙。


不太清楚 不过还是推荐经济科学出版社一本书 陈小慰主编PASS BEC中高级的口试手册 里面商务英语话题可不止42个很好滴



时尚问题比如手机数码的发展。 国际问题中国和欧美等发达国家的问题。 中国经济问题就业问题教育问题发展问题。等等。


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